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Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi NCR


What is Hair Transplant?

Hair loss problems can be caused due to several different reasons. While the process is curable and reversible in many cases, there are instances when new hair growth refuses to grow due to permanent damage to follicles and the scalp. These are the situations when Hair Transplant comes to the rescue.Hair transplantation is broadly achieved by removing grafts/follicles from the back of the head that are more resistant to hormonal changes, and placing them in areas of scanty growth or baldness. There are two methods to remove the grafts – Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
Hair Transplant surgery procedure in India

Pre Hair Transplant: Planning

Even before the actual process or sessions of hair transplantation can begin,the patient needs to have sessions with the concerned surgeon to thoroughly understand the process, do’s and don’ts, expectations and his/her preferred way to go about the process. An analysis of the patients scalp needs to be done to conclusively decide the most appropriate method to achieve optimum results for a particular patient. This includes deciding on the number of sessions required for treatment for a particular patient, ranging from a single to multiple depending on the scalp analysis. A pre-operative folliscopy helps to identify the density of existing hair of the patient that is later used to accurately assess the post-operative results of newly transplanted hair. Some patients are advised topical minoxidil application and vitamins for better results. More importantly, the intake of any kind of medication outside of the one prescribed for the treatment should be avoided to not affect the eventual results of the procedure. Intake of alcohol, smoking could also lead to poor grafting results.

Hair Transplant Procedure:

The Hair Transplant procedure is around 6 to 8 hours long.

• Patients are given local anesthesia in the donor and the recipient sites. Once the anesthesia is given, patients feel no pain during the procedure.

• Most patients feel fine within a day or two after the surgery. Some patients may feel some numbness or soreness for few days.

• It usually takes 3- 5 months before the transplanted follicles start growing new hair. The new hair that grows initially is thin and gradually becomes thicker and fuller.

• In eight to ten months, the transplanted hair will be completely mature and will continue to grow for a lifetime.

Hair Harvesting Methods for Hair Transplantation
  • Scalp Reduction

    Scalp reduction is one of the earliest hair transplantation methods. During this process, scalp from the balding area is surgically removed. Most of the time, the area removed is from the crown or the top of the head. Post removal, the scalp area that bears hair is stretched over to cover and replace the patch that has been removed.
  • Strip Harvesting

    The strip method is a method of obtaining follicular units from a donor strip that is taken from an area of non-balding scalp at the back or sides of the head. This is done by removing the grafts from the strip using operating microscopes, and then transplanting the grafts in the bald or thinning areas. A special strip closure technique called the ‘Trichophytic Closure’ is used during which one wound edge is treated by inducing hair to grow through a scar to make it less visible. Trichophytic Closure is a decent technique but it is not completely effective in hiding the scars.Today though, scalp reduction or strip harvesting is not often used due to the more advanced FUE and FUT hair transplant procedures.

FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a method of extracting, or “harvesting,” donor hair in a follicular unit hair transplant procedure. In FUE hair transplant surgery; an instrument is used to make a small, circular incision in the skin around a follicular unit, separating it from the surrounding tissue. The unit is then extracted (pulled) directly from the scalp, leaving a small open hole.
This process is repeated until the hair transplant surgeon has harvested enough follicular units for the planned hair restoration. This process can take one or more hours and in large sessions, may be accomplished over two consecutive days. The donor wounds, approximately 1-mm in size, completely heal over the course of seven to ten days, leaving tiny white scars buried in the hair in the back and sides of the scalp.
This method of donor harvesting, removing follicular units one-by-one directly from the scalp, is what differentiates the FUE hair transplant from a traditional Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT), where the donor hair is removed from the scalp in one thin, long strip and then subsequently dissected into individual follicular units using a stereo-microscope.
Before the grafts are harvested, tiny “recipient sites” are made in the balding area of the scalp using a fine needlepoint instrument. The follicular units are then placed into the recipient sites where they will grow into healthy hair-producing follicles. The creation of recipient sites and the placing of follicular unit grafts are essentially the same in both FUE and FUT procedures. The difference lies in the appearance of the donor area and in the quality and quantity of grafts obtained with each technique.

FUT Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) is a surgical procedure where hair is transplanted in the balding or hair thinning areas by removing a strip of hair from the back or the side of the head since, the back and side of the heads are not usually prone to balding and have stronger hair follicles. The hairs or grafts are cleaned and divided into natural follicular units, between 1-4 hairs per unit called follicular units. This procedure is conducted under high magnification to ensure graft survival.The process begins after the scalp of the patient is anesthetized. A strip of tissue from the donor area (back or side of the head) is removed and then divided into follicular units. As these follicular unit grafts are being prepared, tiny holes are made in the scalp, called recipient sites, where the grafts are placed. One has to be very careful and precise while making the arrangements and positioning of the follicular unit grafts as the aesthetic value of the hair transplant and how natural it looks depends on it. The way of arrangement also depends on patient-to-patient, with the history of their hair loss to be taken into consideration. Since follicular unit transplants mimic the way hair grows in nature, the results, in expert hands, will look completely natural and be indistinguishable from one’s original hair.

