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Know All About Laser Hair Removal

If you're not happy with shaving, tweezing, or waxing to remove unwanted hair, laser hair removal* may be an option worth considering.Laser hair removal* treatment is a popular option undertaken to get rid of unwanted hair. Most commonly adopted by those with light skin and darker hair, the basic procedure involves the use of a laser which is a pulse of light, pointed towards the patch of skin where the hair needs to be removed. The intense ray of heat discolours the pigment present in the hair and burns the hair follicle to prevent any further growth from that patch of skin. The laser equipment is usually adjusted according to colour, thickness and location of the hair that is required to be removed as well as the person’s skin colour.


Benefits of Laser Hair Removal*:

Laser is widely appreciated as way of getting rid of unwanted hair because it can target specific tender regions of the body like the underarms, bikini line, face, arms and legs. All these regions are highly sensitive and are susceptible to redness, abrasions and broken skin when hair is removed using traditional methods such as waxing, razors, tweezing, epilators and threading. However, laser treatment can achieve better results without damaging the skin where the procedure is applied. The benefits of laser hair removal* include:
  • • Precision -

    Lasers can selectively target dark, coarse hairs while leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
  • • Speed -

    Each pulse of the laser takes a fraction of a second and can treat many hairs at the same time. The laser can treat an area approximately the size of a quarter every second. Small areas such as the upper lip can be treated in less than a minute, and large areas, such as the back or legs, may take up to an hour.
  • • Predictability -

    Most patients have permanent hair loss after an average of three to seven sessions.


Precautions for Laser Hair Removal* :

Laser hair removal* is a little more complicated than just making unwanted hair vanish. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform as it carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal*, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor or technician performing the procedure.If you are planning on undergoing laser hair removal*, limit activities from your beauty regimen such as plucking, waxing, and electrolysis to a minimum for up to six weeks before treatment. The reason behind this is that the laser targets the root of our hair, which are temporarily removed when waxing or plucking.You should also avoid sun exposure for six weeks before and after treatment. Sun exposure makes laser hair removal* less effective and makes complications after treatment more likely.


Laser Hair Removal* procedure :

The effects of Laser Hair Removal* last longer than most other hair removal methods, which is why they are regarded as a relatively more permanent solution to unwanted hair. The duration of how long the treatment will last varies from person to person. Hair removed using laser techniques can disappear for a period of several months to a couple of years based on factors like skin type, hair type, growth cycle and the region of the body where the hair is removed from.There are three major types of lasers that can be used for hair removal treatment which are characterised by wavelengths or the duration of the pulse.Longer wavelength lasers are less selective for melanin. Thus, longer wavelength lasers avoid melanin absorption by the epidermis but can still target the melanin in the dark, black hairs. These wavelengths penetrate deeper into the dermis and target the bulge of the hair follicle. Thus, not only are the long wavelengths less selective for epidermal melanin, they also penetrate deeper to further reduce the risk of skin damage. A longer pulse of the laser is essential for achieving safe hair removal.The other two major types of lasers are Ablative and Non-Ablative lasers. Ablative lasers have more effect in terms of hair removal in fewer sessions but also have the tendency to leave the epidermal layer of the skin slightly damaged. The effect of ablative lasers lasts longer and also helps repair other skin related damages such as discolouration, large pores, acne scars, etc. Non-Ablative lasers don't break the surface of the skin and is a gentler option as compared to ablative lasers, leaving mostly mild redness and irritation. Most such lasers may require many sessions to achieve the desired end result. Laser treatment for hair removal has the best effect when the treatment is performed on hair in the growth phase. In preparation for the procedure it is advised that tanning and other traditional hair removal methods should not be indulged in as that leaves the skin susceptible to damage since the laser targets the hairs' roots, which are temporarily removed by waxing or plucking. Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided for a period of six weeks around the time of laser treatment as that makes the procedure less effective.


What to expect after the laser hair removal* procedure?

