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Hair Care

Aug 17, 2022

Hair Loss: Causes, Treatments And Prevention

Table Of Content 

  • About Hair Loss
  • Stages of Hair Growth
  • Reasons for Hair Loss
  • Hair Regrowth Treatment Options
  • Kaya’s Hair Regrowth Treatment
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs About Hair Loss Treatment

About Hair Loss

Losing hair is part of a normal cycle of growth and replacement. Hair follicles go through the growth and resting cycle in a non-synchronized way. Genetics is the most common cause of hair loss among both, men and women. In fact, heredity accounts for 95% of all the cases of alopecia (baldness). The remaining 5% of the cases can depend on a number other factors like diet, stress, illness, medications and more.

The most known cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns — a receding hairline and bald spots in men and thinning hair in women. It's called androgenetic alopecia. It is caused by DHT, a by-product of testosterone.

The size reduction of hair follicles is one of the known common causes of hair loss amongst both men and women. Simply meaning, the anagen stage of hair growth gets shorter, and the resting (telogen) stage gets longer. Thus, resulting in thin, extremely short hair while also leaving many follicles empty of hair shafts.

This pattern of hair loss is common only in the front and on top because that's where hormone-sensitive follicles live. The follicles on the sides and back of the head aren't affected by DHT and usually stay healthy.

Stages of Hair Growth


At this stage i.e. the growth phase, hair grows about half an inch per month. This phase usually lasts between 2 and 8 years. The process of hair starts when the follicle stem cells begin their work. Thereafter, the dermal papilla, the permanent part of the follicle, stimulates the hair matrix cells making them grow wildly and become pigmented. This creates a new hair shaft. 90% of hair cells are in this phase of growth during a given time.


The Exogen stage represents the period from when a resting hair reaches its terminal position in the follicle to when it finally detaches. The resting hair is gradually loosened resulting in the shedding of the hair.

Anagen finished

The new hair extends beyond the surface of the skin and keeps growing. The hair shaft fully matures.


At the end of the growth period, hair follicles prepare themselves for a resting phase. This transition period of a hair follicle from growth to rest is called the catagen stage. The catagen stage lasts about 1 to 2 weeks or so. During this phase the deeper portions of the hair follicles start to collapse.


The resting stage when hair regrowth stops temporarily. This resting stage can last up to five months. The hair is shed at the end of this period. If the follicle is healthy, a new shaft begins to grow and the cycle begins again.

Reasons for Hair Loss

When it comes to finding reasons about why an individual loses his or her hair, there are plenty of reasons that are available.

  • Excessive Stress/ Hormonal Changes: People can have hair fall due to excessive stress as well pollution. There are people who lose hair because of hormonal changes and other hereditary problems.
  • Drug medications, lack/excess of vitamins or minerals: They sometimes causes hair loss. Drugs used to treat high blood pressure, heart problems, depression, or gout; chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer patients; unusually high levels of vitamin A or low levels of iron or protein; for women, birth control pills can cause hair loss.
  • Diseases/Infection: Thyroid disease severe infection, or flu; fungus infections such as ringworm of the scalp can also result in hair loss.
  • Childbirth: For women, childbirth may cause temporary hair loss due to the changes that take place in the body. In some cases, adults or children may have a condition known as trichotillomania, in which there is a compulsion to pull out scalp hair, eyebrow hair, or eyelashes.
  • Telogen Effluvium: It is a common type of diffused hair loss among women. With telogen effluvium, thinning hair or hair shedding is caused when majority of scalp hair are shifted into the Telogen phase of the hair growth cycle. This means that more hair is in the resting stage than usual, and fewer hair follicles are available to grow new hair in the Anagen phase. This slows down the hair growth cycle and results in a gradual shedding of hair.
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia: Chemotherapy is thought to cause hair loss by attacking rapidly diving cells in the body, including the dividing hair matrix cells, one of the fastest growing cell populations in the human body. It most commonly affects the scalp, although armpit and pubic hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes may also be lost. Chemotherapy forces growing follicles into the catagen stage. The hair shaft doesn't develop properly, so the hair breaks and falls out. The cause of hair loss associated with molecularly targeted agents has not been thoroughly investigated. Eventually, when chemotherapy is over, the follicles regenerate. Healthy, new hair regrows eventually. Though in the short term, chemotherapy causes near total hair loss.
  • Alopecia Areata: It is an autoimmune disease where sometimes a person's immune system attacks the cells of the growing hair bulb. The exact cause of alopecia areata isn’t known. However, it most often occurs in people who have a family history of other autoimmune disorders, such as type 1 diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis. Just as in chemotherapy, hair follicles are forced into the catagen phase. Hair breaks and falls out, usually in patches scattered across the scalp.Sometimes the immune system attacks only the hair bulb. In this case, the hair follicles regenerate when the immune system is brought under control.Alopecia areata is not related to a more serious condition known as cicatricle alopecia, in which the immune system attacks the stem cells in the bulge of the follicle. This results in permanent hair loss.

Hair Regrowth Treatment Options

Male/Female Pattern Baldness

Rogaine (topical minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride) are the only FDA approved drugs to treat pattern baldness (hair loss resulting from hereditary causes).

Rogaine: Rogaine a topical solution, is applied directly by rubbing it onto the scalp where hair regrowth is desired. The minoxidil promotes blood flow to the hair follicles and increases both the size of the follicles and the diameter of the hair shaft. This stimulates hair regrowth and prolongs that growth. Follicles that had, over time, become shrunken and were therefore producing finer hairs should then become larger and subsequently produce thicker hair.

Only about 10% to 14% of the people who try this lotion experience hair regrowth. However, Rogaine lotion can help to slow hair loss.

Propecia: Propecia is the first pill that can treat male pattern hair loss. It is a prescription based product and thus, should be given under a doctor's care. For effective, maintained and sustained results, the treatment should not be discontinued.

Permanent Hair Loss: Permanent hair loss can also be treated by hair replacement procedures, such as hair transplantation methods namely micro-grafting, slit grafting, punch grafting and also by scalp reduction. The type of hair loss as well as the patient's circumstances and desires determine which hair replacement procedures are most suitable.

1. Stem cell therapy:

Human hair grows out of follicles present on the scalp. Damaged or dead follicles prevent new hair from growing. Stem cells help to stimulate these cells. They help in growing new follicles when transplanted onto the scalp.

Scaffolding which is enriched with stem cells also has a requisite growth factor. It is injected onto the scalp, which makes the hair follicles orient themselves, and develop in the right direction. It helps promote hair growth and fight baldness.

While aging, the follicles tend to shrink and stop responding to the chemical signals given to it. Thus hindering the process of hair regrowth. The follicle stem cell sends off chemical signals to the shrunken follicles. This, in turn, helps in regenerating and growing healthy hair.

A revolutionary hair loss treatment for hair regrowth, the stem cell therapy encourages new hair growth within 3 to 4 months of therapy. Unlike other hair fall treatments, it is absolutely safe and effective procedure for both, men and women.

Stem Cell therapy for Hair Regrowth is an advanced, non-surgical procedure to regrow hair follicles that results in healthy hair growth. These stem cells are capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity - thus helping in stimulation of long dead hair follicles in areas of baldness.

2. Intensive Hair Root Therapy for Hair Regrowth

There can be multiple reasons and conditions under which hair loss can be experienced. Lack of vitamins, minerals or iron in the body, age, pollution, heredity, stress, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance and illness are some of the many. Hair treatment therefore becomes imperative to get the hair back to its normal health.

Intensive Hair Root Therapy is one of the efficient ways of treating hair loss in men as well as women. This hair treatment checks hair loss and allows hair to grow by supplying vital nutrients directly to the root of the hair. These vital nutrients are FDA approved and comprise natural plant extracts and vitamins that stimulate hair regrowth. The nutrients are delivered to the hair roots through microinjections that are relatively painless.

Known to be a proven effective solution, this hair treatment has helped patients experience positive results within 2-3 months of starting the procedure.

3. PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is concentrated blood plasma that contains approximately 3 to 5 times the number of platelets found in normal circulating blood. In addition, it contains platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth factor (TGF) and other bioactive proteins that aid in wound healing and possibly hair growth.PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy is an advanced, non-surgical, therapeutic procedure to treat hair loss conditions amongst patients with requirements of hair growth stimulation.

The medical community through recent scientific research and technology found new understandings of wound and tissue healing. Through these scientific studies, they defined PRP as an all-natural autologous (derived from the patients own blood) medical procedure performed in physicians’ offices for scalp, skin, and hair stimulation.

Simultaneously, literature on the success of PRP is being published through multiple studies and research. The hair restoration community though still remains cautious about making claims for hair restoration using PRP, exclusively.

4. Hair Nutri Infusion Therapy

Under this technique charged ions are used to deliver a nutrient cocktail through the skin. This cocktail delivers vital nutrients that go beneath the skin and help prevent hair breakage and hair loss. It also involves following a Nutraceuticals and Balanced Diet, meaning a nutrition-led approach using nutritional supplements to nurture and protect fragile hair follicles. Nutraceuticals must always be used in conjunction with an optimal diet.

5. Laser Hair Treatment

The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: growth (anagen phase), resting (telogen phase) and shedding (catagen phase). Hair loss in androgenetic alopecia depends on a testosterone derivative in the skin, dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Laser Treatment is believed to increase blood flow in the scalp and stimulate metabolism in catagen or telogen follicles, resulting in the production of anagen hair.

Laser Treatment is a safe form of light/heat treatment under investigation for a variety of health indications. It is being used to treat the genetic forms of hair loss common in men and women, androgenetic alopecia or pattern balding.

Laser treatment is also called red light therapy, cold laser, soft laser, biostimulation and photobiomodulation.

During the process, the photons of light act on cytochrome C oxidase leading to the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This is converted to cyclic AMP in the hair follicle cells, releasing energy and stimulating metabolic processes necessary for hair growth. The release of nitric oxide from cells leads to increased vascularisation to the scalp distributing nutrients and oxygen to the hair roots. Thus, preventing excessive build-up of DHT.

6. Hair Transplant

Hair loss problems can be caused due to several different reasons. While the process is curable and reversible in many cases, there are instances when new hair growth refuses to grow due to permanent damage to follicles and the scalp. These are the situations when Hair Transplant comes to the rescue.

Due to modern technology, hair transplant surgery has made hair restoration possible. But, before you opt for hair transplant one must know which hair transplant treatment is the most suitable for them. There are lot of different hair transplant surgeries being offered by various different clinics and doctors.

3 Types of Hair Transplant:

1. Scalp Reduction: Scalp reduction is one of the earliest hair transplantation methods. During this process, scalp form the balding area is surgically removed. Most of the time, the area removed is from the crown or the top of the head. Post removal, the scalp area that bears hair is stretched over to cover and replace the patch that has been removed.

The process is suitable mainly for people who have good quantity of hair on the back and sides of the scalp. Today though, scalp reduction is not often used due to the more advanced FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures.

2. Follicular Unit of Hair Transplantation: FUT stands for Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation are takes place through an intrusive medium. Follicular units are hair groupings as they occur naturally on the scalp and typically contain 1, 2, 3 or 4 hairs. It begins with the doctor cutting a strip of tissue from the scalp, before cutting it into thousands of follicular units. These units are then strategically placed around the head, after the doctor has created holes with recipient sites around the affected, bald areas. By means of the removal of a thin strip of scalp from the back of the patient’s head, hair follicles are taken from a donor area which is not susceptible to balding and dissected into individual grafts. They are then transplanted to the balding area of the scalp. As one can probably assume from the above, FUT is a very complicated technique although has the potential for some very fulfilling results.

3. Follicular Unit Extraction: The other method is the FUE method of hair transplantation Follicular Unit Extraction. It involves taking the individual Follicular Unit grafts from the back of the head one by one by cutting around it through a tiny specialized instrument or robotic machine and removing the hair follicles. The process can be tedious and will takes a few hours but is painless after a few numbing injections are given. Once removed from the donor area, the follicular unit is then transplanted.

Kaya’s Hair Regrowth Treatment

No more hair fall heart breaks! The Kaya Hair Revive and Fortify therapy deeply strengthens hair root, fibre and scalp to prevent breakage, restoring your most precious jewel, your crowning glory to its healthiest best.The therapy starts with a deep cleansing and nourishing of scalp and hair shaft, providing anti-oxidant and keratin smoothening benefits. This is followed by an application to control scalp ageing and strengthen the hair root. Hair roots are stimulated to improve blood circulation. Deeper thermal penetration and hydration ensures complete nourishment of the scalp, root and hair shaft.Protect and enhance the strength and youthfulness of your hair! Experience the Kaya Hair Revive and Fortify therapy!


In conclusion, understanding the various causes and stages of hair loss is essential for effectively addressing this common concern. Whether it's hereditary factors, hormonal changes, or external influences like stress and medication, there are numerous treatment options available, ranging from natural remedies to FDA-approved medications and advanced procedures like stem cell therapy and hair transplants. Kaya's Hair Revive and Fortify therapy offers a comprehensive solution, strengthening the hair root, fiber, and scalp to prevent breakage and restore hair health. With the right approach and professional guidance, individuals can regain confidence and achieve healthy, beautiful hair despite experiencing hair loss.

FAQs About Hair Loss Treatment

Q1. What are the common causes of hair loss?
Hair loss can be caused by various factors including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, illness, medications, and nutritional deficiencies.

Q2. Are there any natural remedies to prevent hair loss?
A2. Yes, there are several natural remedies that can help prevent hair loss such as tea tree oil, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and stem cell therapy. These remedies can nourish the scalp, stimulate hair follicles, and promote hair growth.

Q3. What are the FDA-approved medications for treating pattern baldness?
A3. The FDA-approved medications for treating pattern baldness include Rogaine (topical minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride). These medications help stimulate hair regrowth and prevent further hair loss in individuals with hereditary hair loss.

Q4. What are the different hair transplant procedures available for permanent hair loss?
A4. There are several hair transplant procedures available for permanent hair loss, including scalp reduction, follicular unit transplantation (FUT), and follicular unit extraction (FUE). These procedures involve transplanting hair follicles from the donor area to the balding areas of the scalp.

Q5. How effective is Kaya's Hair Revive and Fortify therapy in preventing hair loss?
A5. Kaya's Hair Revive and Fortify therapy is designed to deeply strengthen the hair root, fiber, and scalp to prevent breakage and restore hair to its healthiest state. The therapy includes deep cleansing, nourishment of the scalp and hair shaft, antioxidant benefits, and stimulation of hair roots to improve blood circulation. It aims to protect and enhance the strength and youthfulness of hair, providing a comprehensive solution for hair loss.

Aug 17, 2022

Underarm Hair Removal: Methods and Tips

Table Of Content 

  • Overview
  • Artificial Underarm Hair Removal Methods
  • Home Remedies to Remove Underarm/Armpit Hair
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Underarm Hair Removal


Long, shiny, bouncy are some of the adverbs women want people to describe their beautiful tresses as, the tresses that adorn and are the crown of their head. Women take various measures to maintain them and help them grow. But when it comes to body hair, women’s opinion exactly contradicts the one they have about hair on the head; they want to get rid of body hair. It is important to understand that the main function of body hair is to cover and act as a cushion for sensitive body parts against the external damages. So, having hair in different parts of the body is beneficial. But for many people, especially women, body hair tends to affect their looks and aesthetic wellbeing and therefore opting to remove them permanently is the best solution. The usual issues faced, especially by women, are about facial and armpit hair and fittingly there are different techniques through which they can be permanently removed at salons. However, hair removal, especially on the underarms can be performed at home. Doing so at home is not just cost effective, but natural and more importantly, safe.