FUT vs FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are frequently compared as if they are two totally different, even competing, hair transplant procedures. Despite this common misconception, the difference between FUE and FUT is the method by which follicular units are removed from the donor area in the back and sides of the scalp. The remainder of the hair transplants procedure is essentially similar.However, the harvesting method does have important implications for the hair restoration procedure as it will affect the total number of high quality grafts that can be harvested from the donor area and ultimately, the fullness achieved from the hair transplant. In general, the harvesting method of FUT via strip is superior to that of FUE for two main reasons. The first reason is that the FUT procedure allows the surgeon to produce the highest quality grafts by isolating the follicle units with minimal trauma (this disadvantage is minimized with Robotic FUE). The second is that FUT enables the surgeon to best utilize the most permanent part of the donor area. To more fully understand these concepts, click: Graft Quality and Utilizing Donor Hair.Because the differences between FUE and FUT are significant, the pros and cons of FUE hair transplant surgery should be considered when deciding which procedure is best for you.

Post Hair Transplant: Precautions, Expectations & Recovery Time


It is important to follow post surgery instructions and take good care of the grafts. Swelling of the scalp, face is common for a few days. You will be on antibiotics, steroids, and painkillers for a few days and will be asked to use Minoxidil and or Finasteride. The grafts are wetted with saline repeatedly for a few days after the transplant. Hair is washed with a diluted shampoo the next day in a specific manner without disturbing the grafts. They will eventually fall out after two weeks and the new growth will be seen anywhere between three to six months. In FUT method, post-op wound care of the scar is important and the sutures are removed after a week.


Post surgery, the scalp is sensitive and tender and care has to be taken for a few days to ensure its proper healing. Pain medications, an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory drug might be prescribed for a few days to overcome any lingering pain. Even a bandage around the scalp for 2-3 days might be adviced to avoid unnecessary contact or damage. One can return to work 2 to 5 days after the operation.

Recovery Time:

The transplanted hair will fall out, within 2-3 weeks of surgery. You should start to noticing hair growth in few months. About 60% of new hair growth can be observed after 6 to 9 months. Minoxidil (Rogaine) might be prescribed to improve hair growth after transplantation to some, though its effectiveness is not proven.

Is Hair Transplant Permanent Solution?

Whether your method of hair transplant is FUE or FUT, the result of both the procedures in growing hair is permanent. There is a simple explanation to this. Since the hair grafted for the procedures are either from the back side or the side of the head, that are areas with naturally permanent hair roots, the new hair that grows from these planted roots are also permanent. Meaning, you will never completely lose hair again.However, after 1 month of your hair transplantation you will temporarily start losing the transplanted hair, and may continue for next 2 months. The temporary loosing phase is followed by permanent growth phase during which hair will continue to grow at normal rate. No further medication or out of the way maintenance would be needed to help grow or sustain the growth of hair in the future.


Hair Loss in men requires correct diagnosis, precise customized solutions, and continuous care and maintenance – all provided in a new holistic system – Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions. Kaya Hair Restore Expert Transplant Solutions is designed by our expert Dermatologists to make a holistic impact right where it matters – at the hair root. Kaya’s Hair Transplant Solutions is a superior offering compared to treatments you’ve tried so far. Hair Transplant is a procedure in which hair follicles from a hair bearing area called donor area (which is usually the back of the head as it is unaffected by Male Pattern Baldness) are transplanted to a balding area called the recipient area, under local anesthesia. The follicular units that are transplanted from the donor area to the recipient area take the qualities of the donor area. The transplanted hair grows for a lifetime, as the follicles taken from the back of the head are genetically resistant to baldness, regardless of where they are relocated. Kaya Hair Restore Expert Hair Transplant Solution is a minimally invasive advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method of hair transplantation that involves no cuts, stitches or scars.
Signs of hair loss in women and men are very common as they grow older. Kaya Skin Clinic offers one of the best hair transplant solution in various Indian cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chandigarh, Kolkata and others at an affordable Cost and probably the most reasonable price in India


The Kaya Solution combines the Hair Transplant procedure with other high efficacy building procedures such as natural hair rejuvenation with PRP, Hair Nutri Infusion Therapy and Hair Root Activation Laser Therapy. This unique approach helps stimulate hair growth to ensure best results that are completely natural looking.


We at Kaya offer best in class medical infrastructure and the latest technology in hair replacement to ensure utmost safety and efficacy of the procedure. Our teams of doctors are proven experts in the field of Hair Transplants and will ensure best and most natural looking results. The transplanted hair will grow naturally and can also be cut or styled as desired.
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