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Hair Care

Nov 21, 2019

Discover the Ideal Ingredients for Effective Hair Care

Getting the perfect routine for your hair care is difficult, especially with the amount of products available.  There is a constant confusion on choosing the best method to take care of your hair. Nowadays, people are rediscovering that going back to nature is a guaranteed way of protecting your hair. Natural ingredients are a safe and perfect path to getting luscious and healthy hair. So, let’s go ahead and check out the ingredients that are best for your hair.

Which Are The Best Ingredients For Hair Care

1. Apple Extract

An apple a day doesn’t only keep the doctor away, but it also helps naturally enhance hair growth. Apple extract contains nutrients like biotin which help you get thicker hair. It has soluble fibre and vitamins which help with blood circulation, giving you healthy hair.

2. Basil Root

Basil or tulsi is known for its medicinal qualities. It contains antioxidants which help prevent hair loss and give you more volume. Basil has nutrients which strengthen your hair follicles.

3. Sugarcane

Sugarcane has so many purposes that it is difficult to keep a track of them. Sugarcane extract has minerals like potassium manganese and calcium which give your hair strength and prevent them from getting brittle. It contains vitamins B12, C and A, which moisturise your hair and make it silky.

3. Lemon Extract

Lemon extract is a widely used hair tonic that gives you long, healthy hair. It helps remove the harmful toxins that may settle on your scalp and gets rid of the dandruff to facilitate hair growth.

4. Avocado

The benefits of avocado for your hair are well known. It contains oleic acid which adds shine to your hair. Vitamins B and E in it protect your hair on a cellular level and strengthen it.

5. Olive Oil

Your skin and hair both gain a lot from olive oil. It helps retain the moisture in your hair, and takes care of split ends and frizz. Olive oil is extremely beneficial to your scalp and hair.

Hair products which contain these natural ingredients are the best way to care for your hair. This is why we have introduced Kaya Root Regen System which has products like like the Scalp Revitalizing Shampoo and Deep Conditioning Masque. They contain a unique combination of apple extract, basil root, sugarcane and lemon extract. The Kaya Scalp Nourishing Oil  has avocado and olive oil. Thus Root Regen System is perfect for you as it is made with natural ingredients, is paraben free and is tested safe for Indian hair.

Check out consumer reviews on our products.

For more hair care tips, read about how You Can Get Healthy Hair

Nov 21, 2019

FUE Hair Transplant: Expert Solutions for Baldness

Opting for a hair transplant can be a very big decision and you are bound to have a lot of questions about the after effects or side effects of hair transplant and whether there are any precautions to be taken. Hence, we are here to answer all your questions. Read on to know everything about hair transplants.

How Is Hair Transplant Carried Out?

Hair transplant is a procedure that involves the two essential areas of your scalp which are the hair-bearing area, also called as the donor area and the balding area, also called as the recipient area. Usually, the donor area is at the back of your head that is resistant to balding as it is not affected by hormones that cause hair loss. In this procedure, hair follicles from the donor area are transplanted to the area of hair loss under local anesthesia. The transplanted follicular units take the quality of the donor area and continue to grow for a lifetime.

What Is The FUE Method Of Hair Transplant?

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation is a minimally invasive advanced procedure which involves no cuts, stitches or scars. Hair follicles from a hair bearing area called donor area (which is usually the back of the head as it is unaffected by Male Pattern Baldness) are transplanted to a balding area called the recipient area, under local anesthesia.

This is different from FUT method where a strip of the donor area is taken and transplanted. On the other hand, the FUE method involves creation of slits in the balding area where grafts or follicles are transplanted by extracting them randomly from the donor area.  

How Long Does Hair Transplant Take?

At Kaya, before beginning with the hair transplant procedure, a thorough diagnosis is done by dermatosurgeons who are proven experts at hair transplant procedures. The Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions takes about 6 to 8 hours to be performed. Usually, it takes 3 to 5 months before the transplanted follicles start growing new hair. The new hair that grows is initially thin and gradually become thicker and fuller. In 8 to 10 months, the transplanted hair becomes completely mature and continues to grow for a lifetime.

Is Hair Transplant Painful?