Artificial Underarm Hair Removal Methods

There are quite a ways to remove underarm hair for women. While some of the techniques are not painful, they do not give the desired result. Similarly, some techniques can hurt but provide long lasting results. Few of the usual techniques for underarm hair removal are:

Shaving Underarm Hair

Underarm hair removal by Shaving

  • Benefits: The most common thought for any gender when it comes to removing body hair is shaving. It is the easiest, most readily available and the most cost effective way of removing armpit hair. Shaving is a quick process with a person needing a good razor and a good quality, no side-effect causing cream.

  • Drawback: The short-hand of shaving is that it will not give long lasting effects and may result in causing rashes and cuts on the armpit area, sometimes leading to itchiness and burning sensations. However, if shaving is combined with other products available at the stores, it can provide longer relief from underarm hair.


  • Benefits: Tweezing has its advantages and disadvantages when compared to shaving. The positive being that tweezing gives a more long-lasting effect than shaving with the effect lasting for 4-5 days than the 2-3 days when you shave the underarm.
  • Drawback: However, tweezing can be very painful as it involves plucking of hair and the underarm being a sensitive area, it can cause discomfort. Tweezing is a better option when it comes to removing facial hair.

Underarm Waxing

Underarm Hair removal by Waxing

  • Benefits: Waxing is a method that results in semi-permanent effect when removing hair i.e. it removes hair for up to three weeks. This requires the use of hot wax at the desired body areas. The hot wax is applied with the help of a cloth, which is then removed by pulling in the opposite direction of the hair growth direction in a swift motion. 
  • Drawback: Though effective, waxing can be a painful experience.


  • Benefits: It is an electronic device that removes body hair by holding onto it and pulling it out. It is easy to operate and causes less pain while removing body hair. However, epilators might not work well on all skin types and may end up darkening the skin.
  • Drawback: Make sure your armpit hair is not too long as it can cause the device to get tangled and make the experience hurtful. While all these are the artificial methods are effective in their own ways, there are several homemade methods for underarm hair removal which are equally and more effective, both performance and cost wise. Some of these useful and thoughtful home remedies are mentioned below.

Home Remedies to Remove Underarm/Armpit Hair

Using Turmeric Paste

Turmeric paste for Underarm Hair Removal

Turmeric has been boon for the mankind for its medicinal value but not many people know that it was one of the ancient ways of body hair removal. This is a totally painless and a long lasting method.


  • Half cup turmeric powder
  • Rosewater
  • Warm water
  • Dry towel


  • Make a thick turmeric paste using turmeric and rose water
  • Stir the paste well and apply on the underarm hair
  • Once applied leave it to settle for half an hour
  • Wash the paste with the towel soaked in warm water
  • Softly rub the area dry and repeat the process to remove underarm hair

Using Homemade Sugar Wax

Sugar Wax for Underarm Hair Removal

One of the natural remedies for permanent hair removal is the use of sugar wax. This is not only cost effective but also provides long-lasting effects. Sugar wax can be made at home with just 3 cups sugar, half-cup water, and ¼ cup of lemon juice.


  • Put sugar in a pre-heated pan and add water to it
  • Stir it well to mix and cook till the sugar totally dissolves and leaves a brown caramel color substance
  • Pour lemon juice to the mixture and stir it till it becomes a waxy solution. This can take around 20 mins
  • Put the wax into a heat resistant bowl and allow it to cool down


  • Wash the body area with warm water and rub it dry with a towel.
  • Put the wax on the body area and spread it with a spatula
  • Place a waxing strip on the applied wax and press it well
  • Remove the strip with a quick jerk in the opposite direction of hair
  • Put moisturizer on the waxed area for soothing and calming any inflammation or pain

Using Honey Lemon Mixture for Underarm Hair Removal

Honey and Lemon Mixture for Underarm Hair removal

Honey and lemon both have been the source of physical treatment even though they aren’t as popular with regards to hair removal. Honey, if applied regularly, is a useful resource for hair removal.


  • 3 tablespoon honey
  • 3 drops lemon juice
  • Warm water
  • Dry towel


  • To begin with, mix honey and lemon juice together and stir well
  • Apply the mixture on the underarm area and leave it on for 15-20mins
  • Wash it with a towel soaked in warm water or rinse it off with warm water
  • Softly rub the area dry. This treatment is to be repeated for 2-3 times a week for 4 weeks for permanent hair removal.

Using Corn Flour & Egg Paste

It is a wonderful experience to know that our kitchen is full of remedies for various issues. In this case, corn flour and egg paste is a painless process to remove underarm hair. Although it is a time consuming process and requires multiple application.


  • An egg
  • ½ teaspoon corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon sugar

All the above ingredients are to be added and mixed thoroughly to make a paste


  • Paste needs to be applied on the underarm hair area
  • Let it settle and dry
  • Once dried, peel off the dried up paste
  • This process is to be repeated every week for permanent underarm hair removal

Using Lentil and Potato

This is an effective treatment of removing body hair in India since ages. The potato contains special properties that help to dry out your skin and hair follicles, and mixing it with the dried lentils makes it easier for the hair to be pulled out.


  • 1 potato
  • 1 bowl of dried yellow lentils
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 lemon


  • Soak lentil in water overnight to easily crush later
  • Crush the potato and squeeze its juice in a bowl
  • Mix potato juice with crushed lentil
  • Apply mixture and keep on for 20 minutes
  • Wipe the paste off

Using Basil and Onion Paste

Did you know that onion not only makes your dishes delicious but also can help remove unwanted hair when combined with basil? All you have to do is a little practice to discover the slight transparent films that lie between the layers of an onion.


  • Basil leaves- 10-12
  • Onions- 2


  • Take out the flimsy transparent layers from between the onion layers
  • Now squash the basil leaves alongside the onion films to get a glue
  • Apply this glue on your unwanted hair
  • Leave for 15-20 minutes
  • Wash off with water
  • Repeat this 3-4 times each week for a month or two to uproot your unwanted hair

Above-mentioned techniques are mostly painless and cost effective. Though time consuming, they have a long-lasting effect in removing underarm body hair. It is important to clean underarm hair regularly to maintain physical hygiene and avoid body odour issues, as armpits are one of the major sources of body odour since they are dense and absorb more sweat.

Clinical Importance of Underarm Hair Removal

Armpit hair is also known as axillary hair and enables more sweat through the axillary gland compared to the other body areas. More sweat results in stronger bacterial influence that produces strong body odour. However, if the armpit has less hair it would enable less sweat and hence lesser bacteria. Moreover, if the armpit hair are not removed or cleaned, it can cause the following ailments:

  • Axillary Intertrigo: Skin inflammation caused by moisture, heat and friction is known as intertrigo. Excessive underarm hair is a dense source of sweat and the moisture can result in the growth of pathogenic bacteria, fungi and yeasts
  • Rashes & Burning Sensation: More hair results in friction which generates heat which can cause rashes and burning sensation
  • Breast Cancer: Armpit is home to lymphatic nodes and breast cancer is mainly spread through lymphatic vessels to lymphatic nodes

Underarm Hair Removal at Kaya

Underarm hair may seem to be a harmless affair but it can cause quite a few irritations if persisted with. While there are many natural and DIY processes for underarm hair removal, we at Kaya can help you get rid of your body hair issues on a permanent basis. At Kaya, we use US FDA approved Nd-YAG laser that’s really safe for the Indian skin. Laser hair removal* will help in saying permanent goodbyes to your body hair worries. Kaya Hair Free Gentle Touch finds out the type of hair you have and on the basis of that hair removal treatment is customized to give you a painless and long lasting resolution.


In the quest for smooth, hair-free underarms, there are various methods available, ranging from traditional shaving to modern laser treatments. While each method has its pros and cons, it's essential to choose one that suits your needs and preferences. Remember to prioritize safety and effectiveness when selecting a hair removal technique. Whether opting for natural remedies at home or seeking professional assistance, maintaining underarm hygiene is crucial for overall well-being and confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions About Underarm Hair Removal

Q1. Is underarm hair removal painful?
The level of discomfort varies depending on the method chosen. While shaving and tweezing can be uncomfortable, waxing and laser treatments may cause temporary pain but offer longer-lasting results.

