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Skin Care

Dec 27, 2023

Anti Aging Treatment Cost in Delhi for Youthful Radiance

Table of Contents

  • What is an Anti-ageing treatment?
  • Range of Anti-ageing treatments at Kaya
  • Who is the best candidate for anti-ageing treatments?
  • Cost of Anti-ageing treatment
  • Conclusion
  • Steps towards the Best Anti-ageing Treatments at Kaya.
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Anti-ageing Treatment?

Anti-ageing treatment refers to a range of medical and cosmetic procedures and practices aimed at reducing the visible ageing signs and get a youthful appearance. These treatments target common age-related concerns such as wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, sagging skin, and loss of skin elasticity. They can include non-surgical procedures like Botox injections, dermal fillers, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser therapy. Surgical options like facelifts and eyelid surgery are also available for dramatic results. Anti-ageing treatments, often provided by specialised clinics and dermatologists, are sought after by individuals looking to rejuvenate their skin and boost self-confidence.

Range of Anti-ageing treatments at Kaya

Step into a world of timeless beauty with Kaya's bespoke anti-ageing treatments. Our experts blend innovation and expertise to cater to your unique needs, offering advanced skincare routines and cutting-edge procedures. From revitalising facials to non-invasive solutions, Kaya redefines ageing gracefully. Explore the detailed array of treatments available, and let us guide you on the path to a radiant and youthful complexion.

  • Botox (Botulinum Toxin) - Botox is a popular non-invasive aesthetic treatment used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by temporarily paralysing the underlying facial muscles. It is commonly injected into areas like the forehead, crow's feet, and frown lines. Botox smoothens wrinkles and gives the face a more youthful, relaxed look. It is a convenient option for all those who are looking for a revitalised look. The results of this treatment typically last several months. 
  • Thermage - Thermage is a non-invasive skin-tightening procedure that uses radiofrequency (RF) technology to stimulate collagen production and improve skin elasticity. It targets sagging skin on the face, neck, and body. Thermage delivers controlled heat to the deeper skin layers, resulting in a lifting and firming effect. The treatment requires minimal downtime. With time, results further improve as collagen production increases. 
  • HIFU Treatment (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) - HIFU treatment is a non-surgical, FDA-approved method for skin tightening and lifting. It uses focused ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production in the deep layers of the skin. This treatment works on addressing sagging skin on the neck, face, and décolletage. The precise treatment typically requires only one session, with results becoming more apparent.
  • Dermal Fillers - These are injectable substances, such as collagen or hyaluronic acid. The treatment helps to smoothen wrinkles, add volume, and restore youthful contours to the face. They effectively plump lips, fill nasolabial folds and enhance cheekbones. The results of this treatment are immediate, lasting from several months to over a year, depending on the type of filler used. Dermal fillers provide a non-surgical solution for facial rejuvenation.
  • Chemical Peel - In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin to exfoliate the top layers. This treatment helps improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and diminish hyperpigmentation or sun damage. Various types of chemical peels, ranging from mild to deep, address specific skin concerns. Recovery time varies, with milder peels requiring minimal downtime, while deeper peels may involve more significant peeling and recovery.
  • Q-Switch Laser - Q-Switch laser is a versatile, non-invasive laser treatment. It works by targeting  a wide range of skin concerns, including pigmentation issues, age spots, tattoos, and acne scars. It delivers high-energy laser pulses to break down pigmented cells or ink particles, allowing the body to eliminate them naturally. Q-Switch laser is effective, with minimal discomfort and downtime, making it a preferred choice for skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal.

These treatments offer individuals various options to help achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance and address specific skin concerns without extensive surgery or downtime. 

Who is the Best Candidate for Anti-ageing Treatments?

Ideal candidates for anti-ageing treatments are typically individuals in their late 20s to 60s who wish to address visible ageing signs, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and loss of skin elasticity. Those with sun damage, uneven skin tone, or collagen depletion may also benefit. Good candidates understand realistic expectations and are committed to a skincare routine. Candidates must be in good overall health, without underlying medical conditions that may interfere with the treatments. Consulting with a skincare professional or qualified dermatologist is essential to determine the most suitable approach based on individual skin type and concerns.

Cost of Anti-Ageing Treatment in Delhi

Experience the art of graceful ageing with Kaya's anti-ageing treatments. Our expert dermatologists tailor personalised solutions to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. 


Session 1 Cost (INR)

Skin Tightening

₹ 4,100


₹ 5,500


₹ 2,899


₹ 6,499

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.


At Kaya, our dedication to excellence and individualised care guarantees a distinctive and effective path in pursuing age defiance for each person. Consulting with our adept dermatologists is essential to crafting the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs, ensuring the finest results. Our objective is to guide you towards a rejuvenated and youthfully radiant appearance, prioritising simplicity and affordability in your journey towards timeless beauty.

Steps towards the Best Anti-ageing Treatments at Kaya.

Booking Your Age-Reversal Session

  • Easily Schedule with a Toll-Free Call
  • Online Convenience: 'Book Appointment' on Kaya's Website

Expert Guidance Every Step of the Way

  • Consultation Excellence from Kaya's Experienced Team

Strategically Located Centers in Delhi

  • Explore Anti-Ageing Services in Delhi
  • Discover Kaya in Ambience Mall, Greater Kailash 2, Green Park, Pritampura, Punjabi Bagh, PUSA Road, Preet Vihar and Rajouri Garden

Visit Your Nearest Kaya Clinic

  • Take the First Step Towards Age Reversal Near You

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q1. What is the ideal age to start anti-ageing treatments?
A1. While there's no specific age, starting in your late 20s to early 30s can help prevent and address early signs of ageing before they become more pronounced.

Q2. Are anti-ageing treatments only for women?
A2. No, anti-ageing treatments are suitable for both men and women seeking to address and prevent signs of ageing and maintain healthy skin.

Q3. Are these treatments invasive, and do they require downtime?
A3. Many anti-ageing treatments, such as dermal fillers, Botox, and certain laser therapies, are non-invasive with minimal to no downtime.

Q4. How long do the effects of anti-ageing treatments last?
A4. The duration varies by treatment type. Some, like injectables, may last several months, while others, such as laser treatments, can have longer-lasting effects.

Q5. Can I combine different anti-ageing treatments for better results?
A5. Yes, a personalised approach often involves combining treatments for synergistic effects. Consult a Kaya skin care professional to determine the best combination for your needs.

Dec 27, 2023

Anti Ageing Treatment Cost In Kolkata

Table of Contents

  • Factors Causing Anti Ageing
  • Top Anti Ageing Treatment in Kolkata
  • Before and After Care 
  • Why Choose Kaya
  • How to Get Started
  • Cost of Anti-Ageing Treatments
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Factors Causing Anti Ageing

Anti Ageing treatment in kolkata is influenced by a myriad of factors. Understanding these factors can help in adopting a more proactive approach to skincare, potentially slowing down the process.

  • Genetic Factors: Inherited traits from parents that dictate the ageing process.
  • Sun Exposure: UV radiation accelerates skin ageing, leading to wrinkles and sunspots.
  • Lifestyle Choices: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet can hasten aging.
  • Environmental Pollutants: Exposure to pollutants and toxins can degrade skin quality.
  • Stress: Chronic stress impacts skin health, contributing to premature ageing.
  • Lack of Sleep: Insufficient rest can lead to visible signs of ageing on the skin.
  • Dehydration: Not consuming enough water can result in drier, more wrinkle-prone skin.

While ageing is an inevitable process, under the skilled guidance of expert dermatologists at Kaya skin clinic, its pace can be effectively decelerated.

Top Anti Ageing Treatment in Kolkata

Dealing with the signs of ageing can be challenging, but there's good news! Kaya offers effective anti-ageing treatments in Kolkata specifically designed to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Give them a try and see the difference they can make in rejuvenating your skin.

  • Chemical Peels: These peels help in removing the outermost layers of the skin to reveal smoother, more youthful skin underneath.
  • PRP Micro-Needling: A technique that uses your platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combined with micro-needling to stimulate skin regeneration and repair.
  • Botox: A popular injectable that relaxes facial muscles, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Dermal Fillers: These fillers add volume to the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and giving a more youthful look.
  • Laser Skin Treatments: These treatments use targeted laser light to address various skin concerns, including ageing signs.
  • Thermage: A non-invasive treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten and lift the skin.
  • Cool Sculpting: While primarily known for fat reduction, it can also help in improving the skin's appearance in certain areas.
  • Facelift: A surgical option for those seeking more dramatic results in combating ageing signs.

Microdermabrasion: This is a minimally invasive procedure to renew overall skin tone and texture.

Before and After Care for Anti Ageing Treatments

Proper preparation and post-treatment care are crucial in maximising the effectiveness of your chosen anti-ageing Treatment and therapy in maintaining your rejuvenated appearance. Let's delve into the key steps you should follow before and after undergoing anti ageing treatment in kolkata to ensure utmost benefit from these transformative procedures.

Before Care

  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with a dermatologist at Kaya Clinic near you to understand the most suitable treatment as per your skin type and concerns.
  • Avoid Certain Medications and Supplements: Stop using medications that can increase bleeding, like aspirin, and certain supplements, as advised by a dermatologist.
  • Skin Preparation: Depending on the treatment, you might need to use specific skincare products to prepare your skin.
  • Sun Protection: Minimise sun exposure and wear sunscreen to protect your skin.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to keep your skin super hydrated and glowing.
  • Avoid Harsh Skincare Products: Discontinue the use of any harsh skincare products, including those with retinol or strong acids, a few days before the treatment.

After Care

  • Follow Post-Treatment Instructions: Adhere strictly to the aftercare instructions provided by your skincare professional.
  • Sun Protection: Protect your skin from the sun, as it will be more sensitive post-treatment.
  • Gentle Skincare: Use mild, non-irritating skin care products. Avoid exfoliating or harsh treatments for a period.
  • Stay Hydrated: Continue to drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • Avoid Makeup: Depending on the treatment, avoid makeup for at least a day to allow the skin to heal.
  • No Strenuous Activities: Avoid heavy exercise and activities that cause excessive sweating for a few days.
  • Regular Check-Ups: Schedule follow-up appointments as recommended to monitor progress and plan for any subsequent treatments.

Remember, specific care instructions can vary based on the type of treatment, so always consult with your skincare professional for personalised advice.

Why Choose Kaya

Ageing, though a natural and unavoidable part of life, can be slowed down with the expertise of seasoned dermatologists at Kaya skin clinic. Their guidance and advanced treatments for Anti ageing can significantly moderate the rate at which your skin shows signs of ageing. 

At Kaya, we may not have the secret to halting time but we do possess the expertise to make the reflection in your mirror and your image in photos look years younger. Our anti-ageing treatment in Kolkata are designed to give you that youthful appearance, subtly deceiving time and its telltale signs.