The treatment is almost painless since the procedure is carried out under the effect of a local anesthesia. Once the anesthesia sets in, you can hardly feel any pain during the procedure. There is some numbness and soreness that can be felt after the procedure which goes away in a few days.

What Is The Recovery Time After A Hair Transplant?

Since this is a minimally invasive procedure, it does not interfere with your daily life. You can also resume your regular activities from the next day onwards. While some people might experience a certain degree of numbness or soreness, there are usually no major hindrances experienced.

Does Hair Transplant Have Any Side Effects?

You may experience side effects like swelling of the scalp, numbness and so on. However, these side effects are minor and they will stop troubling you in a few days after the hair transplant.

 Is Hair Transplant Effective?

As this procedure makes use of hair follicles from the donor area, the transplanted hair acquires the characteristics of the donor hair and hence it continues to grow for a lifetime.

Are There Any Post Hair Transplant Precautions?

The most important thing that you need to remember after getting a hair transplant is staying away from strenuous activities for the initial weeks. Following a proper diet, avoiding alcohol & smoking and keeping your scalp protected for a few weeks from sunlight is all you need to do post your hair transplant.

The dermatologists at Kaya understand how precious your hair is to you and just how cautious you would be if you wanted to undergo such a treatment. Hence, they make sure that you are guided through all the steps of this treatment and continue to do so till the time you are confident to sport your new, natural looking hair!

What Are The Points One Should Look For While Opting For A Hair Transplant?

If you’re thinking of opting for a hair transplant, know that with Kaya, you’re in safe hands. The Kaya Expert Hair Transplant Solutions are performed by expert dermatosurgeons to help you regain your natural looking hair. The dermatosurgeons at Kaya have performed more than 2000 successful hair transplants and are proven experts who deliver the best and most natural looking results. These dermatosurgeons carry out the hair transplant using the latest technology and perform the advanced Follicular Unit Extraction method of Hair Transplants that ensures utmost safety and efficacy of the procedure. The Kaya solutions also combine the hair transplant procedure with other efficacy building procedures such as natural hair rejuvenation with PRP, Hair Nutri Infusion Therapy and Hair Root Activation Laser Therapy. This unique approach helps in stimulating hair growth to ensure healthy hair growth. 

Check out this video to know more about Kaya hair transplants.

So go ahead and book an appointment at Kaya, the skin and hair expert.

Have more questions about hair transplants? Here’s your Guide To Hair Transplants.

Nov 21, 2019

Find Your Perfect Shampoo To Get Healthy Hair Care

Curly, straight, wavy, flat, thick, limp, frizzy, dull, bouncy. There are so many different types of hair. Everyone’s hair is different than the next person and hence you require specific products to address the right hair concern. Shampoo is the most important and most frequently used hair product and hence it is crucial that you use the right shampoo that best suits your hair. Find out which shampoo is best for you along with some tips on washing hair!

Hairfall Prone Hair

With our taxing lifestyles and the changing climatic conditions, hair fall is something that many people fall victim to. But you need not lose your sleep over falling hair anymore. Get your hands on the Kaya Scalp Revitalizing Shampoo which has a mild formula enriched with superfoods like sugarcane and basil and helps you with reducing hair fall. If you want to reduce hair fall, be gentle with that hairbrush and make sure to detangle hair with your fingers instead.

Dry Hair

For all you dry haired people out there who are frustrated with frizzy, rough hair, the Kaya Nourishing Shampoo will save your hair! It is full of hibiscus extracts and almond oil and will give you soft, shiny hair. The best part is that it is a mild formulation that you can use every day as well! Also remember to hydrate yourself enough and just see the difference your hair shows.

Flat Hair

Limp and lifeless hair can be quite a hassle and if you have it, you definitely covet bouncy, voluminous hair. Well the Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo with rice proteins and fruit extracts will give your hair fabulous volume. A great way to get more volume is to blow dry you hair with your head upside down.

Dandruff Prone Hair

Although dandruff can strike during the winters, it can be a hindrance to you all year round! If you suffer from dandruff, avoid harsh products that irritate the scalp. The Kaya Anti Dandruff Shampoo is very mild and it not only gets rid of dandruff but also nourishes the scalp. It contains Vitamin B5 which provides moisture to your hair and scalp.

Keep your hair healthy and happy with these products!

