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KAYA | To SPF or Not to SPF? Separating Fact from Fiction in Sun Protection

KAYA | To SPF or Not to SPF? Separating Fact from Fiction in Sun Protection

Ah, the warm embrace of the sun! It's the source of joy, vitamin D, and those delightful beach days. But amidst the sun-soaked bliss, there's a lingering question that puzzles many: To SPF or not to SPF? It's a perplexing dilemma, filled with myths, misconceptions, and a touch of sunscreen superstition. As the sun protection market gets flooded with countless products and conflicting advice, it's time to shed some light on the truth behind SPF and its daily use.


In this blog, we'll unravel the truth behind sun protection and debunk the myths that have clouded our understanding. This Sunscreen Protection Day, get ready to embrace the sun's warmth with confidence and safeguard your precious skin like a savvy sun-kisser.

Understanding Sun Protection and SPF Basics

So, what exactly is SPF? SPF, or Sun Protection Factor, is the level of protection a sunscreen provides against UVB (Ultraviolet B) rays, which are primarily responsible for sunburns. The higher the SPF, the longer it protects the skin before the sunburn occurs. 


When you see an SPF value on a sunscreen bottle, it represents the level of protection it offers against UVB rays. For instance, if you’re wondering what SPF is best for your face, always try to use an SPF 30 sunscreen. It allows you to stay in the sun 30 times longer than you could without protection before experiencing sunburn. 


To ensure effective sun protection, it's recommended by dermatologists to choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply it generously. Do make sure that you keep reapplying it every two hours, or more frequently if you're sweating or swimming. If you are looking for a lightweight sunscreen that is fit for daily use, check out Kaya's Daily Moisturizing Sunscreen with SPF30. You can also take further preventative measures to protect your skin from the harsh and harmful rays of the sun by seeking shade during peak sun hours, wearing protective clothing, and using other sun-protective measures that are essential for comprehensive sun care.

Debunking Common SPF Myths


There are several myths surrounding SPF that can lead to misunderstandings about sun protection. Let's debunk a few of them.


Myth: The higher the SPF of the sunscreen, the longer I can stay out in the sun.

Fact: That's not exactly the case. The way it works is that SPF provides protection against sunburns and UVB rays. However, when you are out in the sun you will sweat and the sunscreen will melt away. So, it is an absolute must to keep reapplying sunscreen throughout the day, to get proper protection against the sun. 


Myth: Sunscreens with high SPF are always better.

Fact: The difference in protection between SPF 30 and SPF 50 is minimal. SPF 30 blocks about 97% of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks around 98%. Both provide effective protection when applied and reapplied correctly. Check out Kaya's Youth Protect Sunscreen SPF50, to preserve that evergreen glow of your skin.


Myth: Sunscreen with high SPF doesn't need to be reapplied as frequently.

Fact: Regardless of the SPF level, sunscreen needs to be reapplied every two hours, especially after sweating, swimming, or towel-drying. High SPF does not extend the duration of protection. So keep reapplying your sunscreen periodically.

unravel the truth behind sun protection and debunk the myths that have clouded our understanding.

How Much SPF is Good For The Face?

When it comes to choosing the right SPF for your skin, a general guideline is to opt for a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of SPF also depends on factors such as your skin type, sun exposure intensity, and duration.

If you have fair or sensitive skin, or if you're planning to spend extended periods outdoors, you may consider using a higher SPF, such as SPF 50. This can provide an extra layer of protection against harmful UV rays. 

Our skin deserves the best protection from the sun's rays. By debunking SPF myths and understanding the importance of choosing the right sunscreen, you can ensure effective sun protection. Remember, it's not just about the SPF number, but the regular application and reapplication of sunscreen that makes the true difference. So, let's make SPF a daily habit, embrace sun protection with a smile, and enjoy the sun responsibly. After all, taking good care of our skin is a wonderful way to show ourselves some love!

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