How to Get Started

Embarking on an age-reversal journey at Kaya is your first step towards rejuvenating your skin and rediscovering its youthful vitality. Our anti ageing treatment are tailored specifically for skin that's beginning to show the signs of ageing.

You're just a step away from seeing your skin transform into a firmer, smoother, and more radiant version of itself!

  • Scheduling Your Session: Easily book your appointment by calling us at our toll-free number, 1800 209 5292, or use the convenient 'Book Appointment' option on our website.
  • Personalised Expert Guidance: Our team is on hand to address all your skin concerns and offer professional advice throughout your treatment journey.
  • Accessible Locations in Kolkata: Experience our anti-ageing treatments at any of our four conveniently situated clinics in Kolkata, located in Kakurgachi, Louden Street, Purna Das Road, Salt Lake, and South City. Find the Kaya Clinic nearest to you for your skincare needs.

Anti-Ageing Treatment Cost in Kolkata

Experience the art of graceful ageing with Kaya's anti-ageing treatments. Our expert dermatologists tailor personalised solutions to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. 


Session 1 Cost (INR)

Skin Tightening

₹ 4,100


₹ 5,500


₹ 2,899


₹ 6,499

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anti Ageing Treatment In Kolkata

Q1. What treatment is best for anti-ageing?
A1. The most effective treatment varies per individual, but options like Botox, dermal fillers, laser therapy, and retinoid creams are widely regarded as effective.

Q2. What is the best treatment for the ageing face?
A2. Treatments such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, and injectables like Botox and fillers are highly effective for ageing faces.

Q3. How much does anti-ageing cost?
A3. Costs can vary greatly depending on the type of treatment and number of sessions. We recommend you consult a dermatologist at Kaya Clinic to know the precise cost of anti-ageing treatment suitable for you.

Q4. Is anti-ageing treatment effective?
A4. Yes, anti-ageing treatments are super effective, especially when tailored to individual skin types and needs, and combined with a consistent skincare routine suggested by our expert Dermatologist at Kaya Clinic near you.

Dec 27, 2023

Anti Ageing Treatment Cost in Mumbai

Table of Contents

  • What is an Anti-Ageing Treatment?
  • How do you recognise the need for an anti-ageing process? 
  • Benefits of Anti-Ageing Treatments
  • Professional Anti-Ageing Treatments
  • Cost of Anti-Ageing Treatment 
  • Conclusion
  • A Journey Towards Youthful Appearance
  • Frequently Asked Questions

What is Anti-Ageing Treatment?

Anti-ageing treatments encompass diverse interventions designed to combat the physical signs of ageing and promote overall well-being. These treatments target various aspects, including the skin, internal organs, and lifestyle factors. Common anti-ageing approaches include dermatological procedures such as Botox injections, dermal fillers, and laser therapy to reduce wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. Hormone replacement therapies may address age-related hormonal changes, promoting vitality. Additionally, a focus on a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management are integral components. Ultimately, anti-ageing treatments aim to optimise health, appearance, and quality of life, allowing individuals to age gracefully and maintain youthful vitality.

How do you recognise the need for an anti-ageing process? 

Recognising the need for an anti-ageing process often involves observing visible signs such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Energy levels, metabolism, and cognitive function changes may also signal ageing. Factors like sun exposure, lifestyle habits, and genetics contribute. Assessing skin texture, overall health, and vitality can guide exploring anti-ageing interventions, fostering a proactive approach to maintaining a youthful and healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of Anti-Ageing Treatments

In the vibrant city of Mumbai, where time seems to move at its own pace, a thought-provoking question echoes through the bustling streets: Can we defy the relentless march of time? Amidst the energetic rhythm of life, Mumbai has become a hub for cutting-edge anti-ageing treatments that seek to answer this question. Renowned clinics and skilled practitioners offer a spectrum of rejuvenating solutions, from advanced skincare procedures to innovative therapies. In a metropolis that embraces tradition and modernity, individuals discover the transformative power of anti-ageing treatments, unlocking a path to a more youthful and revitalised version of themselves.

  • Rejuvenated Appearance. Anti-ageing treatments in Mumbai offer individuals a revitalised and youthful look by addressing wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.
  • Increased Confidence. The transformative effects of these treatments often lead to improved self-esteem and confidence as individuals feel more satisfied with their appearance, fostering a positive self-image.
  • Innovative Technologies. Kaya clinics in Mumbai leverage cutting-edge technologies, providing access to state-of-the-art procedures and advancements in anti-ageing treatments for optimal results.
  • Personalised Approaches. Skilled practitioners in Mumbai tailor anti-ageing interventions to individual needs, considering factors like skin type, lifestyle, and desired outcomes, ensuring a customised and effective approach.
  • Long-Term Well-being. Beyond cosmetic benefits, anti-ageing treatments in Mumbai may contribute to long-term well-being by addressing internal factors such as hormonal balance and promoting overall health and vitality.
  • Expertise of Professionals. Mumbai boasts a pool of skilled and experienced professionals specialising in anti-ageing, ensuring safe and expertly administered treatments for individuals seeking age-defying solutions.

Professional Anti-Ageing Treatments

Kaya, a renowned name in skincare, presents its Age Arrest System, a meticulously designed and personalised anti-ageing treatment.

  • Micro Derma Peels. Kaya employs advanced micro derma peels to exfoliate the skin gently, promoting cell turnover. This minimises fine lines, reduces pigmentation, and enhances the overall texture, leaving the skin rejuvenated.
  • Collagen Building. The Age Arrest System focuses on collagen enhancement, a key component for youthful skin. Kaya stimulates collagen production through innovative techniques, addressing volume loss and promoting firmness.
  • Skin Tightening Services. To combat sagging skin, Kaya integrates specialised skin tightening services. These procedures utilise cutting-edge technologies to tighten and tone, resulting in a more lifted and youthful appearance.
  • Efficacious Home Care Products: Complementing in-clinic treatments, Kaya provides efficacious home care products tailored to individual needs. These products extend the benefits of professional treatments, ensuring a consistent skincare routine for optimal results.
  • Deep-Action Results: Kaya's Age Arrest System works from deep within the skin, addressing the root causes of ageing. By boosting collagen, filling wrinkles, and tightening sagging skin, the system delivers natural-looking results that stand out for their authenticity and longevity.
  • Customisation for Unique Needs: Recognising that each individual's skin is unique, Kaya's professionals tailor the Age Arrest System to specific needs. The customisation considers factors such as skin type, concerns, and desired outcomes, ensuring a personalised and effective anti-ageing solution.

Cost of Anti Ageing Treatment in Mumbai

Experience the art of graceful ageing with Kaya's anti-ageing treatments. Our expert dermatologists tailor personalised solutions to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. 


Session 1 Cost (INR)

Skin Tightening

₹ 4,100


₹ 5,500


₹ 2,899


₹ 6,499

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.


Have fine lines and wrinkles become noticeable on your face? If you're contemplating anti-ageing treatments in Mumbai, consider Kaya Clinics, your go-to place for the best skin treatments. With our advanced technologies and personalised care, Kaya offers effective solutions to address signs of ageing, helping you regain a youthful and revitalised appearance.

A Journey Towards Youthful Appearance

Scheduling Your Session: Book your appointment by dialling Kaya's TOLL-FREE number at 1800 209 5292. Alternatively, utilise Kaya's website's 'Book Appointment' feature for online convenience. 

Expert Guidance: Kaya's dedicated team addresses queries and offers guidance throughout your treatment journey. 

Convenient Locations in Mumbai: Kaya extends laser hair removal services across strategically positioned centres in Mumbai- Andheri East, Andheri Lokhandwala, Bandra, Chembur, Goregaon, Kandivali, and more. Discover the nearest Kaya clinic for your laser hair removal needs.

At Kaya, innovation meets expertise. We have redefined youthfulness with advanced technologies like micro derma peels and collagen enhancement. Trust Kaya's personalised care to deliver natural-looking results, making it the premier destination for those seeking timeless beauty and a revitalised self.

Reclaim radiant skin and confidence at Kaya Clinics. SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions Anti Ageing Treatment in Mumbai

Q1. What are the common signs of ageing that anti-ageing treatments address?
A1. Anti-ageing treatments target a range of common signs of ageing, including wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, age spots, and loss of skin elasticity.

Q2. Are anti-ageing treatments safe for all skin types?
A2. Most anti-ageing treatments are safe for various skin types; however, it's crucial to consult a dermatologist or skin care specialist to determine the best-suited treatment for your skin type and concerns.

Q3. How long does it take to see noticeable results from anti-ageing treatments?
A3. The time to notice results varies depending on the treatment chosen. Some treatments offer immediate improvements, while others may require several sessions for optimal results. Your skincare specialist will provide a timeline during your consultation.

Q4. What is the cost range for anti-ageing treatments in Mumbai?
A4. The cost of anti-ageing treatments in Mumbai varies based on the type of treatment, the area being treated, and the number of sessions required. It's advisable to schedule a consultation to receive a personalised quote and discuss available options within your budget.

Our Anti Ageing Treatment in Top Cities

Experience cutting-edge anti-aging treatments in leading cities across the country. Our renowned dermatologists in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad specialize in premium care for various skin concerns. From fine lines to age spots, trust our experts to provide tailored solutions for youthful, rejuvenated skin. Embrace quality skincare and rediscover your youthful glow with our Best dermatologists in Mumbai.

Our Other Skin Treatment Services in Mumbai

Discover a myriad of advanced skin treatment services in Mumbai. Our esteemed dermatologists excel in providing premium care for diverse skin concerns. From addressing fine lines to targeting age spots, entrust our experts to deliver personalized solutions for achieving youthful and revitalized skin. Embrace high-quality skincare and unveil your radiant complexion under the guidance of our top dermatologists in Mumbai.

Dec 27, 2023

Anti Aging Treatment Cost in Chennai

Table of Contents

  • Anti-Ageing Treatments in Chennai: Quick Overview
  • When to Start Anti-Ageing Treatments
  • Before and After Results of Anti-ageing Treatment
  • Age-Reversal Journey with Kaya
  • Cost of Anti-ageing Treatments
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Anti-Ageing Treatments in Chennai: Quick Overview

In the dynamic world of skincare, anti-ageing treatments have gently nudged clocks backwards. Here is a quick overview of treatment options offered by Kaya to turn back the clock.