Do have a look at these Easy Hair Care Routine tips!

Nov 21, 2019

Say No To Hair Fall!

Do you notice more and more hair on your hair brush every day? While losing 50-100 strands every day is quite normal, if you experience more hair fall, you should be alarmed. Before you hit the panic button, you might want to read on and find out why you’re experiencing hair fall and how you can curb the same!

What Causes Hair Fall?

If you’ve been putting in extra hours at work recently, you might’ve noticed that you are experiencing hair fall. This happens as stress and lack of sleep can cause hair fall. An imbalanced diet can also be blamed for hair fall because if the body does not get its share of necessary nutrients it will show the signs on your skin and hair. If you are constantly exposed to pollution, you can experience hair fall as well. Other than that, ageing can also cause hair to fall. Women usually experience hair fall and thinning between the ages of 25 to 30.

Other reasons for hair fall can be hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency, illnesses and hereditary factors.

How To Reduce Hair Fall?

Oiling your hair is a very important step that you need to include in your hair care routine if you want to reduce hair fall. However, it is crucial that you use the right hair oil. The Kaya Scalp Nourishing Oil has the goodness of macadamia, avocado and 100% natural olive oil. It also has basil root extract which helps nourish and rejuvenate the scalp resulting in stronger roots and shaft. It not only controls hair fall from the roots but also reduces hair fall and breakage.

You also need to use a mild shampoo that helps in reducing hair fall.  The Kaya Scalp Revitalizing Shampoo perfectly complements the oil and is enriched with basil root, sugarcane, lemon and apple extracts. It gently exfoliates the scalp and also promotes cell renewal thus reducing hair fall and preventing breakage.

Don’t let hair fall stop you from being fabulous!

Here is the reason Why You Need A Hair Expert For Your Hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Say Goodbye To Dry Hair With 360° Hair Elixir Therapy

Your mane is called your ‘crowning glory’ for a reason! It can either make or break your look. That’s why it is necessary to have healthy, lustrous hair that perfectly complements your beauty. Dry hair makes your hair look lifeless and you resort to harsh ways like subjecting your hair to heat treatments that are damaging in the long run. Find out how you can say goodbye to dry hair with Kaya.

What Causes Dry Hair?

The reasons for dry hair can be many. From excessive use of heat styling to the usage of wrong products. You can also blame the environment for drying your hair out. If you use too many chemical treatments or colour your hair too often, you can fall victim to dry hair as well. Lastly, as is the case with any beauty related problem, dry hair can be caused if your diet isn’t well balanced. All this can be brought under control with adequate care.

How To Deal With Dry Hair

The Kaya 360° Hair Elixir Therapy  is your answer to all dry and lifeless hair related problems. It is the perfect combination of using science as well as nature’s goodness to get to the root of your problem. The therapy makes use of deep nourishing oils, phytonutrient extracts, vitamins, minerals as well as plant peptides to give your stronger, shinier hair along with a nourished scalp.

Not only does this therapy give your smooth, enviable hair but it also helps you fight hair fall since it strengthens the hair. The therapy works at giving strength to your hair shaft, thus ensuring lesser hair fall. It also deals with lifeless, limp hair which looks dull.

Don’t let dry and undernourished hair take over your life anymore. Just book an appointment with Kaya today!

Here’s How You Can Classify Your Hair Thickness.

Nov 21, 2019

Safe & Effective Hair Transplants | Your Guide

Is a receding hairline driving you crazy and giving you sleepless nights? Hair loss can be seriously frightening and although you might think it is irreversible, you can actually get help with a hair transplant. If you’re contemplating whether you should opt for a hair transplant treatment and want to know how safe of an option it is, you should read on to find out.

How Does Hair Transplant Work?

In the hair transplant procedure, hair follicles from a donor area, which is usually the side and back of the head, are taken and transplanted to the balding area. These follicular units adapt to the quality of the donor area and thus are resistant to balding, hence ensuring that transplanted hair doesn’t fall prey to hair loss. The transplanted hair continues to grow for a lifetime after adapting the characteristics of the donor area.

