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Facial Hair Removal For Men And Women

Facial Hair Removal For Men And Women

Table Of Content

  • Overview
  • Home Remedies for Facial Hair Removal
  • Facial Hair Removal Techniques
  • ND:YAG Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya
  • Is Laser Hair Reduction a Permanent Solution for Facial Hair Reduction?
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions About Facial Hair Removal 


Task of facial hair reduction can be challenging for both men & women. There are both short term & quicker solution such as facial hair removal home remedies & other artificial methods (Waxing, threading, tweezing, shaving etc) as well as long term and permanent facial hair removal solution such as Laser Hair Reduction.

Women find themselves less than proud of the presence of unwanted facial hair. The endless forage on the internet to find the right remedy is a familiar affair for many. The amassed information from the internet suggests various methods ranging from home remedies to Laser Hair Reduction* for successful results.

Home Remedies for Facial Hair Removal

For temporary results to curb the embarrassment over unwanted facial hair, home remedies are the best suggested. There are plenty easy-to-do home remedies for facial hair removal. These remedies can be followed using Requirements easily found in one’s pantry. These remedies guarantee satisfactory results, and are safe on your skin. Read on below to find out more about these home remedies:

Sugar Lemon Mix

Sugar and Lemon Mix for Facial Hair

This mixture acts as a natural bleach and helps to exfoliate your skin naturally. The lemon juice will help to lighten the colour of your facial hair and with the combination of the Requirements it will help to remove facial hair effectively.


  • 2 Tbsp. of sugar
  • 10 Tbsp. of water
  • 2 Tbsp. of lemon juice


  • Mix 10 tbsp. of water and 2 tbsp. of sugar in a small bowl.
  • Once the sugar solution is prepared, mix the lemon juice as well.
  • Apply this mixture on to your face in the opposite direction of the hair growth.
  • Allow the mixture to rest for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Wash the mixture off after 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this process twice a week for best results.

Egg Mask

Egg Mask, Corn Flour & Sugar for Facial Hair

The white of the egg is a sticky substance. When it dries up, it can help to pull out the unwanted facial hair.


  • ½ Tbsp. of corn flour
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tbsp. of sugar


  • Break 1 egg and separate the white.
  • Add ½ tbsp. of corn flour and 1 tbsp. of sugar to the egg white.
  • Mix the Requirements thoroughly till it forms a smooth paste.
  • Apply the mixture to your face and let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Once the mask dries, peel it off firmly to pull out the hair.
  • Repeat this process 2 – 3 times a week for best results.

Lentil Face Pack

Lentil Facepack for Facial Hair

This face pack acts as an excellent facial scrub to remove any unwanted hair. It also makes the skin clean, smooth and soft.

Requirements :

  • ½ Cup of lentils
  • Honey
  • Milk

Procedure :

  • Grind ½ a cup of red lentils and sieve to make the powder fine.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. of red lentil powder with honey and milk.
  • Mix till the Requirements form a smooth paste.
  • Allow the mixture to rest for 15 – 20 minutes in an air tight container.
  • Apply the mixture to your face and let it sit for 20 – 25 minutes.
  • Once the mixture dries, gently scrub your face and wash it off.
  • Repeat this process 3 – 4 weeks for the best results. If you have dry skin, use this mixture only once every week.

Green Gram Flour & Rosewater Paste

Gram and Rose Water Paste for Facial Hair

Due to its exfoliating properties, green gram flour is an excellent ingredient for the removal of facial hair. The addition of rose water will help to clean your skin as it is a cleansing agent. This remedy can be used for all types of skin.

Requirements :

  • 2 Tbsp. of green gram flour
  • 1 – 2 Tbsp. of rose water
  • 1 Tbsp. of lemon juice

Procedure :

  • Mix rose water and green gram flour in a bowl thoroughly.
  • Add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to this mixture.
  • Apply the paste to the required area.
  • Allow the mixture to sit for 20 – 25 minutes.
  • Once it is completely dry, wash it off with water and pat dry.
  • For best results, repeat this process 3 – 4 times a week

Banana and Oatmeal Scrub

Banana and Oatmeal Scub for Facial Hair

In addition to a roughening ingredient such as oatmeal, which can be used for exfoliating, banana is an excellent ingredient to naturally remove facial hair. Banana can be used to keep your skin smooth and supple while oatmeal can be used as a facial cleanser.

