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Psoriasis On Lips: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment


Table of Contents

  • What are the symptoms of Psoriasis on the lips?
  • What are the causes of Psoriasis on the lips?
  • Treatment for Psoriasis on the Lips Without Prescription
  • When to Seek Medical Attention
  • conclusion

Symptoms of Psoriasis on the Lips

Timely diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan can help alleviate symptoms and enhance the overall quality of life for individuals with psoriasis on the lips. Psoriasis on the lips, also called psoriasis cheilitis, may present with the following signs: 

  • Redness: The lips may appear abnormally red. 
  • Dryness: The lips can become excessively dry and flaky. 
  • Scaling: Affected areas may develop thick, silvery-white scales. 
  • Cracking: The skin on the lips may experience cracks and fissures, leading to discomfort and pain.
  • Bleeding: Severe cases can cause bleeding, especially when the fissures become deep.
  • Itching: Itching and burning sensations may accompany Psoriasis on the lips.
  • Swelling: The lips can become swollen and puffy.
  • Discomfort: The discomfort associated with psoriasis on the lips can interfere with eating, speaking, and daily activities.

It's important to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate management if you suspect you have psoriasis on your lips or any other skin condition.

Causes of Psoriasis on The Lips

The causes of psoriasis on the lips are not fully understood. It is believed to be a disorder. In this condition, the immune system mistakenly targets skin cells, causing inflammation and excessive growth of skin cells. Several factors may contribute to developing psoriasis on the lips:

  • Genetics; Having a family history of psoriasis can increase the risk of developing the condition, including psoriasis on the lips.
  • Immune System Dysfunction: Abnormalities in the system can trigger psoriasis. Since the lips are close to the oral mucosa, they can also be affected.
  • Environmental Triggers: Various environmental factors, such as lip injuries, stress, and infections, can trigger psoriasis flare-ups, including on the lips.

Treatment of Psoriasis on the Lips

Psoriasis on the lips can turn out to be a stubborn and challenging to manage issue. It is tough to manage due to its highly visible and sensitive nature. Psoriasis treatment approaches are focused on managing and reducing symptoms, preventing flare-ups, and reducing inflammation. Here are common strategies for managing psoriasis on the lips:

  • Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors: Non-steroidal options like pimecrolimus and tacrolimus are usually recommended for sensitive areas like the lips. These options help control itching and inflammation without the potential side effects of corticosteroids.
  • Topical Corticosteroids: Dermatology experts may also prescribe low-potency ointments or topical corticosteroid creams for psoriasis on the lips. These help reduce itching, inflammation, and redness. It is advised to use them after a consultation with experts at Kaya.
  • Emollients and Lip Balms: Apply lip balms and emollients regularly, as they can help keep the lips hydrated while reducing flaking and dryness. Choose products that have no irritating flavours or fragrances.
  • Phototherapy: In certain instances, dermatologists may recommend light therapy (UVB or PUVA) to manage psoriasis on the lips. Controlled exposure to UV light can reduce inflammation and slow skin cell growth.
  • Systemic Medications: Systemic medications may be prescribed when psoriasis on the lips not responsive to topical treatments. These include oral medications, which work by modulating the immune system.
  • Moisturise and Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to stay well-hydrated, as it is essential for overall skin health, including the lips. Apply petroleum jelly or a hydrating lip balm to create a protective barrier and prevent dryness.
  • Avoiding Triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that can worsen psoriasis on the lips problem. Common triggers include smoking, certain medications, stress, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption. Lifestyle adjustments and modifications can play a significant role in managing symptoms.
  • Gentle Skincare: Use fragrance-free and mild skincare products. Avoid harsh cosmetics or lipsticks that may worsen itching and irritation.
  • Nutritional Considerations: Maintaining a balanced diet with anti-inflammatory foods may help reduce the severity of symptoms in some individuals, though it cannot completely cure the condition
  • Consulting a Dermatologist: Dermatologists at Kaya have specialised knowledge in treating skin conditions like psoriasis. They can tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique needs and monitor progress closely.

Psoriasis on the lips can vary in severity, and treatment effectiveness differs among individuals. Those with psoriasis need to work closely with healthcare providers to find the most suitable treatment approach and ensure long-term management of their condition.

When to Seek Medical Attention

Seek medical attention for psoriasis on the lips if you experience severe symptoms that impact your daily life, such as extensive scaling, bleeding, or discomfort while eating, drinking, or speaking. If it's your first experience with lip symptoms resembling psoriasis, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. Additionally, if over-the-counter treatments or home remedies prove ineffective or if you notice signs of infection like redness, swelling, or pus, it's crucial to seek prompt medical evaluation. Psoriasis on the lips can have emotional implications, so don't hesitate to discuss any distress with a healthcare provider who can offer support and appropriate treatment options.

You can also consider a CONSULTATION WITH EXPERTS from Kaya Clinic to make an informed decision. 


Psoriasis on the lips, or psoriasis cheilitis, is a chronic skin condition that manifests as redness, dryness, scaling, and sometimes cracks or sores on the lips. It can be particularly uncomfortable and challenging due to the sensitive and visible nature of the area. Management typically involves dermatologist-prescribed treatments such as topical corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, and lip balms to alleviate symptoms.  

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Frequently Asked Questions About Psoriasis On Lips

Q1. Can Psoriasis affect the lips?
A1. Yes, psoriasis can affect the lips, resulting in itchiness, redness, scaling, and inflammation known as psoriasis cheilitis.

Q2. What causes psoriasis on the lips?
Although the exact cause of psoriasis on the lips is unknown, it is believed to be related to an abnormal immune response. Certain medications, stress, and infections can also trigger flare-ups.

Q3. What are the symptoms of psoriasis on the lips?
A3. The major symptoms of psoriasis on the lips include cracking, dryness, discomfort, and bleeding or pain on the lips.

Q4. How is psoriasis on the lips treated?
A4. Treatment of psoriasis on the lips include moisturisers, cortico-steroids, oral medications, and photo therapy. Lip balm can also give temporary relief.

Q5. Is psoriasis on the lips contagious?
No, psoriasis on the lips is not contagious. Since it is a chronic auto-immune disease, it affects the mucous membrane on the lips.

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