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Chemical Peel Treatment


What Does Chemical Peel Do? How Does It Work?

Men and women from all around the world are susceptible to a variety of skin conditions such as sun-damage, wrinkles, acne, scarring and lesions to name a few. A chemical peel treatment can help improve the appearance of such skin, while also helping improve upon age spots and skin discolouration. Skin Peeling Treatment: It uses a mixture of acids to remove the dead and damaged layers of skin. This is done by reducing the pH level of the skin to 3.8 acidity level. The advantage of this process is that the change in acidity loosens the all the dead and damaged skin, thus allowing the dead skin to get exfoliated and the new skin to grow. The benefits of chemical peel treatments vary depending on how aggressively they are administered.

Types of Chemical Peeling


- Deep Peeling

- Superficial Peeling

- Medium-Depth Peeling


Superficial Peels:

It primarily target the topmost layers of the epidermis of the skin and are most commonly composed of glycolic or salicylic acids in various concentrations.

Deep Peels:

It typically consist of an ingredient known as phenol. Phenols produce injury within the deeper layers of the skin or the dermis. These stronger peels help in treating moderate to severe cases of photo-aging and wrinkles. Deep peels are capable of offering the greatest level of skin improvement, but they require longer recovery times and carry the highest risk of developing skin complications such as scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Medium-Depth Peels :

A third kind of chemical peel is also available which is the “Medium-Depth Peels”. This is most commonly made up of Trichloracetic acid or TCA in varying concentrations of around 20% to 35% or in the form of combinations such as the Jessner's solution, which consists of 70% glycolic acid, and solid carbon dioxide with 35% TCA. The advantages of this combination medium depth peel is that one can achieve greater penetration with modest concentrations of the TCA, thereby avoiding adverse reactions. Medium depth peels target the deeper layer of the epidermis and the superficial dermis of the skin. With this increased penetration, these peels can result in an impressive improvement in skin texture with a reduction in pigmentation, freckling and some pre-skin cancers. A superficial or moderate peel can be performed in a dermatologist's office without requiring anaesthesia. The treated area may feel warm for about five to 10 minutes, and you may experience some stinging. After the procedure, which lasts for about 30 minutes, the dermatologist applies a to calm the skin. Deep peels are commonly conducted in a surgical centre. Patients are placed under general anaesthesia while the doctor applies the chemical mixture to one small area at a time. Cold compresses are used to soothe the skin, and the treated area is bandaged with surgical dressing.
The duration for healing varies from type to type and also has some mild side-effects. A superficial peel would take about one week to heal completely. The treatment would leave the skin with a little redness for a few days, after which it will begin to flake and peel away. Applying a soothing lotion to the skin during the healing process would help deal with the redness and the flaking.
A medium peel treatment would leave the skin red and swollen for around 48 hours. After that, blisters may form and the skin may become crusty. This crust will fall off in about seven to 14 days. During this time, the area that has undergone treatment needs to be soaked on a daily basis and taking an antiviral medicine is recommended. Staying out of the sun completely until the skin heals is most important to aid the healing process. The deep peel also requires a daily soaking along with ample applications of calming ointments and lotions. Antiviral medication is recommended for up to two weeks and completely avoid the sun for up to six months.

Chemical Peeling Benefits :

It is a very satisfying treatment when the long-term benefits are taken into account and their benefits are not just limited to what they can do for the health of one’s skin. Chemical peeling benefits extend to the simplicity and duration of the procedure, as well as the fact that it is relatively painless. However, these benefits are available only when the procedure is performed by a trained and experienced professional. There are many factors that have to be taken into consideration when performing chemical peels, including but not limited to: baseline skin pigmentation, the concomitant use of topical agents, potential for skin irritation, active skin conditions, and the propensity for scarring. Those with more darkly pigmented skin generally should only receive superficial peels or very mild medium strength peels with proper supervision and preparation.A superficial peel can yield desired results within three to five treatments. The medium peel is often repeated two or more times, spaced out over the course of several months. The deep peel can only be administered once in a life-time.

Chemical Peel at Kaya :

Kaya’s Intense Clarity Peel provides a combination peel system developed as a treatment by Kaya’s dermatologists. These peels have natural skin lightening and depigmentation properties which help in gentle exfoliation of your skin. The additional benefits derived from this combination peel are a reduction in uneven skin tone and dark spots.
A chemical peel treatment can help you get over your skin related woes at an affordable cost without disrupting your schedule. Book your consultation today!
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