For a day or two afterward, the treated area of your skin will look and feel like it's sunburned. Cool compresses and moisturizers may help. If your face was treated, you can wear makeup the next day unless your skin is blistering. Over the next month, your treated hair will fall out. Wear sunscreen for the following month to help prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin.Blisters are rare but are more likely in people with darker complexions. Other potential side effects are swelling, redness, and scarring. Permanent scarring or changes in skin color are rare.


Is Laser Hair removal* permanent?

Laser Hair Removal* is a treatment that is undertaken by many people across the world as a solution to their problems of unwanted facial or body hair. The process involves the use of a beam of concentrated light, directed towards the hair follicles. The heat generated is used to burn the hair follicles and thus prevent further growth of hair from that area. Further, the light from the laser is used to lighten the color of remaining hair by affecting the pigment called melanin and reducing its intensity. When performed correctly, laser treatment can be considered as being a more permanent hair removal option only in comparison to the traditional methods of removing hair such as waxing, shaving and using epilators. The treatment is visibly most effective for people with darker and thicker hair. In such cases, the laser procedure might take several sittings to ensure that the hair removal has been consistent and precise.Depending upon the choice of laser procedure chosen, the treatment period can vary from 3 sessions to 6 or 8 sessions. However, around 90% of the people who receive the treatment report permanent hair loss only after several treatment sessions. This means that on certain parts of their body they would no longer be needing to shave or wax. These results would only be achieved after several sessions and you won’t be able to get sufficient hair reduction after just 1-2 sessions. This is because the hair would be in different stages of its growth. Essentially, there is no way of treating all of the follicles in one session.Each session of laser treatment helps to achieve a certain level of reduction of the amount of hair, depending on the rate of regrowth and the effectiveness of the treatment. When keeping in mind the rate of hair regrowth, one must also keep in mind the darkness and thickness of the hair that grows back. If a treatment causes your hair to grow much finer and lighter, then this will also be classified as permanent hair reduction.Permanent laser hair removal* is only achieved after years of continuous laser procedure to completely eradicate the hair follicles so that hair can simply not grow from them. Until several years of laser therapy have gone by, one can only achieve permanent hair reduction. When undergoing laser treatment for hair reduction, if all the parameters have been taken into consideration and the treatment is performed at the right stage of hair growth, we can ensure that a top-up session is required only once a year, till achieving complete and permanent hair removal. The conclusion that one can draw is that laser therapy may help you get rid of hair effectively and prevent it from growing back for relatively longer periods of time, but it does require consistency and an expert’s supervision for the best results. In most cases laser hair removal* has not seen returning patients, but it will be fair to say some people have experienced regrowth of hair months after undergoing laser hair removal* process. This also depends on the number of sessions a patient goes through. Most patients experience permanent hair reduction after an average of three to seven sessions of laser hair removal*.

Kaya’s Laser Hair Removal*

The Kaya Hair Free Gentle Touch can help you achieve your desired look using painless and simple laser hair removal* procedures, keeping in mind the Indian skin type which prevents unwanted side-effects.Just before the procedure, your hair that will be undergoing treatment will be trimmed to a few millimeters above the skin surface. The laser equipment will be adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of your hair being treated as well as your skin color.Depending on the laser or light source used, you and the technician would be required to wear appropriate eye protection. It will also be necessary to protect the outer layers of your skin with a cold gel or special cooling device. This will help the laser light penetrate the skin.Next, the technician will give a pulse of light to the treatment area and watch the area for several minutes to make sure the best settings were used and to check for bad reactions.When the procedure is completed, you may be given ice packs, anti-inflammatory creams or lotions, or cold water to ease any discomfort. You may schedule your next treatment four to six weeks later. You'll get treatments until hair stops growing.Kaya offers services supervised by dermatologists who customize the laser service to suit your skin and hair type.
Know about laser hair removal* treatment at kaya for better results. Also Learn about facial hair removal and body hair removal for men and women can prove to be hectic task.
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