  • HIFU Therapy (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound): A non-surgical approach, HIFU employs ultrasound waves to boost collagen formation, resulting in firmer, lifted skin. It's an excellent alternative for those desiring the effects of a facelift without undergoing surgery.
  • Botox Injections: A popular option for reducing wrinkles and fine lines, Botox works by temporarily paralysing facial muscles, offering a more youthful look. It's especially effective against expression lines that appear during facial movements.
  • Chemical Skin Peeling: In this procedure, a chemical solution is used to peel away damaged skin layers. It’s superb for enhancing skin texture, lightening scars, and promoting a uniform skin tone.
  • Q-Switch Laser Therapy: This state-of-the-art laser treatment is adept at addressing issues like pigmentation, age spots, and damage caused by sun exposure, leading to a more radiant and clear complexion.
  • Restylane Vital Skin Rejuvenation: This method focuses on improving skin hydration and elasticity through micro-injections, deeply moisturising and rejuvenating the skin for a healthier and more vibrant look.
  • Dermal Filler Injections: These injectables are excellent for restoring lost skin volume and smoothing out the skin, effectively reducing signs of ageing. They are beneficial for enhancing facial contours and softening deeper wrinkles.
  • Kaya Derma Regen 4 Layer Therapy: An exclusive four-stage skin rejuvenation treatment that includes exfoliation, hydration, nourishment, and protection, offering a holistic solution for skin renewal.

From the precision of laser technology that meticulously erases fine lines to the subtle artistry of fillers that restore lost volume, each treatment is a marvel of science and aesthetics.

When to Start Anti-Ageing Treatments

At Kaya, we firmly believe in the importance of initiating skin care routines from an early age. Essential practices like cleansing, moisturising, and applying sunscreen are crucial, as the skin, like any other organ, needs consistent and early attention.

 It might come as a surprise, but the skin starts to age gradually once we hit our mid-twenties. This is the point where we, at Kaya, suggest incorporating more sophisticated steps into your daily skincare regimen.

Kaya stresses the importance of these basic yet vital practices. They play a crucial role in keeping the skin free from detrimental elements and bacteria, nourishing it adequately, and protecting it from the harmful UV rays of the sun.

Before and After Results of Anti-ageing Treatment

As we age, our skin tends to lose its firmness and elasticity, often leading to sagging. However, numerous anti-ageing skincare treatments are available that can effectively counteract the signs of ageing. Let's explore the transformation brought by these treatments:

Before Treatment

After Treatment

Visible fine lines and wrinkles, especially around the eyes, forehead, and mouth.

Visible reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Noticeable sagging or loss of skin elasticity, particularly in the cheek and neck areas.

Improved skin elasticity and firmness, with a noticeable lift in sagging areas.

Dull, uneven skin tone, often with visible age spots or hyperpigmentation.

Brighter, more even skin tone, with reduced visibility of age spots and hyperpigmentation.

Dry, dehydrated skin texture, lacking in radiance and smoothness.

Hydrated, rejuvenated skin texture, appearing more radiant and smooth.

Enlarged pores and possibly some skin blemishes or acne scars.

Reduced size of pores and a clearer complexion, with fewer blemishes or scars.

Overall tired or aged appearance, with skin lacking in vibrancy and firmness.

Overall youthful and revitalised skin appearance, with enhanced firmness and glow.

Age-Reversal Journey with Kaya

Starting your age-defying journey with Kaya means giving your skin a fresh, youthful look. Kaya's treatments are specially made to meet the needs of skin showing signs of ageing. 

You are just one step away from witnessing your skin becoming firmer, smoother, and brighter!

  • Booking Your Appointment: Book your session by calling our TOLL FREE number, 1800 209 5292. Alternatively, you can make an appointment online through the 'Book Appointment' feature on our website.
  • Expert Consultation: We are available to answer your skin-related queries and provide expert guidance throughout your treatment process.
  • Convenient Locations in Chennai: We offer anti-ageing treatments in Chennai at four strategically located centres in the city - Adyar, Alwarpet, Anna Nagar and T Nagar. Visit the Kaya Clinic near you.

Cost of Anti-Ageing Treatment in Chennai

Experience the art of graceful ageing with Kaya's anti-ageing treatments. Our expert dermatologists tailor personalised solutions to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. 


Session 1 Cost (INR)

Skin Tightening

₹ 4,100


₹ 5,500


₹ 2,899


₹ 6,499

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What treatment is best for anti-ageing?
A 1. The best treatment varies individually, but popular options include HIFU Therapy, laser therapy, Chemical peels, Botox, and dermal fillers.

Q 2. How much does anti-ageing treatment cost?
A 2. Costs vary widely based on the treatment type and number of sessions required. Schedule an appointment to know the accurate cost based on your requirements.

Q 3. What is the best treatment for an ageing face?
A 3. Treatments like laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion are effective for ageing faces, along with Botox and fillers.

Q 4. Is anti-ageing treatment effective?
A 4. Yes, they can be effective, especially when tailored to individual skin needs and combined with a consistent skincare routine.

Dec 27, 2023

Anti Ageing Treatment Cost In Hyderabad

Table of Contents

  • Signs of Anti-Aging
  • Best Anti-Ageing Treatments in Hyderabad
  • Ideal Age to Begin Anti-ageing Treatments
  • Benefits of Anti-Ageing Treatment 
  • Cost of Anti-ageing Treatment
  • Conclusion
  • Why to Choose Kaya
  • Age-Reversal Journey with Kaya
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Signs of Anti-Aging

As time gracefully marks its passage, our bodies bear witness to the inevitable process of ageing. This natural transformation is most apparent in our skin, hair, and overall physical appearance, revealing the chronological narrative of our lives. Understanding the early signs of ageing is crucial, allowing you to embark on the path of age-reversal treatments before these age marks etch a permanent place in your life's story.

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: These are the subtle yet telling heralds of ageing, appearing initially as faint lines, often around the eyes and mouth. Over time, they deepen if ignored.
  • Dullness of Skin: Youthful radiance gradually gives way to a less vibrant complexion. This dullness results from a slowdown in cell turnover and diminished skin renewal.
  • Uneven Skin Tone: As the years pass, our skin tone may lose its evenness, leading to variations in colouration. This patchwork of tones happens due to the subtle shifts in hormonal balance.
  • Dry Skin: With ageing, skin often becomes drier, losing the supple moisture of youth. 
  • Blotchiness and Age Spots: These marks reflect sun exposure and the skin's response to long-forgotten injuries.
  • Visible Pores: Over time, pores may appear more prominent, a testament to years of exposure to the elements and the ever-changing skin’s surface.
  • Rough Skin Texture: The once smooth skin texture may grow rougher due to exposure and the relentless march of time.

Best Anti-Ageing Treatments in Hyderabad

At Kaya, we understand that every skin is unique, demanding a tailored approach to meet its specific needs. Whether you're seeking to enhance hydration or reduce signs of ageing, our treatments are designed to restore youthful vitality. Here's a glimpse into our specialised treatments:

  • Botox: A popular solution for smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines, Botox temporarily relaxes facial muscles, resulting in a smoother, more youthful appearance. Ideal for dynamic lines that appear with expressions.
  • Dermal Fillers: These injectables restore lost volume and plump up the skin, effectively diminishing the appearance of ageing. They are perfect for enhancing facial contours and reducing the visibility of deeper wrinkles.
  • Chemical Peeling: This treatment involves applying a chemical solution to exfoliate damaged skin layers. It’s excellent for improving skin texture, reducing scars and promoting an even skin tone.
  • HIFU Treatment (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound): A non-invasive treatment that uses ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production, lifting and tightening the skin. Ideal for those seeking a facelift without surgery.
  • Q-Switch Laser Treatment: This advanced laser therapy is effective in treating pigmentation, age spots, and sun damage, leading to brighter and clearer skin.
  • Restylane Vital: Specifically designed for skin hydration and elasticity, this treatment involves micro-injections that deeply hydrate and revitalise the skin, enhancing its overall health and appearance.
  • Kaya Derma Regen 4 Layer Therapy: An exclusive therapy that involves four layers of rejuvenating processes, including exfoliation, hydration, nourishment and protection, providing a comprehensive approach to skin renewal.

These anti-ageing treatments in hyderabad by Kaya skin clinic are meticulously crafted to not only combat the visible signs of ageing but also to rejuvenate your skin from within. 

Ideal Age to Begin Anti-ageing Treatments

When it comes to anti-ageing treatment in hyderabad, timing is key. The ideal age to begin varies, as it largely depends on individual skin types and lifestyle factors. Generally, it's beneficial to start preventive measures in your late 20s to early 30s. This proactive approach helps in mitigating the early signs of ageing, such as fine lines and diminished skin elasticity and sets a foundation for maintaining youthful skin in the years to come. Remember, the best time to start is when you first notice signs that concern you, ensuring your skin gets the care it needs right from the start.

Benefits of Anti-Ageing Treatment in Hyderabad

Enhanced skin health, confidence and overall well-being - here are the multifaceted benefits of anti-ageing treatments by Kaya.

  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Smoothes out skin, giving a more youthful appearance.
  • Improved Skin Elasticity: Restores firmness and reduces sagging.
  • Enhanced Skin Texture and Tone: Achieves smoother, more even-toned skin.
  • Hydration Boost: Increases skin hydration, making it look plump and revitalized.
  • Diminished Age Spots and Hyperpigmentation: Evens out skin colouration and reduces visible age spots.
  • Collagen Stimulation: Promotes the production of collagen, essential for skin strength and elasticity.
  • Pore Size Reduction: Minimises the appearance of large pores for smoother skin.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Improves overall self-image and confidence.
  • Preventive Care: Slows down the skin ageing process for long-term benefits.
  • Customisable Treatments: Offers personalised solutions based on individual skin needs.

Cost of Anti-Ageing Treatment in Hyderabad

Experience the art of graceful ageing with Kaya's anti-ageing treatments. Our expert dermatologists tailor personalised solutions to rejuvenate and revitalise your skin. 


Session 1 Cost (INR)

Skin Tightening

₹ 4,100


₹ 5,500


₹ 2,899


₹ 6,499

Disclaimer: The costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.


Kaya's commitment to excellence and personalised care ensures that each journey towards age defiance is as unique and effective as the individual embarking on it. To ensure the best outcomes, it's crucial to consult with our skilled dermatologists who can tailor the perfect anti-ageing treatment in hyderabad plan for you. Our goal is to assist you in getting a rejuvenated and youthfully radiant appearance with minimal effort and affordable options with kaya skin clinic.

Why to Choose Kaya

Choosing Kaya for your anti-ageing needs isn't just about selecting a treatment; it's about embracing a lifestyle change. Here are the reasons why Kaya skin clinic stands out as a premier choice for anti ageing treatment in hyderabad.

  • Unique approach
  • Expert dermatologists
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Personalised Care
  • Track record of satisfied clients

A commitment to Kaya skin clinc is a commitment to a younger, more radiant you.