Requirements :

  • 1 Banana
  • 2 Tbsp. of Oatmeal

Procedure :

  • Take a banana and mast until it forms a smooth paste.
  • Add one or two spoons of oatmeal to the banana paste and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply a generous amount of the paste on the required area.
  • Leave the paste on for 15 – 20 minutes till it dries.
  • Wash it off with water and remove the paste completely.
  • Repeat this process twice a week to remove unwanted facial hair .

Facial Hair Removal Techniques

1. Facial Hair Waxing

Waxing for Facial Hair removal

Application:is the removal of hair using hot wax.

Affect:It can cause swelling, redness and sometimes even bleeding. There are instances of people being allergic to certain wax ingredient which can lead to adverse skin conditions.

Area:Cheeks, nose, chin, side-locks, upper lips and the forehead can be waxed.

2. Threading

Threading for Facial Hair Removal

Application: It cuts facial hair with a thread.

Affect: It can be more painful than waxing but not as bad as tweezing.

Area: It is used to shape eye brows and upper lip hair removal.

3. Tweezing

How to Get Rid of Upper Lip Hair Naturally

Application: It involves plucking of facial hair with a pair of tweezers.

Affect: Besides being unable to get perfectly shaped eyebrows, with tweezing, the pain is sometimes unbearable and you can even have broken skin with faulty pulling of the hair.

Area: It is also used to shape eyebrows, and remove hair on the forehead, upper lip and nose.

4. Shaving or Razing Facial hair

Shaving for Facial Hair RemovalApplication: Razor shaving can be done even at home and is cheaper as you don’t have to pay for any service.

Affect: However, constant shaving can leave you with thicker, darker and coarser hair and also in-growth hair.

Area: You can shave most facial areas with hair even the eyebrows with a special eyebrow razor.

5. Bleaching Facial Hair

Bleach for facial hair

Home remedies work best for those who have sensitive skin and are apprehensive about trying other remedies. But for those of you who are brave to try other avenues for facial hair treatment, they can avail laser hair treatment for facial hair removal.

Application: It is using chemicals to lighten facial hair and hair on other parts of the body.

Affect: Skin allergies, irritation, swelling, watery eyes, permanent discoloration are the few disadvantages of bleaching.

Area: Bleach can be applied on the entire face but precaution has to be taken to not get bleach on the eyebrows.

6. Laser Facial Hair Removal

Lazer facial hair removal

Application: Laser hair reduction* is a popular method many women resort to in countries abroad. This laser treatment for hair removal uses highly concentrated beams with precision to target coarse and dark hair and destroy the follicles from the root.

Affect: The laser treatment is able to selectively target and destroy the hair follicles without damaging the skin in the surrounding area. Not only is the laser treatment able to precisely target the unwanted hair follicles, it is able to destroy them at considerable speed as well.

Area: If you have dark and coarse hair on your chin, upper lip etc. this method is very effective. While large areas such as your back or your legs take an hour to treat, smaller areas such as your upper lip, nose, forehead, ear lobes, side locks and chin will take about only a minute.

ND:YAG Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya

The skin absorbs light which is converted in heat, which then produces the laser effect. Of the different kinds of laser treatment available, ND: YAG Laser Hair Reduction* is best for you as it works on all kind of skin, including Asian skin.

ND: YAG Laser Hair Reduction* systems are solid state lasers. They work within the infrared area of the light spectrum which is at a wavelength of 1064nm. Other than this wavelength, they are also capable of working with double the frequency. This system is said to be effective for all skin tones, including Asian skin. The ND: YAG system uses carbon as the chromophore due to its safe and strong absorptive skills. During the treatment a carbon lotion is applied, which penetrates the hair follicles. Due to this the laser will target the hair follicle during treatment.

Advantages of ND:YAG Laser Hair Reduction:

  • This system works on all types of skin, including dark and Asian skin.
  • Large areas of skin can be treated effectively.
  • Large areas of skin can be treated effectively.