Q2. Are there any risks associated with underarm hair removal?
Yes, certain methods like shaving and waxing can lead to skin irritation, cuts, or ingrown hairs. Laser treatments, if not performed correctly, may cause skin discoloration or burns.

Q3. How long do the results of underarm hair removal last?
A3. The duration of results varies with each method. Shaving provides temporary relief lasting a few days, while waxing and tweezing offer longer-lasting results for several weeks. Laser treatments offer semi-permanent to permanent reduction in hair growth.

Q4. Can underarm hair removal treatments be performed at home?
A4. Yes, there are several DIY methods available, such as shaving, tweezing, and using homemade wax or paste. However, for more permanent results and safety, professional treatments like laser hair removal are recommended.

Q5. Is laser hair removal safe for all skin types?
A5. Laser hair removal is generally safe for most skin types, including Indian skin. However, it's essential to consult with a qualified professional to determine the suitability of the treatment for your skin and to minimize any potential risks or side effects.

Aug 17, 2022

Hair Fall In Women: Causes, Home Remedies, Prevention

Table Of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Understanding Hair Fall in Women
  • Common Causes of Hair Fall in Women
  • Preventing Hair Fall Naturally
  • Effective Home Remedies for Hair Fall
  • Herbal Solutions and Supplements
  • Lifestyle Changes for Hair Health
  • Kaya Clinic’s Hair Fall Solutions for Women
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Fall In Women


Hair fall is an extremely common challenge faced by women of all ages. The excessive loss of hair can take a psychological toll and negatively impact self-esteem. While medical treatments are available, natural remedies provide a safe and accessible solution that can be easily incorporated into one's lifestyle. The use of home remedies and changes in diet and hair care habits can effectively treat hair fall while nurturing hair back to health. This article will explore the top natural solutions for managing hair loss in women.

Understanding Hair Fall in Women

  • Hair fall is a common complaint among women due to hormonal changes, stress, medications and other factors.
  • It can negatively impact self-image and psychological well-being when hair appears thin or sparse.
  • Seeing large amounts of hair falling out on a daily basis can be distressing and worrying.
  • Natural remedies are a safe, cost-effective solution that can often successfully treat hair fall gently over time.
  • Addressing the problem holistically through home remedies avoids harsh chemical treatments.

Common Causes of Hair Fall in Women

  • Stress severely impacts hair health and may cause sudden shedding of large amounts of hair.
  • Thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism disrupt hair growth cycles, leading to thinning and loss.
  • Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder causing patchy bald spots on the scalp or body.
  • Trichotillomania is an impulse control disorder characterized by compulsively pulling one's own hair out.
  • Medications like blood thinners, antidepressants, cholesterol controlling drugs, and chemotherapy medications may have hair loss as a side effect.
  • Hormonal fluctuations Pregnancy and post-pregnancy hormonal changes can trigger hair fall. The peri-menopause and menopause transition also leads to hair loss due to estrogen declines.

Preventing Hair Fall Naturally

  • Following a consistent daily hair care routine with gentle cleansing, conditioning, drying and styling habits.
  • Using stress management techniques like yoga, meditation, counseling, and sufficient sleep.
  • Making dietary changes to include protein, iron, zinc, vitamins A, C, and B complex.
  • Scalp massage with essential oils to increase blood circulation to hair follicles.
  • Getting adequate exercise and being active to improve blood flow in the body.
  • Quitting smoking to avoid buildup of toxins that can damage hair.

Effective Home Remedies for Hair Fall

1. Hair Oil Massage:

  • Oils like coconut, olive, and amla improve circulation and nourish strands.
  • Massaging the scalp for 10-15 minutes daily reduces stress and stimulates growth.

2. Fenugreek Paste:

  • Soak fenugreek seeds overnight and grind them to form a smooth, thick paste.
  • Apply paste on scalp and leave for 30 mins before washing out. Reapply 3-4 times per week.

3. Onion Juice:

  • Extract juice from onions and apply to scalp.
  • Leave for 30 mins before washing off. The sulfur promotes collagen production.

4. Beetroot:

  • Drink 1 glass of beetroot juice daily.
  • You can also massage beetroot juice into scalp and wash off after 30 mins.

5. Flax Seeds:

  • Consume 1-2 tsp ground flax seeds daily.
  • Combine with yogurt or water to apply on hair as a nourishing hair mask.

Herbal Solutions and Supplements

  • Herbal remedies like ginseng, rosemary essential oil, and gotu kola may improve circulation and blood flow to hair follicles.
  • Supplements like biotin, vitamin D, iron, and zinc support hair health, but dosage is key. Excess vitamin A can trigger hair loss.
  • Saw palmetto blocks DHT production, which causes pattern baldness, but more research is needed.
  • Consult a doctor before trying any herbal supplements to ensure safety and check if they interact with any medications you take.

Lifestyle Changes for Hair Health

  • Eat a nutritious diet with proteins, vitamins C, A, and B complex, iron, zinc, and omega fatty acids.
  • Drink adequate water and stay hydrated. Dehydration can cause hair to appear dull.
  • Reduce stress through yoga, meditation, counseling, or other techniques. High stress leads to hair fall.
  • Limit heat styling tools to avoid damage and breakage. Let hair air dry when possible.
  • Quit smoking, which contains toxins that can build up and impair hair growth.

Kaya Clinic’s Hair Fall Solutions for Women

  • Kaya Clinic offers customized professional treatment plans for hair fall developed by experts.
  • Options include Laser Hair Therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment, Hair Root Stimulation Treatment, Minoxidil-based Drugs, Hair Transplant, and more.
  • Kaya’s Intense Revival Hair Therapy is an anti-hair fall treatment that reduces shedding and improves hair volume.
  • Their experts will examine your scalp and hair to diagnose the causes of hair loss and design targeted treatment protocols.


  • Natural remedies along with lifestyle changes offer a holistic way to treat hair fall safely.
  • Oils, masks with ingredients like onion and fenugreek, scalp massage, and supplements can boost hair regrowth when used consistently over 2-4 months.
  • Identify and address the root causes like hormonal shifts, stress, diet, or medications along with using home remedies for best results.
  • Seek expert help from dermatologists if you have chronic hair loss that does not respond sufficiently to natural treatments.
  • With persistence and patience, natural methods can strengthen hair, reduce hair fall, and help you achieve lush, healthy locks.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Fall In Women

Q1: What are the common causes of hair fall in women?
A1: Hair fall in women can be caused by various factors such as stress, hormonal fluctuations, thyroid disorders, autoimmune conditions like alopecia areata, medications, and genetic predisposition.

Q2: How can I prevent hair fall naturally?
A2: You can prevent hair fall naturally by maintaining a healthy diet rich in nutrients, managing stress effectively through relaxation techniques, adopting a regular scalp massage routine, avoiding excessive heat styling, and staying hydrated.

Q3: Are home remedies effective for treating hair fall?
A3: Yes, home remedies can be effective in treating hair fall when used consistently over time. Natural ingredients like oils, fenugreek paste, onion juice, beetroot, and flax seeds can nourish the scalp and promote hair growth.

Q4: What lifestyle changes can help improve hair health?
A4: Lifestyle changes such as following a nutritious diet, staying hydrated, reducing stress levels, limiting heat styling, quitting smoking, and getting regular exercise can contribute to healthier hair.

Q5: How can Kaya Clinic help with hair fall in women?
A5: Kaya Clinic offers customized professional treatment plans for hair fall, including options like Laser Hair Therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment, Hair Root Stimulation Treatment, Minoxidil-based Drugs, Hair Transplant, and more. Their experts diagnose the causes of hair loss and design targeted treatment protocols for effective results.

