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PRP Hair Treatment in India | Plasma Rich Hair treatment at Best Price



PRP therapy has become a popular natural hair restoration option for both men and women suffering from hair loss. Also known as platelet-rich plasma treatment, this advanced therapy utilizes the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair regrowth.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about PRP for hair including how the treatment works, its effectiveness, costs, potential benefits, procedure details, safety, results, limitations, and more. Whether you’re just starting to notice thinning hair or have suffered hair loss for years, PRP may offer new hope.

What is PRP Treatment?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. It is a concentration of platelets isolated from a sample of the patient’s own blood, specifically the plasma portion. Platelets are cells found throughout the bloodstream that play a central role in the healing process for injuries. They contain hundreds of growth factors and proteins that promote tissue regeneration and healing.

During PRP therapy, a small sample of the patient’s blood is drawn, usually from the arm. This sample then goes through a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelets from the plasma. The result is an increased concentration of platelets and their associated growth factors. This platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is then injected back into the patient’s scalp in areas affected by hair loss.

Many experts believe PRP helps stimulate dormant hair follicles and prevent further hair miniaturization and loss. The multitude of growth factors in PRP may provide localized rejuvenation of hair follicles and also improve the micro-environment in the surrounding skin and tissue.

How Does PRP Hair Treatment Work?

The typical PRP hair restoration procedure involves these key steps:

  • Blood is drawn from the patient – usually 10-60mL – and collected into a special tube.
  • This tube goes into a centrifuge, which rapidly spins the blood to separate the platelets from other components.
  • The concentrated platelet-rich plasma is extracted. This is the healing and growth factor-rich PRP.
  • The scalp injection sites are numbed with a local anesthetic to prevent any pain or discomfort.
  • Using very fine needles, the prepared PRP solution is then injected into the scalp where hair thinning or loss is present.
  • Multiple sessions spaced 1-2 months apart are necessary for optimal results.
  • The growth factors and proteins in the injected PRP stimulate follicles and promote new hair growth through regeneration. Increased blood flow may also boost results.
  • Some residual PRP is also applied topically on the scalp for enhanced benefit.

What are the Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment?

Patients choose PRP therapy because it offers several advantages over other hair loss treatments:

  • As an autologous process using your own platelets, there is minimal risk of allergic reaction or rejection.
  • It stimulates natural hair regrowth without surgical procedures. Results may vary but can be significant.
  • It not only halts hair loss progression but also actively promotes new growth.
  • PRP helps thicken existing miniaturized follicles and prevent them dying off.
  • When combined with hair transplants, PRP enhances graft survival and growth.
  • It is suitable for both men and women suffering from pattern baldness or thinning.
  • Multiple sessions have a cumulative effect, boosting efficacy over time.
  • PRP provides overall revitalization and rejuvenation of the scalp skin and environment.

What is the Cost of PRP Hair Treatment in India?

Because PRP therapy is considered a cosmetic treatment, most insurance plans do not cover it. Typical price include:



Price (INR)


Natural Hair Rejuvenation with PRP 6S Solution 53999 20% Off
  3S Solution 26999 20% Off
  1S Solution 12999 20% Off
Hair PRP with Growth Factor 10S Package 105999 20% Off
  6S Package 16999 20% Off
  3S Package 32999 20% Off
  1S Package 16999 20% Off


  • Maintenance sessions every 6-12 months may be needed to sustain benefits long-term.
  • In addition to the procedure cost, there may be fees for the initial consultation, blood draws, and anesthesia.
  • Payment plans are offered by some providers to break up the total costs into more affordable monthly payments.

What is the PRP Hair Treatment Procedure Like?

The steps involved in the PRP therapy process are:

  • It begins with a small blood sample being drawn from the patient's arm, similar to a regular blood test.
  • This blood goes into a centrifuge device for rapid spinning to separate and concentrate the platelets.
  • The doctor numbs injection sites on the scalp by applying a topical anesthetic cream for 30-45 minutes until the area is completely numb.
  • Using very fine needle syringes, the PRP solution is injected into the numbed areas of the scalp affected by hair loss.
  • Several injections are administered to thoroughly cover the thinning areas. No stitches are required.
  • The procedure takes roughly 60-90 minutes. No major downtime is required afterward. Some swelling, redness or tenderness may occur temporarily.
  • Multiple sessions are scheduled, usually with 1-2 months between each, for cumulative benefits. Maintenance may follow.

What are the Side Effects of PRP Therapy?

  • PRP therapy is very safe overall with minimal risks since it uses the patient’s own platelets.
  • Side effects are usually mild and temporary, including:
  • Possible pain, swelling, redness or itching at the injection sites.
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness immediately after blood is drawn.
  • Minor headache and nausea can sometimes occur after treatment.
  • Small risk of infection at injection sites (less than 1%).
  • Temporary pinpoint bleeding from the needle injections.
  • No serious adverse events or allergic reactions are associated with PRP therapy.

What Results Can I Expect from PRP?

PRP therapy works gradually, with results varying based on extent of hair loss, age, hormones, and other factors. In general, the treatment timeline is:

  • 1-3 months: Decreased hair shedding and thickness of existing hair.
  • 3-6 months: Early new hair growth may become visible as tiny vellus hairs.
  • 6-12 months: More noticeable improvements in hair density, coverage, and growth.
  • Ongoing maintenance PRP can help sustain benefits long-term.

Not all patients respond to PRP hair restoration. Discuss your particular case with a specialist. Realistic expectations are important. For some, results are dramatic, for others they are mild. PRP may be more effective for catching hair loss early on compared to restoring already bald areas.


To conclude, PRP therapy offers a promising treatment option for those seeking natural hair restoration without surgery or medications. While not a guaranteed solution, its ability to stimulate new growth combined with its safety profile make PRP worth considering. If you are experiencing hair thinning or loss, consult with a specialist to determine if platelet-rich plasma therapy could be beneficial. Though results take time and multiple sessions, PRP provides hope for rejuvenating your hair naturally.

FAQ About PRP Treatment Cost in India

Q. What is PRP treatment?
A. A therapy using the patient's own blood platelets to stimulate hair growth.

Q. How does PRP work for hair loss?
 A. Growth factors in PRP stimulate follicles and improve scalp conditions.

Q. What are the benefits of PRP hair treatment?
 A. Improved density, slowed hair loss, new regrowth, minimal side effects.

Q. How much does PRP hair treatment cost in India?
 A. ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 15,000 per session, 3-6 sessions typically needed.

Q. Does PRP hair treatment work?
 A. Results vary but many see gradual improvement starting at 3-6 months.

Q. How long does it take to see PRP results?
 A. Decreased shedding at 1-3 months, early regrowth at 3-6 months, noticeable improvement at 6-12 months.

Q. Is PRP treatment for hair loss safe?
 A. Very safe with minimal temporary side effects.

Q. How long do PRP results last?
 A. 1-2 years typically but maintenance is required.

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