The Kaya Approach To Hair Transplant

The Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions is a minimally invasive Follicular Unit Extraction method of transplantation which involves no stitches, cuts & scars. The Kaya Solution amalgamates hair transplant with other efficacy building procedures like Hair Root Activation Laser Therapy, PRP, Hair Nutri Infusion Therapy and more. This combined approach helps in stimulating hair growth and ensures natural-looking results.  After the hair transplant, its results are monitored and an appropriate diet advice is provided to maintain the progress of hair growth.

This Is Why Kaya Hair Transplants Are Effective

The world-class medical infrastructure and latest technology at Kaya ensures that the hair transplant services are carried out safely. The hair transplant is performed by expert dermatosurgeons who have performed more than 2000 successful hair transplants and ensure that you get results that are natural looking and long lasting.

The unique approach of combining other efficacy building procedures along with the Kaya hair transplants helps in stimulating hair growth to ensure best results which are completely natural looking.

Check out this video to know more about Kaya hair transplants.

Book your appointment at Kaya today to experience a safe and effective hair transplant treatment with the Kaya Hair Restore Expert Hair Transplant Solutions and regain your natural looking hair.

Interested in exploring hair transplant as a safe option? This is Your Guide To Hair Transplants.

Nov 21, 2019

Achieve Flawless Celebrity Hair Styles with Expert Tips

We are surrounded by glamorous celebrities with flawless hair and we often look at them and wish that we too could have such flawless hair. With so many hair trends emerging every day, it can be quite hard to keep up with all the celebrity trends. That’s why we’re rounding up these easy to achieve hair styles that you can try too. Read on to know which celebrity secrets you can try to get flawless hair as well!

Flawless Hair With Beachy Waves

Courtesy: celebrityhairstyles This is a timeless hairstyle that you can sport on an everyday basis or add a few hair accessories and transform it into a flawless hair style for special occasions! All you need to achieve this is wash your hair like you regularly would and make a loose braid that you keep on overnight. In the morning, just open your hair and run your fingers and voila! You have flawless beachy waves in your hair.

Flawless Braided Hair

Courtesy: female hairstyle 2018 This simple yet chic hair style is a flawless way to rock a simple braid. Just take a section of your hair at the top and form a braid around the crown. You can let the rest of your hair loose. However, make sure you have a hair treatment done so that you get flawless looking hair like this!

Flawless Long Bob Hair Style

Courtesy: Bollywoodhairstyles Be on par with global trends and make that big chop! This hairstyle looks flawless on anyone when you find the right haircut for your hair type. This is also a great wash and wear hair style. All you have to ensure is that you have smooth, frizz-free hair and you’re ready to look flawless.

Flawless Sleek Hair

Courtesy: teenvogue

Don’t want to experiment with your hair too much? Not a problem! You can wear your hair straight and sleek in this classic, flawless hair look. Remember that all you need for this is a healthy set of hair that is strong from the roots.

One of the most important things to know is that celebrities provide their hair the care they deserve. If you desire healthy, lustrous hair that stays strong you need to make sure that you treat it right. The Kaya Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy  is the perfect way to get flawless hair by combining deep nourishing oils, phytonutrient extracts, vitamins and minerals along with plant peptides that not only give you a nourished scalp and energized hair roots but also promotes fuller and denser hair.

It also helps you get flawless hair that is strengthened at the shaft and gives a voluminous effect to the hair. You can also get instant shine and smoothening effect to the hair with this therapy.

All that stands between flawless hair like celebrities and you is the Kaya Ultimate 360° Hair Elixir Therapy! It gives you the flawless hair that you’ve always dreamed of and allows you to experiment with hair to achieve versatile looks.

Book your appointment now to make your hair look flawless!

Here are your 8 Rules For A Healthy Set Of Hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Effective Hair Volumizing And Energizing Tips For Gorgeous Locks

Hair is such an integral part of our looks that thin hair is something we don’t want and hair loss is truly nightmare-inducing. That is why dermatologists at Kaya have developed the Kaya Vital Volume Range. A three step hair regimen, which can put an end to your hair loss woes. Packed with the right ingredients, this range will come to your rescue!

Kaya Root Energizing Oil

This oil has been specially formulated to give a new lease of life to thin and limp hair. It is lightweight and non-sticky, yet nourishing. It is infused with three exotic oils of Macadamia, Olive & Avocado. The Kaya Root Energizing Oil is the perfect option for thinning hair as it not only prevents hair fall but also makes hair shinier. Additionally, it smoothens your hair while nourishing the scalp.

Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo

The next step in this regimen is following the oil with Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo. It is enriched with rice proteins and fruit extracts along with Hexapeptide which help in volumizing your hair. The mild formula is gentle on your hair follicles and gets rid of excess sebum from hair and scalp. This is a product you should resort to if you’re familiar with the agony of limp and lifeless hair.

Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque

If you’re skipping a hair masque after shampooing, you’re definitely not doing it right. Make Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque your best friend and thinning hair will be a thing of the past! Formulated to impart strength to the hair strands, the masque also controls moisture balance and gives a lift to the strands. It contains Hexapeptide and superfoods like rice proteins and fruit extracts to boost the volume in your hair. The Vital Volume range is sure to give you the voluminous hair that you’ve dreamed of! Read about 4 Ways You Can Prevent Hair Loss to know how you can get the best hair of your life.

Nov 21, 2019

Simple 3-Step Routine for Thick, Voluminous Hair

Pollution, unhealthy lifestyle and harmful chemicals make your hair weak, which causes it to eventually lose its shine and volume. And what could be worse than running your fingers through your hair and actually feeling the loss in its density? We know that you would do anything to make sure your hair look fabulous, but what is best for your hair doesn’t necessarily have to be something complicated or elaborate. It can be something as simple as oiling your hair, and using the right shampoo and conditioner. Sounds simple doesn’t it? This is exactly what Kaya Vital Volume Range is for; it’s a three step approach to getting the thick, luscious hair you’ve always wanted. 

Kaya Root Energizing Oils

You know the importance of oiling your hair, but using the correct oil for your problem is essential. The Kaya Root Energizing Oil is the best oil for hair growth and thickness, because it contains the three essential oils- Macadamia, Olive & Avocado oil, which give your hair the nourishment it needs to strengthen it from the roots. Let your scalp get nourished with this oil for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo

After applying oil, it’s important to wash it off gently without being too harsh on your scalp and hair. The Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo is the perfect hair thickening shampoo, as it is enriched with Superfoods that strengthen each hair follicle and clears dirt from your scalp, making it healthy and bouncy.

Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque

The last step is to moisturise your hair to make it soft and nourished. The Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque is made with natural ingredients which revitalizes your hair, and gives a fuller look to flat looking hair. This masque is made up of a mild formula, which gives you strong and healthy hair.

Read about How to reduce & prevent hair fall to understand the reasons for hair fall and some tips on how to control it.

Nov 21, 2019

How Can You Classify Your Hair Thickness

Just like human beings are unique, their hair is also unique and this can be attributed to a number of reasons. Hair thickness is determined by the diameter of a single strand of hair. Since different people have different hair structures, there is no standard value that can be used to measure the thickness of hair.

A major contributor of what makes up hair thickness is one’s genetic make-up. The environment also has an effect on your hair’s diameter. Another vital element is one’s growth. As babies and children, we have finer hair. However, as one grows up, the hair gets thicker and stronger and once you’re past your prime, hair starts getting finer again as you age. The hair closest to the roots will be thicker than the hair towards the end.

Thickness of hair refers to the actual width of a single strand of hair. You can easily determine thickness of hair based on how the hair feels and looks. If you hold a single strand between two fingertips, you can tell how thick or fine your hair is. If you don’t feel anything at all, then you have very fine hair. If the strand feels just there then you have medium hair and if you can prominently feel the presence of the hair, it means you have thick hair.

Hair thickness also has various other aspects like hair density, porosity, elasticity and so on.

Read on to find out the 8 Rules For A Healthy Set Of Hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Tips for Voluminous Hair: Reduce Heat, Use the Right Oil & Shampoo

Who wouldn’t want bouncy, lustrous tresses that look healthy and voluminous? And we wouldn’t blame you if you said ‘Aye!’ to that question! After all, your hair is your ‘crowning glory’ for a reason and having voluminous hair is definitely something that everyone wishes to have. So if you’re struggling with thin hair or simply want to add more volume to your hair, you should read on to find out more.

Reduce the use of heat

Regular usage of heat styling might seem like a great option when you want your hair to look good. But in the long run, this is going to fry your tresses and make them limp and lifeless. Although it might be difficult to shun heat styling completely, it will only do good for your hair!