Apr 12, 2022

Navigating New Normal: Safety and Precautions

It’s no secret that we’ve been living in very strange, uncertain times. This is probably also a sentence you’ve heard on repeat over the last 2 years (yeah, I know, even we can’t believe it’s been that long already *sigh*), accompanied by the words “new normal”, “social distancing”, “wear your mask”, “sanitise your hands”, and lest we forget the most different one of them all, “wash your hands to the count of the song ‘happy birthday’.”


We all remember when it first happened — we’re talking about none other than “he who shall not be named”. Just kidding, maybe if we took Covid’s name enough, just maybe, even he’d get tired of it.


It’s something none of us could ever imagine happening in our lifetime. It’s something none of us had ever experienced or known before — the confusion and hope, all at the same time, that it would go away soon *cough*, the franticness with which we would pull out the sanitiser everytime anything made its way home from the outside, the looks of horror shot our way if we accidentally and innocently sneezed/coughed in public, and really just how surreal the whole thing was.


Ah, the nostalgia. This is not to live in denial and say that we’re past the difficulties. The pandemic is still very real and out there. But one thing has changed for sure. We’re all better prepared this time. 


And at every Kaya skin clinic, we want to make the “new normal” feel like the “old normal” where we free you of all your worries by making your safety, along with that of our staff, our first priority.


The entire staff at every Kaya skin clinic is 100% certified on all safety procedures and leave no stone unturned when it comes to implementing and adhering to these measures. 


Let’s walk you through some of the 60+ WHO compliant safety protocols we follow diligently at each Kaya skin clinic: 



Pre-Booked Appointments and Client Self-Declaration 


At Kaya, we would only accept pre-booked, limited number of appointments given the current scenario, until the situation improved. We also encourage our clients to fill up a self-declaration form that provides us with necessary information on their health status to ensure everybody’s safety.


Socially Distant Seating in Every Lounge


While you wait for your appointment, we’re mindful that this needs to be a comfortable and safe space too. All seating arrangements are placed at a safe distance as per social distancing norms.


Temperature Checks 


Temperature monitoring is a routine check that we conduct for both, our clients and staff, so as to avoid putting anyone at risk.


UVC Sanitisation 


Each and every skin clinic, each and every room within the clinic is sanitised thoroughly using UVC radiation which is highly effective as a disinfecting agent. Rooms are also sanitised before and after every individual session.


SITRA Certified PPE Kits for Staff 


Our staff is geared with SITRA certified PPE kits to bring you a contactless and safe experience.


Disposable Clothing for Clients 


For our clients, hygiene and safety is guaranteed by offering fresh, clean clothing during service that is disposed off right after treatment.


Digitised Billing and Payment 


Gone are the days when we relied more on cash. All clinics are mandated to make your bills and method of payment digital to make this a contactless and seamless experience as well.



If we promise you a luxury skin clinic and overall service, then we’re also promising you the best of Kaya safety. While we slowly move into the beginning of the end - and yes, we will get there - we will continue to work together in making that a reality sooner rather than later.

Apr 12, 2022

Love Yourself and your skin in your own way | Kaya #MyLoveMyWay - Blog

Love is a strong word. A difficult word. A confusing word. A word that’s easier said than done. 


But it is also a compassionate word. A joyful word. An exhilarating word. And above all, a word that brings people closer together. 


For as long as the existence of time, we have made it a point to make everyone else’s business, our business. It’s almost as if humans were gifted with the instinct to sense when someone is about to make a choice that brings them happiness, and then make it their mission to “put you on the right path” with their unsolicited opinions. Yeah, those aren’t welcome either. 


And the instance we most commonly see this happening with is the choices you make for your own body and what makes you feel beautiful. When an individual - be it across gender or sex - decides to undergo any kind of cosmetic treatment, the first reaction is to criticise and ridicule, without a second’s thought to what it means for the individual themselves. 


But this is a story about love. This is when love is easier said than done — when you know what it means to love yourself and what it means to feel beautiful in your own skin, but to have to fight that societal battle to stand your ground. 


Let’s not forget, though, we also did say that love is something that brings people closer together. It’s because of the same love that today we see a hopeful shift towards more inclusive beauty — where we slowly but steadily grow to appreciate and admire beauty in all its forms, in all its genders. 


The Kaya Life is your forever Cupid, not just on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, but every day. We are your partners in giving life to the thought that #BeautifulIsYou — both inside out. 


To work its magic on the inside, our special team of 100+ expert dermatologists and skin care specialists curate treatments from over 60+ luxury skin care products, having 18 years of understanding Indian skin unlike any other. 


And for the outside, Kaya skin care clinics have 600+ customised services to offer for your every need. 


We also understand that sometimes you may need some help to feel more like yourself through cosmetics that aren’t “natural” in its form — Botox and Fillers being some examples. But love is about acceptance in every form and we’re bringing to the forefront a few pampering skincare treatments and products for you to embrace without judgement. #MyLoveMyWay is the belief that will take you all the way!


Treatments for Young, Firm, and Glowing Skin: Profhilo, Botox, and Fillers


  • Profhilo: Made from Hyaluronic Acid (HA), these are injections that stimulate collagen production to build new cells and give you younger, firmer, and more hydrated skin
  • Botox: A protein that stems from Botulinum toxin, Botox injections are used to visibly reduce signs of ageing such as wrinkles. The effects typically last 3-4 months 
  • Fillers: Dermal fillers or soft tissue fillers are composed of a few compounds including Hyaluronic Acid to fill up areas of the skin to make them look more plump and reduce fine lines


Anti Aging Products to Reduce Signs of Ageing: RetinoBoost Serum and Antox Vit C Serum


  • RetinoBoost: A combination of Retinol, Niacinamide, and Matrixyl 3000 to reverse early signs of aging. Retinoids help produce more collagen to visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Matrixyl 3000 and Niacinamide work in similar ways and also help keep moisture intact. It’s a great over-the-counter face treatment for glowing skin
  • Antox Vit-C Serum: One of Kaya's best sellers in skin serums, it is rich in the goodness of vitamin C that helps fight free radicals. These free-flowing molecules result in oxidative stress which can alter and cause damage to your skin cells. Oxidative stress can be a cause of prolonged exposure to the sun and its UV rays, which can make your skin age faster to develop fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant that can significantly protect against UV damage to keep your skin feeling fresh and youthful 


Treatment for Smooth, Hairless Skin: Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal or laser hair reduction works using heat from a laser light that destroys hair follicles under the skin. Destroying hair from its follicles ensures that hair grows back much slower and when it does, that it grows as fine as “baby hair” — as Cupid, you know we can really appreciate this one. The results are long-term to leave your skin feeling smooth perpetually.


Of all the kinds of love, self love is the most powerful. Self love is unabashedly selfish and we love self love! It’s when you start to take care of yourself and glow on the inside that it automatically shines on the outside. It’s when others start to see your light and soak it in to appreciate you for your true self. So, be selfish and love yourself for a change. Because to love yourself in your skin is is to mean that #BeautifulIsYou. 


And if you ever need Cupid, we’re just a click away. Book an appointment online here to treat yourself with the best self-care beauty products and skincare treatments. #MyLoveMyWay is your mantra today and everyday!



Jan 13, 2022

Best Laser Hair Removal: Advanced Technology for Indian Skin

“Laser hair removal”. A term you’ve probably heard time and again, and wondered if this is just another one of those things you’re supposed to do now because everyone else is doing it. 


Kind of like being around couples all the time (we see you, Instagram, with all those wedding pictures and stories). So, you most likely jump into something “casual” just to feel like you fit in. The treatment of laser hair removal, though, is anything but casual dating. Hear us out, we’re getting to the point. The case in point here being that just like the concept of dating, we have no choice but to evolve and advance with the times. 


Today, dating is much more progressive. You can choose your partner, or you can have your partner chosen for you, or you can simply choose yourself - no, really, only recently there was news of a woman who chose to marry herself. It’s no longer “one size fits all”. It offers something for everyone.


