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Dear Mom, I Am Beautifully Yours!

Dear Mom, I Am Beautifully Yours!

Dear Mothers, 

We write this letter to you today as we celebrate an extremely special occasion. 

Today marks one day out of 365 where we get the golden opportunity to celebrate, appreciate and honour you, so we’ve decided to make the most of it, because at the end of the day, no amount of words would do justice in describing your worth! 

And the reason we’re saying this to you today is because the rest of the days you’re busy looking after others. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes, running errands and multitasking, you seem to make everybody's life perfect around you… but what about you?


Maybe you didn't realise it, but we were watching you the entire time you were watching us. We witnessed you give up on your dreams, happiness, sleep, me-time, and even a spot in the family photo just to capture us with a big wide smile!


So today we’ve decided to be honest with you and tell you a few things we hate about you -


  • We hate the way you keep yourself from crying! Today, we want you to promise us that you would treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you show everyone else.


  • We hate that you don't let yourself get a good night’s rest. Isn’t your health and well-being as important as your families?


  • We hate that you never take a break and constantly push yourself harder to complete your daily to-do list. It’s perfectly okay if you miss out on the laundry or skip a day of your daily house chores, don’t you deserve some rest too?


  • We hate how you hide your ambitions and goals. You raised us with the belief that we could conquer the world with our talents; why should the same not apply to you? Maybe we can even make a plan to execute them too?


  • We hate how you stop yourself from having any fun. It’s time for you to dance to your favourite tune, rather it’s time to make some new moves too!


  • We hate that you never spare time for yourself, when you can remove time for everything else, why not some quality “me- time” for yourself? 


  • We hate how you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong. Were you aware that we brag about how flawless you are, how well you've raised us and how we take pride in calling ourselves, beautifully yours?


And to give you back the “me-time” you deserve, not just on the occasion of Mother’s Day, but every day. Kaya is here with a special team of 100+ expert dermatologists and skin care specialists that curate treatments from over 60+ luxury skin care products, having 18 years of understanding Indian skin unlike any other. 


So today when you look in the mirror, we hope you see that wonder woman hidden. The one who has inspired and changed the lives of people around her. The one who has shown us what it really means to be selfless. She’s protected, loved and cherished in the way only a mother can.


You are the light that leads us out of the darkness. You are the love that fills our hearts and motivates us to keep going. You inspire us, astound us and uplift us. You are the beauty the world requires, and today we take pride in saying that we are beautiful yours!





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