Use the right hair oil

You have probably heard this tale from your grandmom already, but trust us when we say this, regular oiling is something your hair needs. When you oil your hair, you massage the scalp, which increases blood circulation and encourages hair growth. But you need to make sure to pick the right hair oil, like Kaya Root Energizing Oil which is enriched with three exotic oils of Macadamia, Olive & Avocado. It helps strengthen hair to give you a healthier and fuller looking head of hair. It also reduces hair fall. Its lightweight texture makes it ideal for regular usage!

Picking the ideal shampoo

Once you’ve picked the right oil, you also need a shampoo which isn’t too abrasive on your hair. This is where Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo comes to your rescue. It is a mild cleanser enriched with superfoods like rice proteins and fruit extracts. The result? Noticeable, thicker and bouncy hair which is full of volume! 

Go that extra mile and treat your hair with Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque. It works to give you denser-looking hair and has a mild formula fortified with fruit extracts. Ideal way to deal with limp and lifeless hair!

Now that you know ways to increase your hair volume, make sure to check out the 1 Step To Fight Hair Loss For Good.

Nov 21, 2019

4 Steps To Get Voluminous Hair

Everybody wishes to have a head full of lustrous, healthy hair. But for most, it’s a far-fetched dream. A lot of factors can contribute to hair loss and thinning, like one’s stressful work life, imbalanced diet or even pollution. Thinning leads to limp, lifeless and volume less hair and since it is an integral part of our look, nobody would want to compromise on having thick, voluminous tresses. Here are 4 steps to help you achieve voluminous hair.

Have A Balanced Diet

What you eat will definitely reflect on your body and hair. So the next time you reach for that bag of chips, remember that it is not the best choice for your hair. Swap it with a diet rich in nutrients, vitamins and proteins which are vital in maintaining healthy tresses. This will result in giving you thicker, voluminous hair that you’ve dreamed of.

De-Stress Yourself

We all lead hectic lives and are constantly buried under stress thanks to our demanding lifestyles. This has a negative impact on the health of our hair. Excessive stress leads to hair fall and ultimately, thinner hair. Try and avoid this with some relaxing practices like Yoga or meditation. We can’t guarantee if you you’ll achieve the Zen life, but you will definitely see a difference in your hair! Another good way to de-stress yourself is with a relaxing head massage using oil. This not only gets your blood circulation going but can also help you with growing thicker hair. Try the Kaya 360° Hair Elixir Therapy which combines four nourishing oils along with phytonutrient extracts to give you full and denser hair. This doesn’t just offer a relaxing experience with the hair and back massage but also gives you energized roots and a healthier scalp. The therapy helps with limp hair and prevents hair fall. 

Avoid Excessive Hair Washing

A major cause for hair thinning is washing it excessively with a chemically laden shampoo that strips your hair off its natural oils and makes it limp. Go easy on your hair with a mild, effective cleansing shampoo like Kaya Intense Volumizing Shampoo which is enriched with fruit extracts along with Hexapeptide and rice proteins. It helps fortify the hair strands to boost the volume and hair diameter giving you noticeable, thicker and bouncy hair.

Avoid Excessive Heat

While everybody likes to style their hair to look good, all the styling is damaging your hair with the exposure to heat. Heat styling only results in your hair becoming dry and frizzy and in the long run, it becomes weak and thin. Thus, it is best to avoid using excessive heat on hair and if that’s not possible, reduce the use of heat to protect hair from thinning. One way to bring life back to thin hair is by using a volumizing hair mask. Try the Kaya Intense Volumizing Masque which is specially formulated for thinning, lifeless and limp hair. It is enriched with superfoods which impart a healthy shine and give hair a thicker, fuller look.

Learn more about Main Causes Of Hair Thinning.

Nov 21, 2019

The Perfect Hair Wash Regime For Winter

Winter season makes our skin and hair dry and dull. The dryness and dullness leads to more breakage and hair loss. We often overlook the obvious reasons for hair loss. We tell you how to control hair fall with the perfect hair wash and hair care regime for the winter season. 