Similarly, there was a time when laser hair removal was only recommended for people with dark hair and light skin because of safety reasons, but that’s old news now. It can start off casual, possibly head towards a live-in relationship, and finally culminate into a long-term commitment. Or you could choose not to commit at all. The beauty of it is that it’s only for you to decide.


But while we’re at it, we will say that this can be the partner you choose - a worry-free and safe treatment to give you a life (almost) free from all unwanted and troubling hair growth. 


The only way to know for sure is to experience it.


As for all those questions you have? Let’s get them out of your hair (literally too, if you like).


Do I Really Know Them?


We understand no one can really get involved in something without having a background on the matter. So, what is laser hair removal exactly? 


A laser machine resembles the shape of a “gun”. The tip of the gun is a flat surface that is massaged around the targeted parts of the skin. This gun emits a laser light, and the heat from the light reaches your hair follicles, under the skin, to destroy it. Destroying the hair follicle prevents hair from growing again, or in most cases, it grows back much slower, weaker, and finer. The procedure is often also called “laser hair reduction” for this reason.


Should I Keep it Unofficial First or Go Right Into it?


When starting a new relationship, there are always apprehensions on whether you should take it slow or jump right in because “what if it’s not for me”? 


If it’s your first time with laser hair removal/laser hair reduction, it’s always advisable to first consult your physician so they can better understand your hair growth. Once you do this, you are always free to ask for a trial session to begin with. If you feel like this is something for you and it’s suiting your skin, you can go ahead and see it through for the longer run.


At Kaya too, our in-house experts closely assess treatments for every individual and recommend sessions accordingly.


“I Don’t Want to Get Hurt”


Nobody wants to be hurt by something they put their trust in. Laser hair removal treatment is usually painless. At the most, it feels like little pricks. Although areas with more dense skin hurt much less, in areas with more sensitive skin such as the underarms or bikini area, there is a possibility you will feel the effects of the laser slightly more. However, experts are sure to use soothing or numbing gel first, before running the laser over your skin. Both, the client as well as the expert are also required to wear protective eye gear.


You can trust that you will be in the best hands with our professionals across all Kaya clinics. 


Laser hair removal side effects are only minimal with possible redness, swelling or discomfort. However, this is usually temporary and most people carry on with their regular lives right after. 


In case of more severe side effects, consult your doctor.


How Much Work Will this Relationship Take?


It might seem like a lot of effort at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty smooth sailing from there. Typically, a person is recommended about 6-7 sessions, with one session a month. 


The time for each session varies too - for example, the bigger the body part such as legs or arms, the longer it takes. You can even break up your sessions into smaller body parts, so you don’t have to sit for too long at once. 


Now, just as every relationship is unique, so is the case from person to person with permanent hair removal. Depending on the type of hair growth, some people may require fewer or more sessions than others to see longer lasting results.


Is the Commitment Worth it?


We can vouch for this one. Permanent hair removal is a short term investment for long term benefits.


It’s always a two-way street to make something work, though. It’s important that you look after your skin post-treatment. It’s best to speak to your dermatologist but general care involves avoiding direct sunlight on treated areas, and tending to sensitive skin. You can consider the Kaya Daily Moisturising Sunscreen or Kaya Tea Tree And Honey Purifying Body Wash for post care. Tea Tree and Honey are both highly effective ingredients to soothe the skin.


Laser hair removal benefits include: 


  • Delayed hair growth 
  • Finer, smoother, weaker hair minimising its appearance 
  • Lesser growth 
  • No hassle of continuous waxing, shaving is much quicker and only when needed 


If we may say so, body hair is kind of like your husband. You get pretty used to having it around but it’s only when you get time off that you embrace the freedom. And when you do get together again, it’s a much smoother experience.


Is this Going to be My “Forever”?


Now, for the big question: “Will they stay?” 


The procedure is permanent hair removal in that it is actually permanent hair “reduction”. While, for some skin types, it may work as well as halting hair growth altogether, for others, it will permanently slow it down and give you finer, almost baby-like hair growth. 


In conclusion, yes, the benefits are here to stay forever.


Consider this a long love letter professing why we feel you should give us your hand in “becoming more than friends”. You just have to take that leap of faith and we’ll be on the other side waiting for you. 


So, is that a “yes” to our proposal?

Dec 30, 2021

Holiday Skin Glow-Up: Quick Party-Ready Tips

You know, the funny thing about the holidays is that it tingles you with a weird sense of nostalgia and cheerful spirit, but it can also be accompanied by a feeling of being overwhelmed.  The truth is there’s planning, and then there’s pre-planning for the plan. Now, your plan would probably include buying presents for your loved ones, a special outfit for New Year’s, supplies for that house party you’re about to throw for your friends, who let’s be honest, are in all likelihood going to turn a blind eye to noticing the cute little star-studded vase you swapped for an old one that originally had a cat print on it. It’s all for the big day.  But your pre-planning starts much ahead of time. And it all starts right inside your mind. The little things like saving pictures of decor and outfit inspirations, figuring if you want to go big or keep it small this time around, and as is almost always the case — wondering how in the world you’re going to get your skin to glow in so little time. You probably might even set up a calendar schedule to align everything.  While we can’t promise that your friends are going to notice your new vase this year, we can promise to help make your skin glow just in time for the New Year!  Here are some skin and body treatments that are a must try ahead of the big day:

Party Peels

Party peel treatment is a type of chemical peel for the face that is typically done keeping in mind a reduced recovery time before an event.  Party peels are usually milder, which means post-treatment scarring or redness is minimal, and its effects may last for a shorter period of time, as compared to more intense chemical peels. However, this is precisely the job they are meant to do —  get you party-ready in just one sitting.  Party peels work almost as an exfoliating mask that is applied on the face to get rid of dead skin cells on the surface to leave your skin soft, glowing, and rejuvenated. 

Vampire Facials

A vampire facial, sometimes also known as a “vampire facelift” or “PRP facial”,  might sound intimidating but it does come with its benefits.  How it works is through the use of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) that is found in one’s blood. In this procedure, blood is drawn from the person opting for the treatment. The blood is then put through a centrifuge machine which separates the PRPs from it, which once exposed to air, start generating individual growth hormones of their own. The platelets are then injected back into the necessary areas of the body/face through PRP facial injections to work their magic.  The benefits of a vampire facial are many — increased collagen production to regenerate skin cells, improved skin tone, texture, visibly reduced fine lines, wrinkles, and signs of ageing to give you younger and smoother looking skin.

Laser Hair Removal

Nobody wants to deal with constant visits to the parlour where your parlour lady never fails to remind you how much your hair has grown since you last saw her.  Laser hair removal, also known as laser hair reduction, is a long-term fix to rid you of all unwanted hair woes (and your parlour lady’s innocent taunts).  This treatment works using heat from a laser light that destroys hair follicles under the skin. Destroying hair from its follicles ensures that hair grows back much slower and when it does, that it grows as fine as “baby hair”.

Glow-Up At Home 

If all of this seems like it requires too much of your time that hasn’t found its way into your calendar, you can always opt for quick, at-home treatments.

  • Kaya’s Blueberry and Vitamin C Peel Off Mask comes with Blueberry that contains antioxidant properties to do away with dead skin cells and brighten your skin, along with the benefits of Vitamin C that helps even out skin tone to leave you glowing. 
  • Kaya Charcoal & Tea Tree Mattifying Peel-Off Mask is packed with activated charcoal and tea tree oil that rids your pores of excessive oil and deep cleans them, giving your skin a fresh, matte feel. It also works as an effective preventive mask to fight off acne.

Whatever your preference, at Kaya’s clinics, we offer safe, personalised treatment for every skin type, and our in-house expert dermatologists are here to give life to your resolutions by gifting you with the glowing skin you desire this festive season! Book an appointment today.

Nov 03, 2020

Laser Hair Removal: Longevity & Permanence

You may be a spontaneous person who loves making impromptu plans. A sudden trip to the beach or spontaneous plans for brunch where you want to take stunning pictures in that new dress - sounds like a fantastic way to live life to the fullest. But your body hair may not be as spontaneous as you. So, while you are plucking, waxing, and shaving, that laser hair removal that you have heard so much about pops in your head. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be at your best anytime, any day?  