Age-Reversal Journey with Kaya

  • Booking Your Appointment: Easily schedule your session by calling Kaya at its TOLLFREE number, 1800 209 5292. Alternatively, you can make an appointment online through the 'Book Appointment' feature on Kaya's website.
  • Expert Consultation: Kaya's team is available to answer any queries and provide guidance throughout your treatment process.
  • Convenient Locations in Hyderabad: Kaya offers anti-ageing services with its four strategically located centres in Hyderabad - Banjara Hills, Himayat Nagar, Jubilee Hills, and Kukatpally. Visit the Kaya Clinic near you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Anti-Ageing Treatment In Hyderabad

Q1. What treatment is best for anti-ageing?
A1. The best anti ageing treatment in hyderabad varies depending on individual skin concerns and goals. Popular options include Botox for reducing wrinkles, chemical peels for skin rejuvenation, and laser treatments for overall skin texture and tone improvement.

Q2. What is the best treatment for an ageing face?
A2. For an ageing face, treatments like dermal fillers for volume restoration, facelifts for comprehensive rejuvenation and HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) for non-surgical lifting are highly effective.

Q3. How much does anti-ageing cost?
A3. The cost of anti-ageing treatments can vary widely, depending on the type of treatment and the extent of the area being treated. 

Q4. Is anti-ageing treatment effective?
A4. Yes, anti-ageing treatments can be highly effective, especially when tailored to individual skin types and concerns. Success depends on the quality of the treatment, the skill of the practitioner and appropriate aftercare.

Dec 20, 2023

Laser Hair Removal In Kolkata - Cost and Process

Table of Contents

  • Introduction to Laser Hair Removal
  • The Procedure: What to Expect
  • Benefits of Laser Hair Removal
  • Post Treatment Care
  • Laser Removal Sessions
  • Conclusion
  • Laser Hair Reduction Journey with Kaya
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Laser Hair Removal in Kolkata

Laser hair removal is a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure that offers a long-term solution to unwanted hair. This technology targets hair follicles by utilising concentrated light beams, inhibiting future hair growth. Popular for its efficiency and effectiveness, it's an increasingly sought-after alternative to traditional methods like shaving, waxing, and plucking. Ideal for various body parts, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, and bikini area, laser hair removal caters to a wide range of skin and hair types, making it a versatile option for those seeking smoother skin.

The Procedure: What to Expect

The process of laser hair removal can be broken down into several key steps to understand how it effectively reduces hair growth:

  • Consultation and Assessment: The first step usually involves a consultation with a skincare specialist. During this session, the specialist assesses your skin and hair type, discusses your medical history, and determines the most suitable type of laser treatment for you.
  • Pre-Treatment Preparation: You'll be advised to avoid sun exposure, tanning treatments, and certain skincare products before the treatment. You may also be instructed to shave the area to be treated a day before the procedure to prevent surface skin damage.
  • Safety Measures: During the procedure, you will be provided with protective eyewear to shield your eyes from the intense laser light.
  • Application of Laser: The technician or dermatologist then uses a handheld laser device. This device emits a concentrated beam of light that is absorbed by the pigment (melanin) in the hair.
  • Targeting the Hair Follicles: As the melanin in the hair absorbs the light, it converts to heat. This heat then damages the hair follicles in the targeted area. The damage is precise, ensuring the surrounding skin tissue remains unaffected.
  • Cooling the Skin: Most modern laser devices have a cooling mechanism (like a cool tip or a cooling gel) to minimise discomfort and protect the skin during the treatment.

Benefits of Laser Hair Removal

The benefits of laser hair removal are extensive. Check out!

  • Long-Lasting Hair Reduction: Significantly reduces hair growth over time.
  • Minimises Routine Maintenance: Reduces the need for frequent shaving or waxing.
  • Precision: Targets hairs accurately without harming surrounding skin.
  • Versatile: Effective on various body parts including face, legs, arms, and bikini area.
  • Time-Efficient: Each laser pulse treats multiple hairs, making sessions relatively quick.
  • Smoother Skin: Results in a smoother skin texture.
  • Reduces Ingrown Hair: Lessens the occurrence of ingrown hair compared to other hair removal methods.
  • Cost-Effective Over Time: Saves money in the long run by reducing the need for regular hair removal products and services.

Post-Treatment Care 

After the procedure, you might experience some redness or swelling, which usually subsides quickly. You'll be advised on post-treatment skincare, such as avoiding sun exposure and using specific soothing creams or gels.

Laser Hair Removal Sessions

Laser hair removal typically requires multiple sessions, spaced several weeks apart, to effectively target all hair in its active growth phase. The number of sessions varies based on the treatment area and individual hair growth patterns.

Each session progressively reduces the amount of hair until most follicles can no longer produce new hair, resulting in long-term hair reduction.


laser hair reduction in Kolkata has emerged as a new norm, and Kaya Clinic has been instrumental in this shift. Driven by long-term results, precision, and convenience, this sophisticated hair reduction procedure is preferred for those seeking an effective and hassle-free solution to unwanted hair. 

Laser Hair Reduction Journey with Kaya

  • Booking Your Appointment: Book your session by calling Kaya at its TOLL FREE number, 1800 209 5292. Alternatively, you can make an appointment online through the 'Book Appointment' feature on Kaya's website.
  • Expert Consultation: Kaya's team can readily answer queries and guide your treatment process.
  • Convenient Locations in Kolkata: Kaya offers laser hair removal services with its five strategically located centres in Kolkata - Kakurgachi, Louden Street, Purna Das Road, Salt Lake, and South City. Visit Kaya’s laser hair reduction clinic near you.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Kolkata

Embark on a journey to smoother skin with Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya Clinic, starting at just INR 1000 per session*. Experience long-lasting results and say goodbye to unwanted hair.

Body Part Average Per Session Cost (INR) Total Session Cost (INR)
Full Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Upper Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Lower Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Chest Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Full Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Upper Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,199 ₹ 24,920
Lower Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,850
Full Arm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Underarm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Forearm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Neck Hair Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,799 ₹ 11,800
Upper Neck Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Forehead Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,800 ₹ 11,850
Full Bikini Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Bikini Line Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,800 ₹ 11,850
Sidelocks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Midrib Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Hands Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Hairline Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Feet Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Eyebrows Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Cheeks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,800
Areola Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Abdomen Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,800
Full Abdomen Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Upper Lip Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Lower Lip Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Throat Laser Hair Reduction NA ₹ 7,850
Nose Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 NA
Navel Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 2,999 ₹ 7,850
Midrow Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Earlobes Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Chin Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 2,900 ₹ 7,850
Beard Shape Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Full Body Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 15,600 ₹ 45,990
Shoulders Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,199 ₹ 24,920
Full Face Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Lower Face Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,990
Buttocks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920


Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Reduction in Kolkata

Q 1. How much does laser hair removal cost in Kolkata for men?
A 1. The cost of laser hair removal for men in Kolkata varies based on factors like the size of the treatment area and the number of sessions required. Prices can range from a few thousand rupees per session for smaller areas to higher amounts for larger areas.

Q2. Does laser remove 100% hair?
A2. Laser hair removal does not usually remove 100% of hair. It significantly reduces hair growth, but some hair may persist. The effectiveness can vary based on hair type, colour, and the individual's skin type.

Q3. Can you permanently remove hair with a laser?
A3. Laser hair removal can lead to a permanent reduction in hair growth. However, it typically does not result in 100% permanent removal. Some hair may regrow, and occasional maintenance sessions might be needed.

Q4. What is the cost of laser resurfacing in Kolkata?
A4. The cost of laser resurfacing in Kolkata depends on the type of treatment. Prices can range widely, often starting from several thousand rupees and increasing based on the complexity and extent of the procedure.

Our Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Top Cities

Experience cutting-edge anti-aging treatments in leading cities across the country. Our renowned dermatologists in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad specialize in premium care for various skin concerns. From fine lines to age spots, trust our experts to provide tailored solutions for youthful, rejuvenated skin. Embrace quality skincare and rediscover your youthful glow with our Best dermatologists in Kolkata.

Our Other Skin Treatment Services in Kolkata

Discover a myriad of premier skin treatment services in Kolkata. Our seasoned dermatologists provide an array of solutions to address various skin concerns. Whether you seek acne treatments or scar removal, rest assured, our team delivers personalized care using cutting-edge techniques and premium products. Elevate your skincare journey and achieve your skincare goals with our comprehensive services in Kolkata.

Dec 20, 2023

Laser Hair Removal in Delhi - Treatment and Cost

Table of Contents

  • Laser Hair Removal Decoded
  • How Laser Hair Removal Works?
  • Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle
  • Laser Hair Removal Process Explained
  • Wrapping it Up
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Laser Hair Removal in Delhi

Laser hair reduction, a game-changer in the battle against unwanted hair, employs the sophisticated selective photothermolysis method. This cutting-edge procedure harnesses laser beams to target and obliterate the dark pigment within hair follicles beneath the skin's surface. The remarkable aspect is that it leaves the surrounding skin tissues untouched.

How Laser Hair Removal Works?

The process is a precise dance of light waves at a specific wavelength absorbed by the hair follicle's melanin pigment. This action disrupts the follicle's regenerative capacity, paving the way for gloriously smooth, hair-free skin. Laser hair reduction trumps traditional methods like shaving, waxing, tweezing, and electrolysis, ideal for areas like the face, arms, legs, upper lip, bikini zone, thighs, hands, and underarms.

Say goodbye to the pain, inflammation, redness, and irritation often associated with conventional hair removal techniques. Laser hair reduction is your ticket to quick, effective, and painless hair removal, leaving your skin luxuriously silky and smooth. Multiple laser sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results. Embrace this advanced approach and revel in the newfound freedom from unwanted hair.

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

Laser hair removal, a modern solution to tackle unwanted hair, is quickly gaining popularity, especially in bustling Delhi. This method involves directing concentrated laser light into hair follicles to damage them, offering long-lasting results. But before delving deeper into the procedure, let's understand the hair growth cycle.

  • Anagen - The growth phase when hair visibly appears. Lasts 2-6 years.
  • Catagen - A 2-3 week transition phase where hair growth stops.
  • Telogen - The resting phase for about three months before shedding.
  • Exogen - The shedding phase where old hair makes way for new.

