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Prevent Photo-Aging: Sun Protection & Skin Care Tips

Photo-aging is the premature aging of your skin caused due to the prolonged exposure to ultra violet rays of the sun. This is caused as a result of the damaging result of the UV rays which alter the normal structure of your skin. When the UV rays affect your skin it causes the dermal cells to produce melanin. When there is increased production of melanin makes your skin tan. The Ultra Violet Rays are made up of two different types of waves, which are the UVA and the UVB. UVB rays are responsible for causing sunburns, while the UVA rays cause maximum photo-aging damage. The UVA rays penetrate deep in to the dermis and cause damage to the collagen fibers. An increased production of abnormal elastin and enzymes called metalloproteinases which rebuild the damaged collagen as a result of the damage. Overtime these enzymes malfunction and breakdowns the collagen which results in improperly repaired skin. When this continues to happen the skin starts to form wrinkles, and the collagen eventually depletes resulting in leathery skin. When your skin is repeatedly exposed to sunlight, it also forms what is known as the age spot.

Signs of Photo-Aging


•  Deep Wrinkles

•  Dry and Rough Skin

•  Freckles (mostly on the face and shoulders)

•  Uneven Skin Tone

•  Leathery and weathered appearance

How to Prevent Photoaging by Taking Precaution

Limiting exposure to the UV rays of the sun is one of the best ways to prevent photo-aging. When you’re out in the sun especially between 10am – 2pm ensure to use sunscreen, or use protective wear such as brimmed hats or scarfs. When using a sunscreen ensure to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30. The photo-aging treatments primarily focus on increasing the firmness and elasticity of the photo-aged skin. To reduce the appearance of wrinkles, cosmetic procedures such as botulinum toxin and collagen are also used. When your skin is repeatedly exposed to sunlight, it also forms what is known as the age spot.
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