The biggest question that surrounds this procedure is - is laser hair removal permanent?  

Let’s find out!  

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is a procedure wherein a concentrated beam of light is used to remove unwanted hair from a chosen body part. The concentrated light is converted to heat, which, in essence, damages the hair follicles in the skin. Laser hair reduction is safe for all skin types and body parts. Some common body parts people prefer to do the procedure on are: armpits, bikini area, upper lip, chin, and legs. You can also get laser hair reduction done for full body.  

Once you decide to get a laser hair reduction, make sure to consult a dermatologist and get this procedure done under dermat expertise. At Kaya, the dermatologists assess the hair growth and recommend a customized solution to the client. Three important steps are followed, personalization, customization and expertise for every individual. Certified laser therapists will go through a process of understanding your skin type and hair growth. Before planning the personalized service, they will test the laser hair reduction on a small part of the skin to be sure of the service required.    

The experience of laser hair removal

Many people are often hesitant to get a permanent hair removal procedure done on their body. The minute they hear laser, they wonder about the pain levels. With advances in laser technologies, this procedure is pain-free, hassle-free and you will notice 90% less hair growth after 6-8 sessions.  For those with thicker hair, the dermatologist may recommend a higher number of sessions. Laser hair reduction gradually reduces your hair giving you long-lasting and a smooth skin. A salon service required frequent visit and gives short-term results. Conventional methods of hair removal such as waxing and shaving often lead to razor cuts or hot wax burns. With laser hair reduction, you will not experience burns, or ingrown hair and it protects your skin against pigmentation. Smaller areas like the upper lip take less time, and denser areas like your arms or legs may take a long while. For sensitive areas like your bikini line, technicians generally use an an aesthetic cream to numb the area to perform the procedure.  

Kaya uses US FDA approved Nd:Yag technology, because it is the best option for Indian skin and absolutely safe. These are considered to be gold standard treatments for laser hair reduction. Furthermore, at Kaya, you will be in the hands of expert dermatologists who ensure that your experience with laser hair reduction is safe and sound. The treatment will be performed by an expert Kaya technician and supervised by a dermatologist. The dermatologists often prepare the patient with ice before and after the actual laser treatment. The dermatologist They also stop whenever they think the patient needs a break. After the session, people generally experience some redness which disappears over the rest of the day.  


Is laser hair removal permanent?

Yes, and sometimes, no. But it comes very close. ‘Permanent’ hair removal is often a misnomer. Hair from the destroyed follicle will not grow back. That is, of course, permanent. If the follicle is only damaged and not fully destroyed, the hair may grow back. However, the hair will not have the strength or the colour it once had. The hair that grows back is often very fine and weak. With additional maintenance sessions, hair removal can be permanent.  

Hormonal issues can also cause some of the hair to regrow. Many women see patches of regrowth once they have a baby. These instances of regrowth can be combated with follow-up sessions.  

What influences the permanency of laser hair removal sessions?

  There are a couple of factors that influence the longevity of the hair removal procedure:  

  • The skill of the technician.
  • Type of hair.
  • Strength of follicle.
  • Hormonal imbalances.


Is laser hair removal the right choice for you?

Laser hair removal is quite common these days with many people opting to do their entire body at one go. With improving technology, people now require fewer, less painful sessions to completely eradicate the hair from the chosen body part. It is a more convenient and cost-effective option when compared to waxing. It is most often, a one-time investment as opposed to visiting your local salon once a month, at the very least.  

At Kaya, strict practices are followed when it comes to hygiene, to ensure that our customers get the best possible experience. Especially, in today’s time safety is of utmost importance and Kaya ensures contactless service with our experts wearing PPE kits to ensure safety of both, the clients and the skin care experts. Kaya is the only UVC sanitized clinic chain in India and follows WHO complaint measures.

Jan 05, 2020

Nourish Your Skin with Derma Naturals Body Wash

When it comes to our skin, only the best will do. As they say, you need to nourish to flourish.

Mentioned below are 5 reasons why Kaya's New Derma Naturals Body Wash Range is the key to all your skin’s nourishment’s needs.

1. The Ingredients

Kaya's new Derma Naturals Body Wash Range has been created using the best that nature has to offer. The three body washes that make up this range contain the purest form of virgin coconut oil, tea tree extracts, colloidal oatmeal, allantoin and honey present today to ensure that your body gets the richest treatment that money can buy. Each ingredient has been carefully hand-picked by Kaya’s dermatologists, keeping the needs of the individual's skin in mind.

2. Antibacterial Properties

Kaya boasts the way its products benefit the skin. The Tea Tree and Honey Purifying Body Wash and the Coconut and Tea Tree Nourishing Body Wash are infused using the tea tree extracts. Tea tree is known for its antibacterial properties and the addition of this ingredient to your body wash will leave your skin feeling clean and soft.

3. Perfect For Dry and Sensitive Skin

We all know that your dry and sensitive skin requires a little bit of extra love, care and attention. Luckily for you, Kaya's Colloidal Oatmeal and Allantoin Exfoliating Body Wash do the trick. Infused with the goodness of colloidal oatmeal and allantoin, this nourishing body wash moisturizes and soothes the dryness of the skin. This amazing body wash, gently cleanses your skin, giving it a clean, hydrated and fresh after-feel. With a little bit of this body wash, you can now say goodbye to your dry skin in no time.

4. Paraben-Free, Sulphate Free and Soap Free

Kaya's certified, expert dermatologists have worked tirelessly to create a formula that is free from parabens, sulphates and soaps. These products are not only safe for your skin, but the ingredients present in them nourish, moisturize and exfoliate your skin for a smooth, soft, supple, clean after-feel.  The tea tree extracts which are present in Kaya's Tea Tree and Honey Purifying Body Wash is especially known for its antibacterial properties which gently cleanse your skin and leave it with a clean and fresh after-feel.

5. Nourishes Your Skin

Why stop at the bare minimum when it comes to taking care of your skin? When it comes to Kaya's Coconut and Tea Tree Nourishing Body Wash, the ingredients present in the product work in tandem to provide your skin with the bang of moisture it needs to leave your skin feeling soft, hydrated and well-loved.

In addition to the unique benefits of its ingredients, Kaya's New Derma Naturals Body Wash Range is known for the remarkable smell and the way it makes the skin feel. Regardless of skin type, this derma natural range is the perfect solution to all your skincare needs. Whether it requires nourishment, exfoliation or simply purification, this body range has got you covered.

So, what are you waiting for? Go out there and try out these products now.

If you want to know more about Kaya's New Derma Range, check out Here's How You Can Keep Your Skin Hydrated This Winter.

Nov 21, 2019

Celebrity Secrets For Getting Healthy, Shiny Hair


Monsoons have finally arrived! It’s the season that we eagerly keep waiting for yet can never enjoy due to the hair disasters it carries along! But have you ever wondered how our tinsel town divas manage to don such healthy and shiny hair without being affected by this wicked season? Read on to find out the celebrity secrets for getting healthy and shiny hair.

Managing Monsoon Hair Trouble The Celebrity Way


You may be a fan of drenching in the rain but that can make you pay a heavy price by making your hair sticky. The celebrity secret to dealing with monsoon grease is minimal use of styling products. Styling products when combined will polluted rainwater, double up the greasiness in your hair. Hence the best solution is to minimize your use of styling products. After all it's just a matter of one season!


The most hated monsoon tragedy is frizzy hair! Dealing with frizzy hair has always been a challenge. But our celebs know exactly how to deal with it. Oiling your hair at least twice a week is the solution that our celebs follow! The Kaya Root Regen Scalp Nourishing Oil is enriched with basil root extract that nourishes and rejuvenates the scalp for stronger roots and shaft.