Laser Hair Removal Process Explained

The laser hair reduction process in Delhi at Kaya Clinic involves several steps to ensure safe and effective hair reduction. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Consultation. The laser hair removal treatment typically begins with an initial consultation at a reputable clinic. During this consultation, a trained technician or dermatologist will assess your hair colour, skin type, and overall health. They will discuss your medical history, any medications you're taking, and your expectations from the treatment. It is also the time to ask questions and address any concerns.
  • Preparing for the Procedure. Before your laser hair removal session, avoid sun exposure for a few weeks. Shave the treatment area a day or two before your session to ensure the hair follicles are effectively targeted. 
  • Protective Measures. As a protective measure against laser beams, you will be asked to wear protective eyewear that will help shield your eyes from the laser light. A cooling gel keeps the treatment area safe and enhances comfort during the procedure.
  • Laser Application. The dermatologist will use a handheld laser device emitting concentrated light beams during the treatment. The laser is adjusted based on your skin type and hair colour to maximise effectiveness and minimise the risk of side effects. The laser targets the melanin (pigment) in the hair follicles, heating them and inhibiting further hair growth.
  • Post-Treatment Care. After the session, the treated area may feel slightly warm or sensitive, similar to a mild sunburn. You'll receive post-treatment instructions, including avoiding sun exposure, using soothing creams, and refraining from activities that irritate the skin.
  • Multiple Sessions. The laser hair removal treatment results are not visible after the first session. As hair grows in different cycles, it is not a one-time procedure. You'll typically need a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart to target hair in various growth stages. The exact number of sessions depends on factors like skin type, hair colour, and the treatment area.
  • Maintenance Sessions (if needed). After completing the initial sessions, some individuals may require periodic maintenance sessions to ensure long-lasting results.
  • Enjoy Hair Reduction. Over time, a significant reduction in hair growth in the treated area can be seen. The hair that does regrow tends to be finer and lighter in colour.
  • Follow-Up Consultations. Regular follow-up consultations with your provider are essential to assess progress and address concerns.
  • Laser hair removal is a safe and effective method for long-term hair reduction when performed by trained professionals using the appropriate equipment. Choose Kaya, a reputable clinic and follow the guidance of our experts for the best results.

Cost of Laser Hair Removal in Delhi

Embark on a journey to smoother skin with Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya Clinic, starting at just INR 1000 per session*. Experience long-lasting results and say goodbye to unwanted hair.

Body Part Average Per Session Cost (INR) Total Session Cost (INR)
Full Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Upper Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Lower Leg Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Chest Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Full Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Upper Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,199 ₹ 24,920
Lower Back Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,850
Full Arm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,720
Underarm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Forearm Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Neck Hair Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,799 ₹ 11,800
Upper Neck Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Forehead Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,800 ₹ 11,850
Full Bikini Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920
Bikini Line Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 4,800 ₹ 11,850
Sidelocks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Midrib Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Hands Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Hairline Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Feet Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Eyebrows Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,599 ₹ 8,850
Cheeks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,800
Areola Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,850
Abdomen Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,600 ₹ 8,800
Full Abdomen Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Upper Lip Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Lower Lip Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Throat Laser Hair Reduction NA ₹ 7,850
Nose Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 NA
Navel Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 2,999 ₹ 7,850
Midrow Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Earlobes Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Chin Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 2,900 ₹ 7,850
Beard Shape Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 3,000 ₹ 7,850
Full Body Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 15,600 ₹ 45,990
Shoulders Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,199 ₹ 24,920
Full Face Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 8,200 ₹ 27,790
Lower Face Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,990
Buttocks Laser Hair Reduction ₹ 7,200 ₹ 24,920


Wrapping it Up

Laser hair removal in Delhi has become the preferred choice for those seeking a permanent and convenient solution to eliminate unwanted hair. Kaya Clinic offers this innovative technique, utilising cutting-edge technology to provide a safe and efficient route to achieving hair-free, smooth skin. It targets and eliminates hair follicles by precisely directing laser beams while safeguarding the surrounding skin. With the recommended sessions, you can enjoy long-lasting results and bid farewell to the discomfort of traditional hair removal methods. 

How do you start your journey with Kaya Clinic?

To start your journey with Kaya's laser hair reduction treatment in Delhi, CALL us at 1800 209 5292 to schedule your appointment.

Kaya offers laser hair reduction services at convenient locations in Delhi: 

  • Ambience Mall
  • Greater Kailash 2
  • Green Park
  • Pritampura 
  • Punjabi Bagh 
  • Preet Vihar 
  • PUSA Road, and 
  • Rajouri Garden.

If you're ready to embrace the freedom of silky, hair-free skin, don't hesitate to schedule a consultation with Kaya Clinic today. Your journey to a more confident, smoother you awaits.


Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Reduction in Delhi

Q. Does laser hair removal treatment in Delhi work on grey hair?
A. The procedure works best on dark hair due to the melanin pigmentation. Grey hair, however, doesn't benefit as it lacks melanin. Rest assured, laser hair removal doesn't harm the skin or cause burns.

Q. Who is eligible for laser hair removal treatment?
Anyone with dark hair can opt for it. But it's not suitable for those with grey hair, who are pregnant or breastfeeding women, or those with certain medical conditions like pacemakers. Women with PCOS can undergo laser hair removal with proper medical consultation.

Q. What is the laser hair removal treatment cost in Delhi?
A. Hair removal costs depend on several factors, such as area of treatment, skin and hair types. While it may seem expensive upfront, it's cost-effective compared to frequent salon visits in the long run.

Our Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Top Cities

Experience cutting-edge anti-aging treatments in leading cities across the country. Our renowned dermatologists in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Hyderabad specialize in premium care for various skin concerns. From fine lines to age spots, trust our experts to provide tailored solutions for youthful, rejuvenated skin. Embrace quality skincare and rediscover your youthful glow with our Best dermatologists in Delhi.

Our Other Skin Treatment Services in Delhi

Uncover a multitude of premier skin treatment services in Delhi. Our seasoned dermatologists provide an array of solutions to address various skin concerns. Whether you seek acne treatments or scar removal, rest assured, our team delivers personalized care using cutting-edge techniques and premium products. Elevate your skincare journey and achieve your skincare goals with our comprehensive services in Delhi.

Dec 11, 2023

Groom’s Glow-Up: 8 Must-Try Facials Before the Wedding Day

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • 8 Groom Facials Before the Wedding
  • Tips and Tricks to Look the Best on D-Day
  • Final Thoughts


Make your special day as special as you are. Groom yourself before the wedding with amazing facials just meant for men's skin. Put your best foot forward and make her fall in love with you again. These facials are intended to remove excess oil and dirt from your skin, giving your face a clear and radiant look. A facial is a must if you plan to get a clean shave. 

Don’t hide behind those bushy beards of yours. Impress your bride with your dazzling look and charismatic charm with these pre-wedding facials. 

8 Groom Facial Before the Wedding

We have created a list of 8 amazing facials you can add to your skincare routine before your wedding date. So, let's groom you, Mr. Groom.

  • Classic Facial: There is no gender difference here. It is meant for both men and women and is a basic facial. It involves cleansing, exfoliation, extraction (if needed), a mask, and moisturising. It can help improve skin texture, unclog pores, and leave the skin feeling refreshed.
  • Deep-Cleansing Facial: This facial includes exfoliation and extraction to remove excess oil and impurities, helping to minimise the risk of breakouts.
  • Gentleman’s Facial: These treatments consider the unique needs of men's skin, including thicker skin and facial hair considerations. It is a tailored skincare treatment designed for men, addressing specific skin concerns such as razor burn and congestion.
  • Hydrating Facial: These facials typically use moisturising masks and serums to replenish moisture levels and leave the skin plump and hydrated.
  • Chemical Peels: A mild peel can provide a subtle improvement without significant downtime, making it suitable for pre-wedding skincare.
  • Microdermabrasion: It's effective for reducing the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, and mild scarring. Grooms may consider this treatment for a smoother complexion.
  • Oxygen facial: This can promote circulation, boost collagen production, and revitalise the skin.
  • LED Light Therapy: LED light therapy uses different wavelengths of light to address various skin concerns, including acne, inflammation, and signs of ageing.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, grooming perfection involves more than a sharp suit and tie. It's about feeling confident in your skin, and that's where the power of facials comes into play. As we've explored in this ultimate guide, groom's facials are not just pampering sessions but essential steps toward looking and feeling your best on your big day.

When choosing the right facials for grooms, Kaya's specialised treatments stand out as the ultimate choice. With their tailored approach, expertise, and high-quality products, Kaya goes beyond the surface to transform your skin. So, why settle for the ordinary when you can experience the extraordinary with Kaya? Trust in their facials to make all the difference on your journey to groomed perfection.

Dec 11, 2023

Glowing Bride Guide: Do’s and Don’ts for Perfect Bridal Skincare

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Do’s for Bridal Skincare
  • Don’ts for Bridal Skincare
  • When to See a Doctor


A wedding day is special for both bride and groom; brides especially want to look their best in their favourite lehenga and wear their best makeup. To look glamorous and gorgeous on your wedding day, taking care of your skin should be part of your everyday routine till the day of your wedding. Brides tend to commit some common mistakes, like trying on a new facial or a new product on their face right before the wedding, which can cause skin irritation and lead to skin allergies. 

So, to save yourself from such embarrassment and wear that perfect glossy makeup on your face, make sure the texture of your skin is smooth so that the canvas can be painted perfectly and magically. 

Do’s for Bridal Skincare

As the countdown for the wedding day has already begun, what you can do for the radiant look on your face is something we will be helping you with. Glam up for your wedding day by following these skincare tips and tricks. Let's begin!

  • Be Mindful of Your Nutrition: Avoid excessive consumption of processed foods and sugars, which can contribute to skin issues. You can consult with a nutritionist for personalised advice.
  • Start As Early as You Can with a Routine: The earlier, the better. Begin your skincare routine well in advance of your wedding day. Consistency is key, so establish a daily skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, moisturising, and sunscreen. 
  • Keep Hydration in Check: Staying hydrated inside out is important for radiance and issue-free skin. Use hyaluronic acid-based products to lock in moisture and plump your skin. You can try Kaya’s Super Hydrator - Dry Skin Moisturiser, which is suitable for dry and sensitive skin
  • Customised Facial Treatments: Treat yourself to professional facials customised for your skin type and concerns. Discuss your wedding timeline with skincare professionals at Kaya to plan a series of facials that address specific issues like uneven skin tone, acne, or dryness.

Don'ts for Bridal Skincare

There is no scope for mistakes on your wedding day. The skincare routine should also be bang on to give you that fairy-like look on your fairy-tale wedding. So, avoid these common mistakes at all costs!

  • Don't Experiment with New Products Too Close to the Wedding: A big no to new products near the wedding date. Introducing new products too close to the big day may lead to unexpected reactions or breakouts.
  • Say No to Over-Exfoliation: Limit exfoliation to 1-2 times a week, and choose a product with gentle exfoliating agents.
  • Take Adequate Sleep and Avoid Stress: Take at least 7 hours of sleep and avoid stressful situations. Stress can cause dullness on the face, which will be reflected on your wedding day. 
  • Don't Rely Solely on Skincare – Skincare is good, but you must be healthy from within for the inner glow. Keep track of what you eat and how much you eat, and complement it with yoga and meditation for mindfulness. 

When to See a Doctor?

Why should you trust Kaya for your bridal preparations? Bridal makeup is entirely different from makeup. It's not about looking good; it's about feeling confident while enduring hours of makeup, hairstyling and the weight of stunning jewellery. Kaya’s pre-bridal packages go beyond surface-level beauty to ensure that your skin and hair are prepared for the glitz and glamour and, at the same time, are healthy from within. If your bridal look is about radiance and that unmistakable glow, we have everything you need!

