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Traditional Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling

Traditional Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling

Table of Contents 

  • Traditional Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling 
  • Why Choose Kaya Skin Clinic
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs About Traditional Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling 

Traditional Microneedling vs RF Microneedling - Which One is Better for Your Skin? 

Traditional Microneedling is a popular way to treat the underlying skin dullness of ageing. This dermatological procedure involves using fine needles to create controlled micro-injuries on the skin’s surface. Traditional microneedling employs this technique to promote skin rejuvenation and improve overall skin quality. It is a widely opted skincare procedure for addressing various skin concerns. The controlled injury prompts the skin's natural healing response, increasing collagen and elastin production. 

In contrast, RF microneedling combines this technique with advanced radiofrequency technology, delivering heat to deeper skin layers for enhanced collagen stimulation and skin tightening for youthful radiance. RF microneedling is often preferred for its ability to provide effective results with reduced discomfort compared to traditional microneedling. While both methods offer skin rejuvenation, RF microneedling's advanced technology tends to be favoured for its comprehensive benefits, making it a promising choice for those seeking a more comfortable and efficient skincare solution.

Have a glance at the distinguishing features of these treatments. 


Traditional Microneedling

RF Microneedling

Method of Treatment

Uses fine needles to create micro-injuries on the skin's surface.

Utilises radiofrequency energy along with needles to penetrate the skin.

Skin Tightening

Mild to moderate tightening effects.

Offers more significant skin tightening due to the added radiofrequency energy.

Collagen Production

Stimulates collagen production, improving skin texture and tone.

Promotes collagen remodelling and production for firmer, rejuvenated skin.


Short downtime with redness and mild swelling for a few days.

Minimal downtime with quicker recovery compared to traditional methods.

Pain Level

May cause discomfort or pain during the procedure.

RF energy may provide more comfort by minimising pain sensations.

Number of Sessions

Multiple sessions may be needed for optimal results.

Fewer sessions may be required due to enhanced effectiveness.


Noticeable improvements in skin texture and appearance over time.

Faster and more dramatic results due to enhanced collagen stimulation.


Suitable for various skin types and concerns.

Ideal for those seeking tighter, smoother skin with minimal downtime.


Generally more affordable compared to RF microneedling.

Often more expensive due to the use of specialised technology.

Why Choose Kaya Skin Clinic?

Clinics like Kaya Skin Clinic utilise the power of RF microneedling to address various skin concerns, acknowledging its significant benefits. Including this RF technology in microneedling ensures that these results are achieved with maximum precision and minimal discomfort. Incorporating this technology into your skincare can lead to visibly healthier, more youthful & vibrant skin. 

  • Booking Your Appointment: Book your session by calling our TOLL FREE number, 1800 209 5292. Alternatively, you can book an online appointment through our website's 'Book Appointment' feature.
  • Expert Consultation: We can answer your skin-related queries and provide expert guidance throughout your treatment process.


Traditional microneedling enhanced skin to an appreciable extent but given the amount of pain and discomfort involved in the procedure, RF microneedling is winning people’s attention! RF microneedling, with its cutting-edge radiofrequency technique, provides effective skin rejuvenation with amazing results and less discomfort, making it a preferred choice for many seeking a safe and comfortable approach to skincare. Kaya Skin Clinic acknowledges these benefits, integrating this acid into their treatments and products to offer accessible, high-quality skincare. Making it a part of your routine with Kaya’s expertise is a step toward achieving a more glowing and revitalised complexion.

FAQs About Traditional Microneedling vs. RF Microneedling 

Q1. Why is RF microneedling better than traditional microneedling? 
A1. RF microneedling, compared to traditional microneedling, is able to reach the deepest layers of the skin without damaging the outer layers. RF technology helps in the deeper penetration to help boost the collagen production and tighten the skin for a youthful radiance. 

Q2. How often should we get RF microneedling done?
A2. According to the experts, RF microneedling requires 3 to 6 sessions to receive the best benefits. This procedure is safer compared to traditional microneedling. You can get your sessions done without being feared. 

Q3. Is RF microneedling less painful than traditional microneedling? 
A3. Yes, RF microneedling is considered to be less painful than traditional microneedling. Traditional microneedling requires pin insertion, which can be quite painful and discomforting. RF microneedling, on the other hand, combines microneedling with radiofrequency technology that heats the deeper layers of the skin for ease and causes less pain and discomfort. 

Q4. What is the time of RF microneedling? 
A4. RF microneedling requires 4-6 sessions to yield the best outcomes. The period can last up to 6-12 months, depending on your skin, health, and post-treatment care. 

Q5. Is RF microneedling more expensive than traditional microneedling? 
A5. Yes, RF microneedling is a little expensive compared with traditional microneedling due to the added use of technology and better results. 

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