If you are bothered by unwanted hair on your face and are frustrated with constantly tweezing and shaving facial hair, try Kaya Hairfree Gentle Touch™ -with remarkable results! At Kaya, we use US FDA approved Nd-YAG Laser Technology that's highly safe for Indian skin. It's a quick 30 minutes service and you may return to work or play immediately. Moreover, the laser hair reduction service at Kaya Skin Clinic not only removes hair above the skin, but below the skin as well. As a result, the dark hairs beneath the skin's surface, (sometimes known as the five o' clock shadow) is no more and your face is hair-free. Kaya Hair free Gentle Touch™ can treat any area of the face, upper lip, chin, neck, sidelocks and more. Popular Areas for Face Laser (Women):Upper lip, Chin, Neck, Sidelocks Popular Areas for Face Laser (Men): Earlobes

Is Laser Hair Reduction a Permanent Solution for Facial Hair Reduction?

For many women, methods such as shaving, tweezing, bleaching, threading, waxing etc. of facial hair can be a tedious process and sometimes results in side effects. In such cases Laser hair reduction* is an option that is worth considering. With the advancement in technology, Laser Hair Reduction is fast becoming an option for women who want to get rid of undesirable facial hair. Due its effectiveness, Laser Hair Reduction is a forerunner in providing long-term solutions for removal of target hair and in the permanent overall reduction of unwanted hair.

Compared to the primitive methods of hair removal, Laser Hair Reduction* treatment is more precise and easy. Shaving, tweezing, waxing etc. are time consuming and painful remedies, and Laser Hair Reduction* can eliminate these and provide satisfying results. An average Laser Hair Reduction* treatment requires 2 – 3 sessions. These sessions can be spaced out over a couple of months. Since the treatment doesn’t require any healing or downtime, you can immediately get back to your day to day activities.

An approximate of 85% individuals have reported success after the treatment including notable reduction in unwanted facial hair. Some patients may have to return once or twice in a year to sustain the initial results of the laser treatment. The only concern to be noted is over exposure to sun rays immediately after the treatment since the skin is most sensitive after this. The concern can be immediately dealt with by making sure to use sunscreen before heading out.

Know more about various body hair removal for men and underarm hair removal options available at kaya.


In conclusion, the task of facial hair reduction can be challenging, but there are various options available, ranging from home remedies to professional treatments like Laser Hair Reduction. While home remedies offer temporary relief, Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya Skin Clinic provides a long-term solution for unwanted facial hair. With advanced technology and expert care, Kaya's Hairfree Gentle Touch™ laser treatment ensures safe, precise, and effective results. Say goodbye to tedious hair removal methods and embrace the convenience and confidence that comes with smooth, hair-free skin. Trust Kaya for personalized solutions and a smoother, more confident you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Facial Hair Removal 

Q1. Are home remedies effective for facial hair removal?
A1. Home remedies like sugar lemon mix, egg mask, lentil face pack, etc., can offer temporary relief from unwanted facial hair. However, results may vary, and consistency is key to seeing noticeable improvements.

Q2. What are the common side effects of facial hair removal techniques like waxing and threading?
A2. Common side effects of waxing and threading include redness, swelling, and occasional ingrown hairs. It's essential to follow proper aftercare instructions to minimize these effects.

Q3. How does Laser Hair Reduction work for facial hair reduction, and is it safe?
A3. Laser hair reduction targets hair follicles with concentrated beams of light, destroying them from the root. It's a safe and effective method for long-term hair reduction, especially when performed by trained professionals at Kaya Skin Clinic.

Q4. Is Laser Hair Reduction a permanent solution for facial hair reduction?
A4. While Laser Hair Reduction offers long-term results, it may require multiple sessions to achieve optimal reduction. Results vary among individuals, but many report significant reduction in unwanted facial hair after treatment.

Q5. What areas of the face can be treated with Laser Hair Reduction at Kaya Skin Clinic?
A5. Kaya Hairfree Gentle Touch™ laser treatment can target areas such as the upper lip, chin, neck, sidelocks, and more. Our US FDA-approved Nd-YAG Laser Technology ensures safe and effective treatment for all skin types.






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