Here are some compelling reasons to consider choosing Kaya’s wedding packages.

  • Wide Range of Treatments. Our pre-wedding skincare packages offer premium services such as Q Switch, Insta Glow & Insta Clarity Peels Luxury Facials and more. These treatments are designed to give your skin a radiant glow.
  • Experienced Dermatologists. With a network of over 100 dermatologists, we have the expertise to create personalised packages that will enhance the health of your skin and hair. We want to ensure you look your best for all the moments leading up to your wedding.
  • Convenient At Home Care. To help maintain the lasting effects of our wedding services, we provide a range of skincare products that our dermatologists have expertly formulated. You can easily incorporate these products into your routine for convenience.
  • Gift Cards Available. Whether you're a bride-to-be or looking to surprise someone on their day, we offer special bridal package gift cards at all our clinics. It gives you the opportunity to pamper yourself or share the joy of skin with a bride.

At Kaya, we firmly believe that every bride should embark on her new journey confidently and elegantly. Come join us. Together, we can transform your dream of a bridal look into reality!

Dec 11, 2023

Butt Injections: Types, Costs, Risks, and More

Table of Contents

  • Types of Butt Injections
  • Costs of Butt Injections
  • Risks Associated with Butt Injections
  • When to Consult a Professional

Types of Butt Injections

Hyaluronic Acid Fillers:

  • What it is: Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally found in the body, known for its hydrating properties.
  • How it works: Injecting hyaluronic acid fillers adds volume to the buttocks, creating a fuller and lifted appearance.
  • Duration: Results are temporary and may last several months, depending on individual metabolism.

Fat Transfer Injections:

  • What it is: Also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), this procedure involves transferring fat from one part of the body to the buttocks.
  • How it works: Fat is extracted through liposuction, processed, and then injected into the buttocks for a natural-looking augmentation.
  • Duration: Results can be long-lasting, but some fat absorption may occur over time.

Costs of Butt Injections

Butt injection prices can differ significantly based on several variables, including the kind of injection and different factors. The cost of the injected substance, such as fat or hyaluronic acid, can also vary. 

Risks Associated with Butt Injections

  • Infection: There's a risk of infection at the injection site, leading to complications if not properly treated.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to the injected substances, causing swelling, redness, or itching.
  • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry can be challenging, and uneven results are risky.
  • Fat Absorption (in Fat Transfer): In the case of fat transfer, a portion of the injected fat may be reabsorbed by the body, affecting the outcome.
  • Scarring: The injection process may result in scarring, affecting the appearance of the buttocks.
  • Pain and Discomfort: Patients may experience pain, bruising, or discomfort at the injection sites.

When to Consult a Professional

For butt injections, a professional's advice is required in the following situations:

  • Interest in the Procedure: If you are considering Butt Injections for aesthetic reasons, consult a professional to discuss your goals, understand the available options, and assess whether the procedure aligns with your expectations.
  • Medical History: Individuals with existing health conditions or those on specific medications should consult a doctor to evaluate the potential impact of the procedure on their health.
  • Allergies and Sensitivities: If you have a history of allergies or skin sensitivities, consulting a doctor is crucial to determine the suitability of the injected substances and avoid adverse reactions.
  • Understanding Risks and Benefits: A doctor can provide comprehensive information about the potential risks, benefits, and expected outcomes of Butt Injections, helping you make an informed decision.
  • Post-Procedure Care: Before undergoing the procedure, consult with a doctor to understand the necessary post-procedure care, including recovery time, restrictions, and potential complications.
  • Choosing a Qualified Practitioner: Consulting a doctor can guide you in selecting a qualified and experienced practitioner or surgeon, ensuring a safe and successful procedure.

Our skilled professionals at Kaya are aware of the subtleties of body curves. We provide specialised solutions that are matched to your aesthetic objectives without the need for invasive treatments. Put your trust in our knowledge to help you get the desired curves. Make an appointment for a consultation with our experts to discuss your aesthetic goals. We will thoroughly assess your goals and guide you to a safe and satisfying enhancement experience. 

Dec 11, 2023

Different Types of Facials + How To Choose The Right One

Table of Contents

  • What Are The Different Types of Facials?
  • Choosing the Right Facial Treatment for Your Skin Type
  • Benefits of Regular Facial Treatments
  • When to Opt for Professional Facial Treatments
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Types of Facials

What Are The Different Types of Facials?

Facials come in various types, each designed to target specific skin needs and concerns. Here are 10 popular facials for different skin types with their descriptions:

  • Classic/Basic Facial: Involves cleansing, exfoliating, and moisturising the skin. It's ideal for maintaining general skin health and is suitable for almost all skin types.
  • Anti-Ageing Facial: Focuses on reducing the signs of ageing, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Typically, it involves using antioxidants, collagen-boosting treatments, and serums that promote skin regeneration and elasticity.
  • Acne/Deep Cleansing Facial: Targets the root causes of acne, such as excess oil and clogged pores. It includes deep cleansing, blackhead extraction, and anti-acne treatments.
  • Hydrating Facial: Designed for dry, dehydrated skin. It uses intense moisturising ingredients like hyaluronic acid to replenish water content in the skin, leaving it soft and supple.
  • Brightening Facial: Aims to improve skin radiance and treat uneven skin tones. It typically uses vitamin C, fruit acids, and peptides to lighten dark spots and enhance skin brightness.
  • Chemical Peel Facial: This involves applying a chemical solution that exfoliates the top layers of the skin, revealing newer, more evenly pigmented skin layers beneath. It treats acne scars, uneven skin tone, and ageing signs.
  • Microdermabrasion: A minimally invasive procedure that renews overall skin tone and texture. It uses a special applicator with an abrasive surface to gently sand away the thicker layer of the skin.
  • Oxygen Facial: Involves a machine that sprays highly concentrated oxygen molecules right into your epidermis. It nourishes skin and promotes collagen growth, offering a smooth and radiant complexion.
  • LED Light Therapy Facial: Utilises different wavelengths of light to treat various skin issues. For example, blue light treats acne, while red light is used for anti-ageing purposes.
  • Sensitive Skin Facial: Tailored for sensitive skin, this facial avoids harsh chemicals or abrasive exfoliation. It focuses on gentle, soothing, anti-inflammatory treatments to calm the skin.

Each of these facials caters to specific skin types and concerns, making it important to choose the one that aligns best with your personal skin care needs.

Choosing the Right Facial Treatment for Your Skin Type

Selecting the right facial treatment hinges on understanding your skin type. Dry skin requires hydrating ingredients, while oily skin benefits from oil control and pore-clearing elements. Sensitive skin needs gentle, soothing components; combination skin requires a balanced approach.

Benefits of Regular Facial Treatments

Incorporating regular facial treatments into your skincare routine can profoundly impact your skin's health and appearance. Let's explore the key benefits:

  • Deep Cleansing and Unclogging Pores: Facials provide a deeper cleanse than regular washing. They help remove dirt, oil, and toxins, unclogging pores and preventing skin issues like acne.
  • Enhanced Skin Rejuvenation: Regular facials promote cell turnover, aiding in shedding dead skin cells. This process leads to smoother, more vibrant skin.
  • Boosted Blood Circulation: The massage techniques used in facial treatments enhance blood circulation. Improved circulation nourishes skin cells, promoting healthier and brighter skin.
  • Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Facials offer a relaxing experience, helping to reduce stress and benefit overall skin health.

Regular facial treatments enhance your skin's appearance and improve its long-term health and resilience. With these numerous benefits, facials are more than just pampering; they are an investment in the well-being of your skin.

When Opting for Professional Facial Treatments 

At Kaya Skin Clinic, we understand that achieving radiant and healthy skin often requires more than at-home care. That's why we offer top-notch professional skin care treatments tailored to your unique skin type to address deeper skin concerns. Our expert care is within your reach so you can confidently embrace your natural beauty. Remember, the secret to beautiful skin is a blend of the right products, professional advice, and consistent care. You can also explore our facial treatment kits to achieve the skin you've always desired. Your journey to beautiful skin begins here. 


Regular facials are a key component of a comprehensive skincare routine, offering a range of benefits from deep cleansing to stress reduction. Understanding your skin type and its specific needs is crucial in selecting the right facial treatment. At Kaya Skin Clinic, our professional facial treatments are tailored to address various skin concerns and provide expert care for radiant and healthy skin. Embrace the journey to beautiful skin with our customized solutions and achieve the complexion you've always desired.

Frequently Asked Questions About Types of Facials

Q1. How do I know which facial treatment is best for my skin type?
A1. Understanding your skin type and specific concerns is essential. Consult with a skincare professional to determine the most suitable facial treatment for you.

Q2. Are facials only beneficial for certain skin types?
A2. No, facials can benefit all skin types. Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, or combination skin, there is a facial treatment tailored to address your unique needs.

Q3. How often should I get a facial treatment?
A3. The frequency of facial treatments depends on your skin type and concerns. Generally, getting a facial once a month is recommended to maintain optimal skin health.

Q4. Can facials help with acne-prone skin?
A4. Yes, facials targeted towards acne-prone skin can help reduce breakouts, unclog pores, and improve overall skin texture and clarity.

Q5. Are professional facial treatments worth the investment?
A5. Absolutely. Professional facial treatments offer deep cleansing, exfoliation, and targeted solutions for specific skin concerns, providing visible results and promoting long-term skin health.

Dec 11, 2023

Mommy Makeover: Procedures, Costs, and Recovery Guide

Table of Contents

  • Mommy Makeover Procedures
  • Costs
  • Recovery
  • When to Consult a Doctor?

Mommy Makeover Procedures

Mommy Makeover Procedures refer to various aesthetic procedures intended to correct the physical changes that frequently transpire during and after pregnancy.

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty): A surgical procedure that tightens abdominal muscles and removes excess skin, addressing changes in the abdominal area due to pregnancy.
  • Breast Augmentation or Lift: Involves enhancing breast volume with implants or lifting and reshaping breasts to counteract sagging and loss of firmness post-pregnancy.
  • Liposuction: Removes stubborn fat deposits to contour various areas of the body, providing a more sculpted and streamlined appearance.
  • Body Contouring: Sculpts and enhances body contours, removing excess fat and tightening the skin for a more toned appearance.
  • Facial Rejuvenation: Non-surgical or surgical procedures like Botox, dermal fillers, or facelifts to address facial changes, restoring a more youthful appearance.