Hair Breakage

All the monsoon problems end up causing hair breakage. To stay away from such a scenario, celebs have various therapies at their service. If they can have a solution to hair breakage, so can you! The Kaya Hair Revive And Fortify Therapy deeply strengthens the hair root, fibre and scalp to prevent breakage, restoring your crowning glory and making it healthier!

The therapy deeply cleanses and nourishes the scalp by providing anti-oxidant and keratin smoothening benefits which impart shine to your hair.

Do you want to give your hair the red carpet glow? Then Book an appointment at Kaya today!

Here are the 8 rules for a healthy set of hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Effects Of Heredity And Hormones On Hair Loss

Just as beauty is a woman's glory, a crown full of hair is a man’s charming appeal. But this allurant part of your body faces a major threat of baldness by snags like heredity and hormones. This is how heredity and hormones can lead your hair onto the path of baldness and hair thinning.

How Does Heredity Affect Hair Loss?

If  you love running your hands through your hair, know that heredity will soon be ravaging your hair. Male pattern Baldness is a type of hair loss that heredity bestows upon you. This condition is generally inherited from the maternal line. Male pattern baldness comes with hair loss from the temples and the crown of your head, forming a ‘M’ shaped hairline. This ailment compresses your hair follicles, making your hair thin which stops hair growth in due course.

How Do Hormones Affect Hair Loss?

Hormonal hair loss is always associated with women but it is one of the major reasons for hair loss is men as well. DHT, also known as dihydrotestosterone, is a hormone that targets hair and causes hair loss in men. This androgen hormone, released at the bottom of hair follicles covers the cells at the root.This causes the follicles to shrink, eventually leading to thinning of hair strands and stunting hair growth. DHT is a major factor that participates in male pattern baldness as well.

Is There  A Solution To Reduce Hair Loss?

If you’ve been looking for a way to deal with hair loss as well as to perk up your man mane, Kaya offers the best of both worlds. The dermatologists at Kaya have developed the Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions, a new holistic system to make an impact on hair roots. Hair Transplant at Kaya is a procedure in which hair follicles form the donor area (back of the head which is unaffected by hair issues) are transplanted to the balding area called recipient area. As hair from the donor area is resistant to male pattern baldness, it continues to grow for a lifetime. This treatment is carried out under local anesthesia. A wait of 8-10 months after this treatment follows-up with ever-growing healthy hair.

Don’t let heredity and hormones rule over your crowning glory. Book an appointment at Kaya today!

Are your afraid to trust hair transplants? Here’s how effective hair transplants are.

Nov 21, 2019

The Must-Have Hair Essentials For Your Bag

Is your hair stressed and tired due to the daily travel struggle? We know that your busy schedule forbids you from pampering your hair which compels you to keep all hair pampering sessions for the weekends and holidays. But why wait for a holiday when there is an on the go solution to all your hair problems! Here are some hair essentials that will not just solve your hair concerns on the go but will slide down easily into your handbags!

The Must Have Hair Essentials For Your Bag

Hair Serum

Your hair is dying a slow death in this polluted city! The harsh sun and contaminants in the air, both come together to bother your hair, making it prone to hair fall and breakage. A hair serum works wonders on your hair and protects it from such an environmental frenzy. The Kaya Root Regen Hair Protect Serum is a light and easy absorbing serum enriched with basil, sugarcane, lemon and apple extracts which are known to reduce breakage and hair fall. This serum strengthens and restructures the hair fibres and protects your hair from external hair damage.


You cannot afford to forget your comb as travelling hours are bound to mess up your hair! The daily commotion damages your hair and makes it knotty and frizzy. If not combed on time, these knots can cause breakage. Combing your hair during travel hours is the best way to tame your unruly mane. But remember to not over comb your hair as that can fuel the existing damage. Also, make sure you have a wide toothed wooden comb since it is much gentler for untangling knots in your hair.

Head Scarf

It’s a danger warning if you have been travelling without a head scarf! The sun sits right above you, ready to harm your hair in a million ways. It dries your hair, triggers the release of excess sebum and does so much more! But what should concern you the most is that a prolonged exposure to sun rays affects the melanin production which makes your hair lose its colour. A head scarf protects your hair from all the sunny wear and tear. It also helps in covering your hair during windy days, keeping frizz at bay!

Is travelling exhausting your skin? Here are the 5 skincare essentials that you must have in your purse.

Nov 21, 2019

Pregnancy And Menopause Causes Hair Fall

Pregnancy is a life changing event that alters your body in so many ways, be it physically or emotionally. But with pregnancy come so many health problems, one of them being hair fall.  Although this shedding of hair is temporary, it can have a negative impact on your hair growth in the long run.

Here’s how pregnancy and menopause affects your hair.

How Does Pregnancy And Menopause Affect Hair?

Pregnancy And Hair fall

Hair fall during pregnancy has many causes, a major one of them being hormonal imbalance. Normally, 90% of our hair grow while the remaining 10% go into the resting phase. During pregnancy, the secretion of the hormone 'progesterone’ increases which stops hair fall. This makes your hair appear voluminous. But as soon as your hormones get back on track, this effect vanishes, leading to excessive hair fall. Such hair fall can mostly be witnessed during the first 2-3 months after delivery. Another reason for hair fall during pregnancy is the lack of nutrients.If you’ve been consuming an improper diet, a deficiency of iron and protein can make your hair strands fall off.

Menopause And Hair Fall

Just like pregnancy, hair starts falling even during menopause. Those going through this phase experience extreme hormonal upheavals. During this period, the secretion of  two important hormones; progesterone and estrogen decreases. This increases the shedding of hair. While the level of these hormones goes down, the body starts releasing excess amount of androgens. These hormones block the hair follicles, causing hair fall and hair thinning.

Is There A Way To Treat This Hair Fall?

We know, hair fall has troubled you alot! It’s time to stop it right there! Kaya offers a range of hair fall treatments which act on all spectrums of your hair. The dermatologists at Kaya examine your hair and recommend a step by step plan. Once the treatment is carried out, follow ups are also arranged to keep your results and progress in check.

Ready to end the fight with hair fall? Then book an appointment  at Kaya immediately!

This is how heredity and hormones can affect your hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Hacks To Hide A Receding Hairline Might Not Fool Everyone

For men, hair loss is a major nuisance that causes a lack of self-confidence. If you’ve been scanning the world wide web for new hacks to hide your receding hairline which are barely of any use, stop your search right there! We’ve brought for you, the panacea to solve your hair loss issue.

Not-So-Useful Hacks To Hide A Receding Hairline

Getting Short Haircuts

Cutting your hair short or getting a pushed back hairdo is not going to improve your hairline, rather worsen the condition of your hair. If you’ve got a receding hairline, hair loss is likely to spread across your crown, giving rise to excessive baldness. It is essential to get to the root of the problem instead of just trimming your hair short to avoid your receding hairline from coming into the spotlight.

Using Styling Products

If your just bought styling product assures to volumize your hair, it is just for the time being. Products like volumizing gels, wax and creams may eventually lose their effect, leaving you in the same bald state which might now be hiked up. These styling products also include harsh ingredients that are the culprits in intensifying your hair loss.

Growing A Beard

Are you pampering your beard and growing it as a cover-up for your receding hairline? That’s a really creative hack which won’t work AT ALL. Masking your dwindling hairline with a beard means ignoring your baldness. Such ignorance can be fatal to your hair. Moreover, a beard will grab more eyeballs that will eventually focus on your receding hairline.

Best Way To Get Rid Of A Receding Hairline?

Now that we have scraped off all your fruitless hacks, here’s the best way to gain a hairful hairline. The Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions is designed by the expert dermatologists at Kaya to make a holistic impact on your hair roots. This treatment focuses on transplanting hair follicles from the donor area to the affected area under the effect of a local anesthesia. Eight to ten months after this treatment, the transplanted hair becomes completely mature and continues to grow for a lifetime. This means no more receding hairline!

Give your receding hairline a break! Book an appointment at Kaya immediately.

Are you considering to opt for a hair transplant? Know when is the right time to opt for a hair transplant.

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