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Zen Beauty Thoughts

Zen Beauty Thoughts

Let us ask you something, is that person you? Well, perhaps, it’s time you saw and heard the truth in the form of some moving words from some beautiful minds.

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.” - Confucius

This is perhaps the original version of the phrase 'Beauty lies in the eye of the Beholder'. And whether you agree or disagree, all cultures view beauty in their own way. Respect the diverse world we live in and know that you are unique.

“Personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of reference.”- Aristotle

Don’t do the things you do for him, her or them. Work out because it makes you feel good. Meditate because it helps you relax. Get a facial because it helps bring out your natural glow.

“A girl should be two things: Classy and Fabulous.” - Coco Chanel

Not all of us can be empresses of a fashion empire. But we can choose to be whatever we want to be. And at the end of a long hard day, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, be fabulous and fearless.

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.” - D. H. Lawrence

Whenever you feel like you need a 'pick me up', do whatever it takes you to get to a better place. Schedule a steam session, a massage, meet your friends and laugh more. Love yourself.

“I find beauty in unusual things, like hanging your head out the window or sitting on a fire escape.” - Scarlett Johansson

We’ve all been told what beauty is by our parents, our grandparents, by society. But what if you could define beauty and make it work for the world, instead of the other way around? Celebrate your imperfections.

“Beauty comes in all sizes, not just size 5.”- Roseanne

We all must strive to be healthy in whatever way possible. Be it regular physical activities, regular health check-ups or regular sessions of ME time with your favorite masseuse. And as you do whatever it takes to be your healthiest best, remember that there is no one better to know what is good for you than YOU.

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