Costs OF Mommy Makeover Procedures

  • Procedure Selection: Costs vary based on the specific combination of procedures, such as tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or liposuction.
  • Surgeon's Expertise: The experience and reputation of the surgeon significantly influence costs. Highly skilled surgeons may charge higher fees.
  • Anaesthesia Fees: Using anaesthesia during the procedures incurs additional fees, contributing to the overall cost.
  • Facility Charges: Costs associated with the surgical facility, including operating room fees and postoperative recovery areas.
  • Medical Fees: Additional charges may include medical assessments, preoperative consultations, and postoperative follow-ups.
  • Postoperative Care: Costs may encompass medications, compression garments, and required follow-up treatments or appointments.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: Other factors, such as the need for special equipment or unique medical considerations, can influence overall costs.

Recovery from Mommy Makeover Procedures

It's critical to adhere to the surgeon's customised postoperative care plan and to report any concerns or unanticipated changes in recovery promptly.

  • Initial Rest Period: After surgery, rest is essential to allow the body to heal. It typically involves several days of limited activity.
  • Postoperative Monitoring: Close monitoring by medical professionals is crucial during the initial days to ensure a smooth recovery and identify potential complications.
  • Pain Management: Prescription or over-the-counter pain medications are often prescribed to manage discomfort during the initial stages of recovery.
  • Compression Garments: Wearing compression garments, as the surgeon advises, helps reduce swelling and supports healing.
  • Restricted Activities: Heavy lifting, strenuous exercise, and specific body movements may be limited during the initial recovery period.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon allow for monitoring progress, addressing concerns, and making necessary adjustments to the recovery plan.
  • Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common after surgery but gradually subside over time. Elevating the affected areas can help manage these symptoms.
  • Gradual Resumption of Activities: Patients are usually advised to gradually resume normal activities, including work and exercise, based on their healing progress.
  • Scar Care: Following recommended scar care practices, such as keeping incisions clean and using scar-reducing creams, can help minimise scarring.
  • Emotional Well-being: Emotional support and a positive mindset are essential for recovery. Connecting with support networks or seeking professional counselling can aid overall well-being.

When to Consult a Doctor?

Kaya offers personalised mommy makeover solutions, addressing post-pregnancy concerns. Our treatments include skin tightening, body contouring, and more, helping moms regain confidence and feel their best. Count on our procedures, expenses, and healing knowledge to help you navigate this process.

If you're considering getting a Mommy Makeover, set up a consultation to review the process, hear about the fees, and learn about recovering.

Dec 11, 2023

White spots on the skin: Possible causes and treatments

Table of Contents

  • Cause of White Spots on Face
  • Symptoms of White Spots on Face
  • Treatment Options for White Spots on Face
  • When to Consult a Doctor

Cause of White Spots on Face

White spots on the face can have various causes. Let us have a look at some of them.

  • Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to sunlight can lead to the development of sunspots or tinea versicolor, causing white patches on the skin.
  • Fungal Infections: Fungal infections, particularly tinea versicolor, can manifest as white or light-coloured spots on the face.
  • Vitiligo: A skin condition where melanocytes are destroyed, resulting in the loss of pigment and the appearance of white patches.
  • Pityriasis Alba: A common skin condition that primarily affects children, causing pale or white patches on the face.
  • Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis (IGH): Small, white, flat spots that commonly appear on sun-exposed areas of the skin, including the face.

Symptoms of White Spots on Face

White spots on the face manifest through various symptoms. The primary indicator is the presence of light-coloured patches on the skin, often with a noticeable loss of pigmentation. Itching or irritation may occur, especially in cases associated with fungal infections.

  • Light-Coloured Patches: White or light-coloured patches on the skin, varying in size and shape.
  • Loss of Pigmentation: Depigmentation in affected areas leads to a noticeable contrast with the surrounding skin.
  • Itching or Irritation: Some individuals may experience itching or irritation in the areas with white spots, especially in cases of fungal infections.
  • Gradual Spread: The spots may gradually spread over time, particularly in conditions like vitiligo.
  • Scaling or Flaking: Fungal infections may cause scaling or flaking of the skin in addition to the appearance of white patches.

Treatment Options for White Spots on Face

  • Topical Antifungal Medications: Topical antifungal creams or lotions may be prescribed for white spots caused by fungal infections like tinea versicolor.
  • Corticosteroid Creams: To reduce inflammation and promote repigmentation, corticosteroid creams may be recommended for certain conditions, including vitiligo.
  • Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: Immunomodulating medications like tacrolimus or pimecrolimus may treat vitiligo, helping restore pigment.
  • Phototherapy: Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light through narrowband UVB or PUVA therapy can stimulate repigmentation in some cases of vitiligo.
  • Microskin or Dermablend: Camouflage makeup products like Microskin or Dermablend can help conceal white spots, providing a cosmetic solution.
  • Pigment Transplantation: In some instances of vitiligo, pigment transplantation techniques like punch grafting or melanocyte transplantation may be considered.
  • Laser Therapy: Laser treatments, such as excimer laser, can target depigmented areas and stimulate melanocyte activity for repigmentation.

When to Consult a Doctor?

It is advisable to consult a doctor if you notice white spots on your face for several reasons:

  • Sudden Onset: If white spots appear suddenly without an apparent cause, seeking medical advice is crucial to determine the underlying issue.
  • Changes in Size or Number: If the white spots change in size, shape, or increase in number, a medical evaluation is necessary to identify potential causes.
  • Associated Symptoms: If the white spots are accompanied by itching, irritation, pain, or discomfort, consulting a doctor is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.
  • Uncertain Diagnosis: If the cause of the white spots is uncertain or over-the-counter treatments prove ineffective, a doctor's expertise can help in accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment.
  • Concerns About Vitiligo: If there are concerns about vitiligo due to a family history or if the white spots resemble vitiligo symptoms, consulting a dermatologist for assessment and guidance is recommended.
  • Persistent Conditions: If the white spots persist despite attempting home remedies or lifestyle changes, seeking professional medical advice ensures a thorough examination and appropriate intervention.

Our skilled dermatologists at Kaya know the particular issues surrounding white spots on the face. To solve these issues without requiring invasive procedures, we provide tailored solutions. Trust our knowledge to help you prioritise individualised care and achieve healthier, cleaner skin. Make an appointment to consult our experts if you see any white spots on your face. Our dermatologists will thoroughly evaluate and design a tailored treatment plan to address your needs. 

Dec 11, 2023

How to Take Care of Dry Lips in Winter

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Causes of Dry and Chapped Lips in Winter
  • Dry and Chapped Lips: How to Prevent Them in Winters
  • Final Thoughts


Winters can take a toll on your skin, particularly the delicate and thin skin of your lips. So, you need to take extra care of your lips and prevent them from drying out. Dry lips sometimes lead to bleeding and may be painful at times. You may face problems applying your favourite lipstick, so why not fix it? Fixing lip dryness starts by finding its cause and then preventing it. Some major causes include cold and dry air, dehydration, Sun exposure, and lack of lip care. 

Causes of Dry and Chapped Lips in Winter

There are various causes of dry and chapped lips. But, among them, some are significant causes, and others can be ignored, as it depends on other factors which are not in our control. Let us discuss the major causes of dry and chapped lips in winter.

  • Cold and Dry Air: The air is cold and dry in winter. Exposure to this cold environment can deplete your lips' moisture, resulting in dryness and chapping.
  • Dehydration: People may not feel as thirsty in the winter as in the summer, resulting in less water consumption. Dehydration can dehydrate your skin, particularly your lips.
  • Hot Showers: Hot showers may strip away the skin's natural oils, especially those on the lips. It can cause dry skin, particularly if you don't moisturise afterwards.
  • Lack of Lip Care: Neglecting lip balms or moisturisers can leave your lips vulnerable to dryness. Regular application of a good-quality lip balm can help prevent chapping.
  • Certain Medications: Some medications, such as those for acne or high blood pressure, may contribute to lip dryness as a side effect.

How to Take Care of Dry Lips in Winter

It is a common phenomenon in Winters yet unavoidable. But you can surely do something about it. Let us look into the methods that prevent our lips from drying out, and we don’t have to lick them for no reason.

  • Hydrate from within: Keep yourself hydrated. Drink 5-6 glasses of water even when you don’t feel like it. 
  • Use a Nourishing Lip Balm: Lip balms are effective in moisturising the lip skin and keeping dryness at bay. Avoid products with irritating ingredients like fragrances or menthol.
  • Exfoliate Gently: Use a gentle lip scrub to exfoliate your lips once or twice a week. It helps remove dead skin cells, allowing moisturisers to penetrate more effectively.
  • Protect Your Lips from the Sun: Even in winter, exposure to the sun can contribute to lip dryness. Use a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from UV rays. 

Final Thoughts

Usually, dryness and chapped lips are manageable at home and by taking preventive measures. But, if you have an underlying skin condition, such as eczema or psoriasis, that affects the skin on your lips, a dermatologist can provide specialised care and treatment options tailored to your specific condition. 

At Kaya Skin Care Clinic, you can seek assistance for your lips and skin dryness problems in winter. Professionals will help you identify the cause of lips dryness, and they will help you repair the skin of your lips from within. Trust them with all your skin-related problems, and don’t let winter's harshness harm your skin health! 

Dec 05, 2023

Liposuction Vs Weight Loss Surgery: Which Should You Get?

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • How Does Liposuction Work
  • How Does Weight Loss Work
  • Is Liposuction an Alternative For Weight Loss Regimen
  • Wrapping it Up


There is a myth that weight loss is possible with liposuction. But according to recent research, only 20-30 per cent of the fat is removed with liposuction. Also, the body's fat may accumulate without a balanced diet and lack of regular exercise. We all have different shapes and sizes. That means the accumulation of fat in the body happens in other places. Liposuction can save extra fat from a desired area, but weight loss is entirely different. 

How Does Liposuction Work?

Liposuction is a surgical treatment which involves invasive procedures. In this fat removal treatment, a cannula is inserted into the body through an incision that breaks down the fat deposits. Then they are sucked out of the body like a vacuum cleaner sucks the dust from carpets. 

Only about two to five pounds of weight is lost after the liposuction treatment. It means liposuction does not have much effect on the body in terms of body mass. However, you can maintain that and lose some weight naturally with regular exercise and a proper diet. For best results and a smoother, toned body, you must have patience and relentlessly work towards your goals. 

How Does Weight Loss Work?

Weight loss is basically about shedding the extra fat in the body. However, it must be noted that in losing weight, you don’t get rid of those fat cells; they shrink in size as their lipid content is used up.

In future, if you gain some weight, those fat cells may grow in size, increasing your overall body weight.

Is Liposuction an Alternative For Weight Loss Regimen?

The question is whether liposuction can help with weight loss or not. The answer is no and yes. No, because lipo only helps reduce a few pounds after the surgery, which means you will have to take another road for further weight reduction. You must control your calorie intake and exercise regularly to shrink the fat in targeted areas. 

In many cases, if a patient is obese and facing any health issue because of it, doctors may recommend liposuction to remove that extra fat, which is beyond the control of exercise and diet. You need to follow the conventional weight loss method to maintain a healthy weight.

