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PRP Hair Treatment In Bangalore, India: Cost And Procedure


Table of Contents

  • The Growing Popularity of PRP Hair Treatment in Bangalore
  • Why PRP Hair Treatment Could Be Your Answer to Hair Loss?
  • At Kaya Skin Clinic: Your Destination for PRP Hair Treatment
  • What's the Cost of Fuller Hair?
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

The Growing Popularity of PRP Hair Treatment in Bangalore

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment is gaining ground in Bangalore due to its noninvasive nature and promising results. The treatment includes-

  • Extracting a small amount of the patient's blood.
  • Separating the plasma.
  • Injecting it back into the hair scalp to promote hair growth.

This method is appealing because it uses the body's natural elements to facilitate healing and regeneration.

Why PRP Hair Treatment Could Be Your Answer to Hair Loss?

Here are concise reasons why this could be your ideal option.

Natural Healing

PRP uses your body's cells to stimulate hair growth, minimising the risks of allergic reactions and infections. It's a natural process that enhances hair regeneration.

Minimally Invasive

This non-surgical procedure involves only a simple blood draw and scalp injections, requiring minimal downtime, making it an attractive option for busy individuals.

Versatile Solution

Effective for many causes of hair loss, including genetics and environmental factors, PRP is suitable for many individuals who experience hair thinning.

Boosts Confidence

Improving hair density and appearance can significantly boost your self-esteem and confidence, contributing positively to mental well-being.


While there's an upfront cost, PRP can be more economical in the long run than ongoing treatments, offering less noticeable results.

Psychological Benefits

Addressing hair loss can alleviate psychological strain, improving overall happiness and quality of life.

At Kaya Skin Clinic: Your Destination for PRP Hair Treatment

Kaya Skin Clinic, a trusted skin and hair care brand, offers specialised Hair PRP treatments tailored to individual needs. Our holistic approach is to arrest hair loss and stimulate new growth where possible. Kaya's hair care specialists are trained to understand the unique nature of Indian hair and provide solutions that ensure the best results.

The clinic's emphasis on a comprehensive hair and scalp analysis ensures that the PRP hair treatment in Bangalore is not just a generic procedure but a personalised therapy designed to yield the best outcomes. At Kaya, the goal is to help clients regain their hair and confidence, allowing them to embrace their natural beauty again.

What's the Cost of Fuller Hair?

Are you thinking about PRP treatment at Kaya in Bangalore? It's an affordable step towards thick, healthy hair. Prices vary, but the long-term benefits outweigh the cost. Say goodbye to thinning hair without breaking the bank!

PRP Hair Treatment Cost (INR)

1st Session

₹ 11,990

3rd Session

₹ 29,950

Disclaimer: Costs mentioned are pre-tax and may vary based on individual requirements. A consultation with Kaya's experts will determine the optimal treatment plan tailored to your needs and budget.


In a city as vibrant and dynamic as Bangalore, feeling your best is important. PRP hair treatment in Bangalore represents more than just a medical procedure; it's a step towards regaining your lost confidence and vitality. With the right care and expertise, such as that provided by Kaya Skin Clinic, you can look forward to new hair growth and a new lease on life.

Begin Your Hair Renewal Today!

  • Call 1800 209 5292 for a free consultation or schedule your appointment online. 
  • Discover expert hair solutions at Kaya Skin Clinic, conveniently located in Bangalore's Koramangala, Jayanagar, J P Nagar, Sadashivanagar, New Bel Road, and more. 
  • Start your journey to fuller hair and renewed confidence today!

Reclaim Your Hair, Reclaim Your Life!

Frequently Asked Questions About PRP Hair Treatment In Bangalore

Q1. Is PRP hair treatment in Bangalore painful?
A1. PRP treatment involves minimal discomfort, with most patients only experiencing slight pressure or sensation during injection.

Q2. How long does it take to see results from PRP hair treatment?
A2. Results can vary, but most patients see noticeable improvements within three to six months after starting their PRP treatment sessions.

Q3. Are there any side effects of PRP hair treatment?
A3. PRP hair treatment is generally safe, with the most common side effects being mild pain at the injection site, scalp tenderness, and temporary swelling.

Q4. How many PRP sessions are needed for effective results?
A4. The recommended number of sessions for optimal results can vary, typically ranging from three to four sessions depending on the individual's condition and response to treatment.

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