Start The Regime

Oiling hair is the best hair fall treatment. Oil your hair 45 minutes before taking a head bath. Kaya Root Regen Scalp Nourishing Oil is a light-weight formula with a unique blend of ingredients to make your hair sturdier, shinier and more prepared for a hair wash.

Shampoo To Perfection Most of us use shampoo the wrong way. The perfect way of using a shampoo is by diluting the shampoo with water. Apply it evenly on the scalp and wash it with lukewarm water. The most important rule is to use the shampoo more on the scalp. This helps in cleaning the scalp, while still keeping the natural essential oils, on the strands, intact. The Kaya Root Regen Scalp Revitalizing Shampoo clears all the dirt and grime to give you a squeaky clean scalp.

Condition Gently

After shampooing, conditioning hair is the most important step in winter hair wash regime. As our hair already suffers from dryness, it is important to condition them to bring back the shine. Use the Kaya Root Regen Deep Conditioning Masque after towel-drying your hair post shampooing. Gently apply the conditioner only on shaft, especially on the tips, of hair and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Wash it off with cold water only to lock the shine in.

End The Regime

The end to this regime is by using a good anti-frizz serum. The Kaya Root Regen Hair Protect Serum makes the hair up to 2 times shinier and frizz-free. It helps in making the hair manageable all day long and prevents breakage. The reasons for hair loss are plenty. But with this regime you can stop losing hair instantly.

Learn How To Nourish Your Hair With A Hair Mask to get gorgeous looking hair at home!

Nov 21, 2019

Understanding Thinning Hair: Causes and Effects

Are you suffering with a problem of thinning hair? Our hair growth not only depends on our hormones and genes, it also depends on our diet and lifestyle. Almost every individual today suffers from unhealthy hair. Know about thinning hair causes and effects. Hair thinning in men starts at a young age and can be observed with a receding hairline. This kind of hair loss is usually genetic or stress-related. Hair thinning in women starts as the scalp ages. Women usually experience diffused hair thinning throughout the scalp, but most prominently around the area of hair partition.


Stress stimulates hormonal imbalance in our body which directly affects our hair growth. These hormones act on the hair follicles and slow down the hair growth process. 


Lack of vitamins, minerals, iron, proteins and amino acids in the diet strips our hair of all the nutrition and leaves it lackluster and limp. And so diet is the most important out of all the causes of thinning hair.

Pollution and Lifestyle

Like the rest of our body, our hair also needs time to breathe. Not sleeping on time leads to fewer hours for hair cells to regenerate and refresh. Top this with exposure to pollutants in the air and hair gets clogged with these chemicals leading to damage on the hair root.

Hormones And Genes

The quality and quantity of our hair also depends largely on our hormones and genes. Some are just blessed with beautiful hair and that is a genetic inheritance. But even then, taking help of experts in maintaining hair health is important.

If you are suffering from a thinning hair problem, consult an expert at Kaya to know what’s best for your hair.

Nov 21, 2019

Prevent Hair Loss with Apples: Nutrition for Healthy Hair

An apple a day keeps….hair loss away! Surprised, aren’t you? Well, it’s true. Just like an apple a day keeps your doctor away, it also helps keep hair loss at bay. But how can you add apple to your hair care regime? The goodness of apple extracts are used in Kaya’s Root Regen System. Read on to get the best hair care tips for you.

Don’t Just Eat Those Apples

While we all know the various benefits apples have, their role in hair care regime is still not widely known. So don’t just eat those apples for staying healthy, wash your hair with the wholesome quality of apples to get healthy hair too.

It’s A Magical Concoction

Apple benefits, as we all know, are plenty. But when the uses of apple are blended with a unique combination of basil root, sugarcane and lemon, sunflower seed and coconut oil the concoction is magical! It reduces hair fall and makes the hair roots stronger. This system repairs hair and restores their softness and natural shine with deep conditioning.

Complete The Regimen For A Silky Mane

The Kaya Root Regen System gives an entire set of products that complement each other. Use the Kaya Scalp Nourishing Oil, Kaya Scalp Revitalizing Shampoo, Deep Conditioning Masque and Kaya Hair Protect serum together to get beautiful hair.

Use these hair tips to get hair that will shine and fly!

Take a look at some of our customer reviews to know more about these products.

Want to get rid of your hair woes? Fabulous Hair Is Not Too Far Away.

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