Wrapping it Up

Liposuctions are an excellent method to get rid of stubborn fat deposits in the body, but they are not an alternative to a natural weight loss regimen. Desired body shape and weight loss take time and can only be achieved consistently and by following a regular diet and exercise routine. 

However, experts at Kaya are there to help you with getting your desired body shape without pain. Our CoolSculpting procedure is a gold standard for fat removal and is known to sculpt and contour the body the way you want. Under expert supervision, you will painlessly eliminate those fat deposits, assisting you in your weight loss journey.

Dec 05, 2023

Neck Liposuction vs. Neck Lift: Choosing the Right Procedure

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Neck Liposuction: Sucks out the Excess Underlying Fat
  • Neck Liposuction vs. Neck Lift Surgery: Which One Should You Choose?
  • Which One Should You Choose?
  • Wrapping it Up


Neck liposuction and neck lift surgery are the two methods to get rid of those saggy and loose skin. But, it is not limited to loose skin. It is also beneficial for removing that extra fat deposited under the chin. You can reverse the signs of ageing with these methods, but the question is which one is right for you. The best way to decide what is best for your skin and body type is by comparing and selecting the two procedures.

Neck Liposuction: Sucks Out the Excess Underlying Fat

Liposuction is a popular surgical treatment for removing pockets of fat from a desired area. Neck liposuction has gained fame recently because of growing awareness for beauty and fitness. In neck lipo, a cannula is inserted through an incision that breaks down the fat molecules, and eventually, it is sucked out. 

It is a good alternative for individuals having fat under the chin area, called “double chin”. 

Neck Lift Surgery: Invasive Surgical Treatment

Neck lift surgery involves invasive surgery that tightens up the neck and jawline's loose and saggy skin. It firms the skin and gives you a youthful appearance. With this procedure, you can get rid of your turkey neck in minimum time. The muscles are tightened through this procedure, and the skin is re-draped, giving a good finish. 

It is an excellent procedure to reverse the signs of ageing as it reduces wrinkles and fine lines. It tightens up the hanging skin of the neck area. 

Neck Liposuction vs. Neck Lift Surgery: Which One Should You Choose?

All the debate is about how to get those excess fat and loose skin fixed. Among the top procedures prevalent these days are neck liposuction and neck lift surgery. Most cosmetic surgery patients are in a dilemma and cannot choose the best procedure to enhance their beauty. We will help you choose which procedure is best to add beauty. Let us compare these two on certain parameters.

  • Type of Procedure: Both of the procedures are invasive. However, the thing to be considered is that liposuction is more time-consuming and is meant just for fat removal; for skin tightening and reversing the signs of ageing, neck lift surgery is a better option.
  • Target Candidates: Target candidates for neck liposuction are those who want to eliminate excess fat from the underlying areas. However, neck lift surgery is for ageing individuals who wish to hide their ageing appearance. 
  • Cost: The cost of both of these procedures depends upon the location and the technology adopted by your clinic. As these procedures are invasive, the cost is competitive.

Wrapping it Up

Reversing the signs of ageing or toning down excess neck fat is a personal choice, as is the procedure. But, in the interest of your health and the goals you are trying to achieve, you should choose the right procedure. If your goal is to melt away underlying fat and you are young and fit to withstand liposuction, then neck liposuction is a good option. But, if you're an ageing individual and want to do away with your saggy skin and lines on the neck for that youthful look, then neck lift surgery is for you. 

However, if you want to enhance your beauty naturally and don’t want to get involved in invasive procedures, then Kaya’s anti-ageing treatments are best for you. You can go for an 8-minute HIFU facial to tighten the neck skin and do away with underlying fat with the help of ultrasound waves. Trust Kaya for all your skin-related concerns. 


Dec 05, 2023

Compare Cool Sculpting vs. Liposuction for Effective Fat Removal

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • CoolSculpting: Non-invasive and Painless
  • Liposuction: Invasive and Painful
  • How Are They Different?
  • Which One Should You Choose?
  • Final Thoughts


To get the most out of CoolSculpting and liposuction, it is important to understand that these two procedures have advantages and disadvantages. Both are fat removal treatment but work differently on different bodies and take time. Fat removal is a time-consuming process as accumulation and removal are dynamic processes. The key is to trust in the process. Choosing the right option for you will determine how effective fat removal is. 

CoolSculpting: Non-invasive and Painless

CoolSculpting can be considered the gold standard for fat removal through non-invasive procedures. You can get these stubborn fats removed by US FDA-approved technology under expert dermatologists. 

It is a simple, non-invasive, painless procedure where the fat cells are frozen, and slowly, in the absence of nutrition, the cells die out. The process is time-consuming as the results may take time to appear. However, it targets major body areas like the waist, belly, thigh, and arms. If you are someone with a pre-existing health condition, CoolSculpting is a safer and more effective way to get rid of excess fat from the desired area. 

Liposuction: Invasive and Painful

Liposuction is a surgical procedure to get excess fat removed from your body. It is an invasive process which causes some pain to you, and the results may be visible after the procedure in a month. However, it is a one-done procedure, so you don’t require multiple sessions. Lipo is heavy on the pockets, but it has certain benefits too. 

You will notice your body is sculpting naturally, and it has a faster turnaround time than CoolSculpting in most cases. 

How Are They Different?

Looking at how they are different, you need to take into consideration a lot of things. Let us compare these two procedures on different parameters. 

Invasive or non-invasive: You are aware that CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, while lipo is an invasive surgical procedure. Lipo will be painful and may leave surgical marks on the targeted area. 
Turn Around Time: Liposuction has a faster turnaround time, while CoolSculpting may take some time to show results.
Cost: Now, this can be a turning point in your choice. Lipo is much more expensive than CoolSculpting. Surgery treatment has to be performed by a trained dermatologist, which makes it expensive. 
Targeted Area: When it comes to coverage, CoolSculpting offers more coverage. You can get fat removal from any desired area. Also, it is beneficial for those who are suffering from pre-existing health issues. 

Which One Should You Choose?

If you are considering which one to choose, it is up to you. But, if you want our recommendation, we suggest that if you have less fat and want a low-cost treatment with effective results, then go for CoolSculpting. It is also best for those who cannot withstand surgical procedures. However, if you can afford a surgical procedure like lipo and withstand it fully, you can also go for lipo. Overall, the benefits and cost coverage of CoolSculpting outweigh liposuction. 

Final Thoughts

If you aim to lose fat, try out options that suit you. You can alter your diet and look for exercises to help you lose weight naturally. If not, then you can go for these two procedures as well. Now, choosing the right one for you depends on many factors. Consider each of the factors keenly before arriving at any decision. 

However, Kaya’s CoolSculpting service is a transformative journey that attempts to sculpt and contour your body, giving it the desired shape and improving body image. You can trust Kaya’s CoolSculpting gold standard procedure to sculpt your body like never before. 


Dec 05, 2023

9 Skin Rejuvenation Treatments for a Timeless Glow

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Facial Procedures
  • 9 Types of Facial Procedures: Make Your Skin Look Younger Than Ever
  • Benefits of These Facial Procedures
  • When to Seek Medical Attention

Overview of Facial Procedures

If you wish to look younger and bring back that lost glow, cosmetic procedures on your face and skin can be useful. These facial procedures on your skin walk together to generate cells and tissues that add to your skin's beauty and charm. These procedures can help your skin rejuvenate and restore that charming face of your twenties. Few of these procedures require minimal invasion, and others may require surgery. Keep reading to learn more about these facial procedures for your skin. 

9 Types of Facial Procedures: Make Your Skin Look Younger Than Ever

Add value to your skin with these facial procedures meant to redefine it, enhance its texture, and restore its lost glow. Let us begin with the types to know more about them.

  • Botox Injections: It is a widely known and popular cosmetic treatment for fine lines and wrinkles on your face. Botulinum injections temporarily paralyse specific muscles, reducing finelines and crowfeet on your skin.
  • Dermal Fillers: It is another popular procedure in which a substance like hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin, adding volume and plumps to your lips and filling in the wrinkles and fine lines. 
  • Facelift: It is one of the face surgery types that involves the lifting up of sagging and wrinkled skin that gives it an ageing effect.  
  • Eyelid Surgery: Another surgical procedure to remove excess skin, fat, and muscle from the eyelids to address droopy or puffy eyes.
  • Laser Skin Resurfacing: It uses advanced technology to prepare the layers of this skin, which results in healthier and new skin cells on your face. It improves this skin tone, reduces wrinkles, and fights against age spots. 
  • Thread Lift: It is a minimally invasive procedure involving the insertion of dissolvable threads under the skin to lift and tighten sagging areas. It is suitable for immediate lifting of the skin. 
  • Fat Grafting: In this procedure, the fat from your own body is transferred to another, say, to the face to add volume and plump to the area. It restores the volume and adds contour to the face. 
  • Microdermabrasion: Through exfoliation of the outer layer of the skin, you can get a smoother complexion, stimulation of collagen, and brighter skin. 
  • Chemical Peels: A procedure of chemical solution is applied to your skin, which removes the outer layer of the skin, resulting in healthier, brighter, and smoother skin. 

All these procedures are subject to your skin condition and skin type. 

Benefits of These Facial Procedures

 Facial procedures provide a variety of advantages that improve one's appearance and raise self-confidence. Here are the top benefits of the above-mentioned facial treatments:

  • Reduce Signs of Aging: You can reduce the signs of ageing with this procedure, which also slows down the degenerative process of your skin. 
  • Restores Facial Volume: Due to growing age, many of us lose facial volume, especially on the cheeks. These special procedures help us restore the facial volume, which ultimately helps us look much younger. 
  • Improves Skin Texture and Tone: With the help of procedures like chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and laser skin resurfacing, work to improve skin texture, reduce blemishes, and even out skin tone.
  • Caters to Your Confidence and Wellbeing: A glowing and charming face adds confidence to your personality. It improves the overall well-being of your body and mind, which results in happiness and improves the quality of your life. 
  • Long-Lasting Results: Surgical procedures like facelifts can provide enduring improvements. At the same time, non-surgical options such as Botox and dermal fillers deliver results that can last for several months before maintenance treatments are needed.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Ageing is a slow and dynamic process. You cannot stop this process of being mortals, but you can slow down the process. However, there are situations when the skin starts ageing too early than your age, and that is a sign of deteriorating health. In such a situation, you must seek medical attention as soon as possible to find the signs of ageing in your body. With timely medical intervention, you can find out the reasons for early ageing in your skin and treat it well in time. 

Skincare experts at Kaya can help you find solutions to your ageing skin and help you look younger than ever. With these procedures, you can improve the texture of your skin, slow down the degeneration process of your skin cells, and ensure that your skin looks healthier and younger. Laser Skin Resurfacing is a promising option at Kaya for the lively skin. 

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